Ask a sociopathic gay and cock worshipper anything

Ask a sociopathic gay and cock worshipper anything.

> NO fucking white males

This is the face of a tortured soul after years of christian brainwashing.

I have now awoken from the false reality instilled by the Christian bible and found the truth in faggotry.

Jesus, bro. I awoke too and became an Asatruar. But Jesus fuck I didn't go apeshit like you.

i will not ask but demand you respect my blade and understand i slay so much puss i must slaughter your gay ass cause im a homo phobe and hate gays

Is your manager at Hot Topic cool with you being a registered sex offender, or no?

Do you prefer poptarts or toaster strudel?

clean up your skin a bit and get rid of the eye liner, then we'll talk

i will not be ignored homocusfaggicus

Does your prolapsed anus follow you around like an elephants trunk because of all the street pylon videos or do you use a belt or chip clip or something to hang it from the hip?

Bonus question: does it pick up gum wrappers and cigarette butts when you're waiting for the bus to show up?

Do you eat ass?

Holy hell satan thanks for the wicked visiual