Thoughts on Fantano's Review for DAMN.?

What'd you guys think of Fantano's review on the new Kendrick album?

There's already like two threads about the review of this fucking album let alone the several threads just about the fucking album. please fuck off

Same as the album.
Didn't listen.

Pretty sure he did it just to distance himself from the pack, like when MBDTF got perfect scores across the board and he comes out and says it's a 6. Controversial review? Fuck this guy! I'm gonna watch it! You don't get to a million subs without knowing what you're doing.

Its actually a decent to a strong 8, but fantano didnt really line up with the mess in kendricks mind which resulted in painting quite a few impressive paintings (yes, paintings, kenny didnt want to resolve anything or stuff like that, idk what was melon expecting from this album lol), aside for a few lackluster songs (i agree with him on this one where he names god and love, although i would switch love with/add loyalty to the mix. the fucking ringtone rap verse is D. A. T. E. D. as fuck).
Otherwise pretty much agree with the guy, if it werent for the shit tracks, itd probably be a light to decent 9 for me

>tfw didn't listen to the album and don't give a shit about fantano

this guy gets it


That was unexpected from Fantano.

>shits on the album because Kendrick believes in God

Good review, once he started shitting on the albums cohesiveness at the end I was thinking he'd give it a 7-light 8

but fuck that melonhead for misusing the yellow flannel

listening to DAMN. is literally like rewatching every scene in Do the Right Thang that takes place in the pizza shop

Reposting from other thread

I don't agree with a lot of his review. He said it wasn't interesting sonically, had a loose concept that wasn't adhered to, and basically said LOYALTY, LOVE and GOD sucked.

I think it is Kendricks best album sonically. TPAB was ambitious with it's jazz, but it was also challenging at times. DAMN flows well and is the most replayable of his albums as far as the music itself.

DAMN has a looser concept, but all the songs adhere to it. LOYALTY feels like a random Rihanna pop song at face value, but after FEEL in which he is rejecting everything and everyone out of frustration, LOYALTY is him reminding/asking himself what he is loyal to and why. He isn't talking about loyalty to Rihanna. LUST is about physical and material distractions from the world around you, and that's why LOVE fits in directly after. At face value, it seems like a random slow-dance love song, but after LUST, it is him realizing what matters in the fast moving world around him, which is his significant other. The entire album is a look into Kendricks distraught mind and finding meaning/silver linings in depression and God.

I get not liking those songs, which is fine, But saying they don't belong is just wrong. If Melon feels like it's a 7 just based on the music itself, thsts fine too, but he's basing that on criteria that he says it doesn't meet, even though it does. He spent all week saying he would touch on things no other review did, but put out a review less insightful than the AV Club's. Based on his own criteria, he should rate it an 8. I think its a 9.

Ultimately though who cares. Just listen or don't.

>in charge of listening comprehension
No wonder you people cherry-pick the Bible so much.


anthony why are you posting here

on point my nicca. I hadn't thought about LOYALTY like that. the album does make a lot of sense in its own incoherent/chaotic world—more than the melon gives him credit for. DAMN to me is a decent 8

Ding ding ding! We have a winner!

oh yeah I watched the youtube vid and disagree with this guy rating about this hip hop album, totally

>Ultimately though who cares. Just listen or don't.
The person who write lengthy reviews of reviews and then reposts them for the (you)s

>he gave Damn and Lil Boat the same score

How butthurt are redditors right now

Nothing wrong with discussion. I think he's just saying that fandingo's review score shouldn't take any kind of priority over your own thoughts and opinion.

>The mentality of a kendrick dickrider

I don't care if people don't listen, or don't like it. I just care if you spend all week hyping up a review and end up putting less thought into the album than the AV Club or some loser on Sup Forums (me). He put thought into his TPAB review like he was preparing for a thesis paper, but for this one he takes everything at face value, because muh Deuteronomy hurt his SJW feelings

told you niggas it was a 7.

who are you


that guy that said he was gonna give it a seven.
Though he didnt like DNA that much which was pretty surprising because he always goes for the shitty trap,


I'd say he completely missed the mark, he was expecting a completely different type of album, he graded it more compared with how other kendrick projects are, then how good it is in it's own right.

it looks like kendrick made the album cover hoping fantano wouldn't review it cause it would look a weird italian monkey torturing a poor black man

>fantano makes 22 minute vid

it gets a light to decent 5

>then how good it is in it's own right.
Which is none?
This had BY FAR the most skippable/non-essential tracks to date.
S80 had no make up.
GKMC had County building blues & swimming pools.

You can take out over half the album for damn.

kendrick stans are embarrassing.

He gave the correct rating.

>county building blues
that's a bonus track
>swimming pools
but I like that song

which tracks are skippable on damn? let me guess yours:

Lil Boat got a higher score

god(feat. AHHA)


Even though i liked love

got damn man, this is why we say music is subjective. lust and yah are some of my favorite songs on the album and you just threw them out with majority of the track listing.

