Are you team Pewds?

Are you team Pewds?

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is that the guy that makes happy wheels videos?

yes and meinkraft


>Subscribing to the "us or them" school of thought unironically which is responsible for all perils of man

I actually hope you die OP. The world is bad because of people like you. Why don't you all just die off? Please? Not joking.

It's all over discord.

fuck him, he deserves everything happening to him.

Tru, altho u cant deny he's right about the media.

i'd say this covers the case

go pewdiepie, that dude rocks

because of a pic of someone, who doesnt even look like him?


There are consequences for doctors who poison their patients. Lying journalists should face some consequences too.

Could not agree more. But who will deliver justice?

>He got Popular making Happy wheels shit reaction videos.
>He got called a fake ass bitch
>years pass
>he "comes out" and admits having been depressed and pretended during happy wheels times. says he wasn't even that much into vidya
>Is called brave for standing up for talking about something unpopular
Hes just a fake ass bitch with a shitty humor. Hes not even a real gamer

We were 100% accurate when we hated him from day 1

Don't know, just went to check him out after hearing he's gone Nazi, can anyone confirm if he's done being a sperge lord?

yeah and the guy who paid 2 poo in loos to write
''death do jews'' in a paper roll


Yeah im team pewds. The way he fucks with the media and doesnt give a shit anymore because hes got stacks is so fucking entertaining.


It wasn't really surprising that Disney would drop him because he made a slightly "offensive" joke. But at the end of the day he still ends up with million dollar

idk whats more annoying... regular media reporting about these social media faggots or you Sup Forums poluting kids discussing their drama.

if you are on any social media and/or care about shit like this you don't belong here.

Don't try to pretend he's not an antisemite just because he had hung with h3 a few times. He's a real piece of shit. H3 is a traitor to his people and I hope they all get defunded and took out. God bless Disney.

t. disney

fuck off, stop polluting Sup Forums with shit

that's not what happened
ur fake news

t jews

Yea, middle ground in a shouting match between "old media" and a guy from Sweden.

Do you not understand the question or are you just flaunting your superior intellimagence, oh salty edgelord?

fuck off

you speak up for this, but 100 trap/wwyd/cuck/pics you shouldn't share/celeb/drawthread/miscellaneous gay twink circlejerk threads a day go totally unnoticed?

>Shilling your own videos

Which side are you on?

oh hey pewds didnt know you used Sup Forums


I am team pewds because I used to be like him back when I was his age. I didn't really mean to offend back then, it was all black humor, just for the lolz. Now I understand that such a thing can upset a bunch of people, so I avoid doing it. One day he will learn, and then the world will see he is not a bad guy at all. Because I am not, and never was.

Just what I think.

I like this man. No homo.
Unless money.

first time watching yes
second time not that much anymore
third time still yes
iterate last.

No. He jokes around and all, which is fine, but now that people got offended and he lost some money, he's apologizing for being himself. He said he doesn't care about the money, yet he's basically begging Disney to sponsor him again. He comes across really fake to me.