ITT:we work in an office without ted from hr

ITT:we work in an office without ted from hr

I fucking hate ted

Fucking ted, HR only exists so I can't use the phrase "hey boy!" when I need a lightbulb replaced.

Hey Mike, do you want to grab a drink before work?

I fucked Ted.

*filing paperwork...
......while drunk off my ass*

i have pity for you

sean, why are filing papers on the top of the fridge?

Carol, if you're looking for a promotion, meet me in the maintenance closet in 5 minutes with your best al gore impression.


Wooooooh warehouse guys here!
All y'all office chumps stink!

Hey, our work is hard too. No need to be a dick, Steven

Hey, who took my dildo.

knowing him, probably ted from hr

Do you think ted isnt here because hes getting ready to meet carly later? He pushes the whole "no dating coworkers" thing but everyone knows he hits on everyone because he has "power" in HR

Who took a shit in the fax machine? Seriously guys, it's the 3rd time this week. It's not funny

Carol! Carol! You know what I find when I open the god damn door to talk to Carol in HR?

hi I'm here to fix the toilet

Alright boys and... Carol. We've had a tough break this month since Ted left yesterday. But I need those papers in by tomorrow. No more putting dick pictures in your reports either.

Ohfugme i thought thiswas the copermachine.

Hey I'm gonna need to take 3 weeks off for my gender reassignment surgery. I'll also need to play whale noises and blog on my tumblr most of the day

Oh Ted, that bastard. I swear to fuck I'm going to skin him alive for this.

Oh good, right this way sir. It's pretty broke.

I don't know, I saw some shit trail coming from the other side of the office, in Ted'c cubicle. Might wanna check there.