Thoughts on this thread about fantano's review for DAMN.??

Kendrick albums up until now have been parts of a whole with the occasional,obligatory single.

I have no problem with raw or experimenting. But this album is just pure trash, and fantano was right in saying he should have worked on this much longer. Whatever message or point he had in making this was surely lost in execution. But sure just rationalize your idols wrongdoing away with

>its just music man :^)


He's so dick hard for Kendrick he rated a 4/10 album a 7/10.

Quote me on this: years down the line, we realize this album was just Kendrick's shitty attempt at being Drake.

ok. i still like it. it's def not his best work but I enjoy it.

Score was too high, should've gotten a light 5 at best

Kendrick is shit

messages aside this is still sonically a great album. it's hilarious how much people put rap albums on a pedestal for needing messages in lyrics while other genres they'll just enjoy the grooves and vibrations

>Based on his own criteria, he should rate it an 8
>His subjective numerical appraisal should be objectively higher

>still sonically
its not, stop using buzzwords you dont understand.

>when an album is good
>see told you hip-art is art

>when the album is bad
>who cares, rap isnt meant to be deep anyway lol

This is why hip-hop will always be a joke.

Your opinions are not fact, user.

And your subjective dismissals for a lack of a real argument is just the same.

heres a (you)

You aren't arguing anything though. Not much to say back when all you're doing is refuting like this
>i enjoy this album
>why? this album is trash
>i think this album sounds good
>why? this album sounds bad

Then how do you explain DNA, FEEL, FEAR, PRIDE, XXX?

I agree half the album is a shitty attempt at pop, but the other half is good ol' kendrick destroying bars so he hasn't sunk to drake level yet.

>People honestly enjoyed GKMC
I'm sick of skitfags. Just because it has skits doesn't make it good.


Stop advertising, faggot

Ive already said why its bad.
Do you want a dissertation?

he's right, though. there's no way Damn is worse than Untitled Unmastered

GKC isnt good because it has skits, its good because its one of the most focused albums that deliver a story with consistently good rapping and beats without hitting you over the head with subject matter like TPAB

I don't because I don't care about your opinion and I don't care to discuss the album with you. I've been writing paragraphs of analysis on this board all weekend. I'm just gonna enjoy the music for a bit now.

also for clarity, I'm not the original user you were responding to.

Sure buddy. When you return to remember to take your retarded opinions with you.

then why is GKMC bad.
hard mode: no buzzwords

no it didn't, it got a 7

>he's a cavs fan

>blacks, hispanics, and Native Americans are the true children of Israel
>God is punishing them for worshipping heathen gods

What did Kendrick mean by this?

>dude im a jew now, any criticism are just mean anti-semites

1. Story is lackluster.
2. Beats are mediocre, think DAMN except less inspired.
3. Kendrick doesn't even know what message he wants to convey about his experience as a whole, he only does this later on TPAB.
4. Bloated with unnecessary skits that don't even move the "story" forward or give interesting context to any of the songs.
>sit down
>head shot

LeJesus, lord and savior of basketball.

You can hate the album but that is literally unarguably true.

>think DAMN except less inspired.
uwot, they could not be any different.
>. Kendrick doesn't even know what message he wants to convey about his experience as a whole,
its literally just his accounts of doing hood shit before finding religion

And yes swimming pools is his normie track.

It's interesting how there's no clear consensus on what the worst track is even though it seems everyone's in clear agreement that the quality dips.

I really liked Love and I didn't hate God that much (even though I thought it was a little weak). I can't stand Pride and I thought Rihanna was the most redeeming part about Loyalty. I think there are only a couple tracks that I'll end up skipping in the long run: Pride, Loyalty and God. Strip those out and I feel the remaining songs are some of Kendrick's best.

I think he was going for an album that didn't necessarily take you on this huge, tiring journey of realisation and understanding but a by-product of that approach are some filler tracks that don't even stand amongst the worst of his last two albums.

also if you really want to get into quality we can do that

>Sup Forums - Reviews of Music Reviews

When are we releasing Post-Meta Critic™?

22 minutes of him talking but not saying anything. He didn't touch on anything important, focused on a couple songs and barely spoke on/rushed through the rest of the tracklist. This was probably his shittiest review yet, and I'm not saying that because of the score he gave.

I'm just glad Cal is back

I agree with him. I really like Kendrick and was honestly dissapointed with how commercial he went. You could've taken Kendrick of the album and put on drake or any other commercial rapper and you wouldn't have been able to tell a difference. Like honestly some of the tracks like LOVE were just overproduced garbage that scream "we want the radio audience".

Love wasnt over-produced, it was just a drake song, which is why its so jarring for some.

This. Its like they always say, ironic shitposting is still shitposting.

Ironically acting like your some more religious, existential, J-Cole is still acting like some more religious, existential, J-Cole. J-Cole puts me into the night night zone. GOD really put it in perspective for me.

