Hey Sup Forums I'd like to ask what are your biggest pet peeves?

Hey Sup Forums I'd like to ask what are your biggest pet peeves?



People who chew loudly.
People who abbreviate words.
People who like something until it's popular, then hates it.
Just people in general really.


1. People that wake me up at any time for any reason.

2. My dad.

3. Sticky things.

people who say inside jokes without knowing any of the context of said joke


So when you wake up while your dad is raping you and your cunt is all sticky, it must really turn your crank, eh?

hue. that would be simply awful.

Current Pie Chart

being tortured

>Ghetto people
>loud people in quiet places
>Quiet people in loud places

>bad smelling people

>not pushing chairs in

>waiting at the green light for longer than 5 seconds
>slow acceleration in vehicles >tailgater's
>people who launch fast but drive slow
>slow drivers in the far left lanes >people who can't pull into or out of parking spots
>people who brake before they need to
>motorcycle guys not lanesplitting

>not closing doors all the way
>playing music out loud when no one else wants to hear it

>talking too much
>talking too fast

>people who fail to enlighten themselves on basic subjects they should know (their car, home, electronics, etc)
>people who go along with everything but you know they don't know what they're talking about

>bicyclists not riding closer to the sidewalk or in the bike lane
>bicyclists riding on the sidewalk

>kids talking about how lambo, gtr, and BMW are the best

>not knowing how to operate a gun you own
>guys who buy out all the .22 ammo the same day it gets restocked

>not rinsing dishes before putting them into the sink
>not picking up stuff you dropped, litterbugs

>people who ask for WiFi

>people that say "oh yeah I've (seen, watched, heard, played, etc) before" but then for "some reason" can't remember anything about it

>people who breathe on you

>people that spell culoure "color, or colour"

>people who rub against you and they know they're rubbing against you but fail to do anything to stop it



Can I round this down to Niggers and People?

anyone who thinks traps arn't gay

Those faggots that have their phone on speaker and carry on their conversation like we want to hear the warbled shrieks of your ghetto family on the other end.

Niggers aren't on it but sure

Forgot to put this on my list, happened at my local library yesterday

-Improper English
-"niggers" not all blacks tho, white niggers exist

Are you me?


Do you have road rage?


You sound like a well-adjusted member of society. Fun at parties, too.

I keep porcelain pieces in my truck with me just for people who cut me off.


Dumb cunts who start threads like this

Yeah I actually do have aspergers

well what do you call them then?

top kek

Don't go to parties, I have aspergers.
I'm a pretty high functioning autist however.

people that are this fucking anal

niggers, overly flamboyant fags, myself

same dude

People who don't dry off before getting out of the shower and leave a disgusting collection of puddles for the next person who enters

Islamophobe user here.
Chalk another up for bad grammar, people who say traps aren't gay, and niggers.