So I'm a ftm tranny and recently I've been thinking about making YouTube videos about Tumblrinas and SJWtards and how wrong they are. Basically ftm Blaire white. Do you think anyone would watch that?
Also ask a pre-everything Trans boy anything thread I guess.
Christian Wright
do whatever you wanna do b
but i'm only interested in what the picture is referring to. what does doing that help with?
Daniel Martinez
Why did you decide to transition? Is it something you've felt your entire life? How do you feel about the term "trans-trending"?"
Christopher Jenkins
can I have sex with your reverse pussy?
John Phillips
Dooooo eeeeet.
Are you into chicks or dudes?
Sebastian Collins
It's a ftm penis and how to get erections with it
Jaxson Martinez
I'm getting confused with all these terms so, do you have a dick or not?
Parker Wood
post pics of your clitpenis
Luis Wright
Well I haven't technically transitioned yet, I'm pre-everything. As a child, I knew there was something different about me but I couldn't tell what it is. I started calling myself a boy when puberty hit. I can't stand transtrenders like milo stewart. I want to bash their head in.
Thomas Reed
Can I have really rough sex with your asshole, while you're dressed up as a guy with jeans, a shirt, short hair etc, and call you really degrading names like faggot and queer etc?