Making a 2D MMORPG

>Making a 2D MMORPG
Need testers, anybody interested?
Posting client dl link and dev stream link if enough interest.
Also answering all questions

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Allow me to introduce you to Ted the Head. He is a sculpture modeled after my own head, and was one of my most challenging builds. I originally intended the head to be all yellow, but I ran out of yellow bricks. So I decided to make hair from black bricks! But then I ran out of those. Then I tried to make a hat with blue bricks, but ran out after the shade on the hat was made. After that I finally finished the hat with white bricks, and I also added a nice T decal on it. Hence the name, Ted the Head. His chin was a lot of trouble also. How do I make it the right size, but make it look like an actual human chin? It took me about two days to finish this model. A lot of people may think that is very short, but I did work long hours in order to get it done.

is this a new forced meme

good luck

rpg maker shit fam kys

What is it about op, main objective ? Classes, different race's

I too enjoyed graal once upon a 99'

>Main objective
level up and become stronger
no classes, all equipment/abilities are bound to stat requirements rather than class restricted.
Done: Human, Fen(wolf-person)
Planned: Elf, Orc, Magical

holy fuck, graal is that old?

Any old Dransik/Ashen Empires fags here?


I'll post if more people are interested, don't want to be a shill

Unfortunately I am a part of the RuneScape generation, sorry user

What game is this?

do you need music by any chance?

What makes your game different than the hundreds of other rpg flat 2d games?

It borrows elements from my favorite games as well as includes my own ideas.

Yes, can you make MIDI arrangements?

do you need music by any chance?

Yes, see

sorry, I'm on mobile and my phone ks being fucky.

email [email protected]
I can certainly do midi arrangements and send samples

This might sound weird, but in your game, do you have any multiple choice scenarios in which the choice makes no difference, or even have a choice that you can't choose? That shit annoys me the most

98' was the first launch.

A 2D MMORPG with pixel graphics, haven't played that a billion times

Do you have skype/discord/fb?
I don't really use e-mail to communicate with people other than my professors

The only one so far is a comical one where if you're inside of an NPC house when night sets, you get the option to either leave kindly or stay. If you stay, you just get kicked out instead. So yeah.

It's all over discord.

I could join a discord.
I don't really use skype or FB.

Here's the discord channel for the game:

Can you kill NPCs? You could make it so that if you stay, they start fighting you

The current engine uses two different types of NPC objects for conversable NPCs and attackable mobs, and since I don't have the source code yet, (i get it in april), I can't make a change like that yet :^(

Dl link:
replace () with a dot.

stream link:
replace () with a dot.

Someone upload a virustotal scan of the zip file too please.

You could have it so if you choose stay, the Conversable NPCs get removed and it spawns in attackable NPCs that look the same

Is that possible?

cool im in

Interesting, I would check this out if I had time.

Possible if the map only had one player on it, but it would show one new NPC spawning for each player in the map, thus making the NPC naruto.

Huh, you mean if there are 10 players, it will spawn 10 attackable NPCs? Why does it do that?

No, It prompts all players in the map to leave at midnight, and if 10 players press [Stay], It will spawn one NPC for each player, that they will have to defeat. Spawning mobs via event NPCs are instanced, so it does one for each player. Like I said, I can't change this right now.

What about something like this

var i = 1
if choice == stay(
if i == 1(
i = 0

And does this prompt get sent to every player, or just those that are in the house?