The album also suffers from severe ambiguitis, which, while makes pretentious critics give you perfect scores, doesn't make for a interesting product.

Light to strong 5 on this one.

he wuz a raciss n shiet cuz he dint give da album a perfec score


>dislikes the album because of the production
>your post

he gave the album one point less than he wanted to. you can see it on his stupid fucking face

stop falling for his shit. giving him more views will be incentive for him to give inaccurate and provocative reviews

DNA thoughts

Kendrick Lamar’s lyrics are unabashedly violent, and much of this violence is tied directly to race. When Kendrick says “You ain’t shit without a body on your belt” we see Kendrick painting violence as a necessity for respect. Moreover, Kendrick goes so far as to tie violence to race when he says that “Sex, money, murder—our DNA”. Kendrick Lamar paints himself as being violent due to his intrinsic code.

We see violence connected to the artist in the DNA video. This is seen when Don Cheadle becomes controlled by the music. As the music stops Kendrick touches Cheadle, only to have him drop dead. The music is presented as a tool which helps Kendrick control and Kill his enemy.
DNA becomes intertwined with music. Kendrick says that it’s been another “dead nigger association” (Lit double entendre) just as he kills Cheadle. DNA can now be interpreted as not only an abbreviation of deoxyribonucleic acid but also as dead nigger association. Bringing dead nigger association and genetics together suggests that genetics are the explanation for black violence. Overall music and black people are painted as at fault for things such as black on black crime rate.

Geraldo Rivera’s Fox news clip is sampled at different segments throughout the song. Most notably Geraldo says right in the middle of the song that “hip hop has done more damage to young African Americans than racism in recent years”. This insane line from Rivera really helps put the song into perspective. DNA is a satirical song in which Kendrick becomes the boogeyman.

Why does Kendrick embrace Geraldo’s obviously flawed criticism? I’d say to show that Kendrick can own the criticism that comes his way. DNA uses the same tactics from the end of Eminem’s 8 mile.

I’d like to hear what message you guys think the video/song of DNA is trying to convey.

someeone said this in a thread a while back but the scores fantano gives cant be compared to each other because there is no set system. people can argue about how he gives ______ a __ out of ten all day long but they'll just be talking in circles. the focus when watching a fantano review should be more on what he has to say,

>says kendrick wouldn't have been born if top dawg had shot kendrick's dad
>but kendrick was already born at the time of the encounter
>the point was top dawg wouldn't have signed kendrick if he were in jail for murder
why do you guys care what this guy says? he obviously didn't study the album enough. move on from this troll.

Melon kills cal every 2 months what's his problem

Anything he said on DNA was better said on GKMC

Too early to tell for me.

>Too early to tell for me.
What do you mean?

>TPAB's jazz

Okay, I've had enough of this r/hiphopheads spillover shit, just leave.

Ive only listened to the album 7 times so I need to analyze the album more before I can rank it In Kendricks discog.

DNA is a song that has me really conflicted, I dunno if Kendrick really handled the geraldo thing that well. I'm still trying to process it all.

damn I didn't notice he said that. what the fuck, how does he miss something like that? the man needs to stop rushing his reviews

Anybody else here his reviews are getting sloppy lately?

Like the new Quest album. No way that's even close to a 9. Not dickriding kungfukenny but this album was judged too much bc of the whitey keepin us down cos we sinned ideology, which for all we know could be some sort of performance art.

He did bring up some decent points, like the lack of consistency. Tbh though he's saying his ideology isn't influencing the rating it def feels like it

Kendrick's music rarely has anything to do with white oppression and often focuses on the tribulations of the black community itself. I don't know who started this "kill whitey" meme.

I also agree about the album feeling kind of scattered. Some of the songs are very different stylistically and with their order in the track listing it makes for a jarring listen. Interestingly, the content of the tracks themselves actually directly related to each other and that was consistent through nearly the entire album. I also agree that fantano let his rejection of that God punishing ideology take away from his enjoyment of the album. He seems to have rushed this review especially considering he didn't even understand the story on DUCKWORTH.

>untitled unmastered 8

his opinion is worthless

he reviews music through qualifiers.

Album is a pretty solid 10 for me. Only song I'd say isn't better than a 9 is LOYALTY, which is still a very good and poignant track. GOD. fits well and there's no other songs I'd even consider calling lackluster in any way.

you're the first person I've seen with such an overall glowing review. why do you like it so much to give it a ten?

"its new so its good, and i want (you)s"

I enjoy how he made a departure from his last 2 albums and took a very disjointed but honest approach to the record. He feels unsure on purpose, and I like hearing that after being extremely focused on hard-hitting themes in GKMC and TPAB.

It's an extremely fun listen, short and sweet, very up and down. He surprised me but there's absolutely no moment when I feel like "why am I listening to this right now?"

>but honest
this is easily his least-honest album to date

damn this album felt like a chore for me