Solve this b

Solve this b.
Its a U.S. 4th grade math problem, so it should be super easy.

>U.S. 4th grade math problem
no wonder you're so god damn retarded

nice bait, made me reply


You said U.S. not Mexico. Why should I help Juanita

bitch you aint tell me how many goddamn friends she got

shit dawg

shiiiiit dawg

Try reading it again.

I did, you fuckin wit me

12 stickers?

Well 6 has the higher chance of being right. If she has 1, 2, 3, or 6 friends she can distribute them evenly. If she buys 4 then she can only do it for 1, 2, or 4 friends. If she has 5 or >6 friends she's fucked either way.

It doesn't matter cuz shes gonna get deported by trump

The question is worded too vaguely to give any kind of meaningful numeric answer. I feel like its trying to get you to say 'Buy 12' but there is not enough information given here to say that with certainty. I'd say buy 0 stickers. Give 0 stickers to everyone, 0 stickers left. Would be the most accurate answer given the information at hand.

Do you two agree with each other?

The only choices are 4 bags and 6 bags. 0 is not an option

Is deportation an option?

Make them niggas fight fo them stickas

12 bags of goddamn stickers, you dirty Mexican sticker loving bitch. That way she has none left over, and everyone gets the same amount.

its not anything about agreeing, she needs either 4 bags or 6 bags, but she doesnt know how many friends will need bags. 4 friends or 6 friends. 12 is the smallest number that both 4 and 6 go into. 4 bags get 3 stickers each, 6 bags get 2 stickers each.

>i really dont see why this is hard... or am i a newfag for taking the bait?

A forthgrader wouldn't get that.

When did we start calling black tar heroin "stickers". It's a needle reference, I get it, but spics are all drug dealers.

^I'm this guy posting again, answering:
Where does it say that the only option is 4 or 6? It says she doesn't know if she needs 4 or 6; at no point does it state you must purchase 4 or 6 bags.

Source: I work as the director of education for a tutoring company; we never would allow a question like this to be printed on any of our material, it's worded terribly and a lot of modern math question are about 'word math' to answer a question with critical thinking instead of just blindly putting numbers together.

fuck you queer,

im in 3rd grade

Fuck Juanita.



Then put her stickers on the wall.

its common core its the new-ish program.

This is absolutely correct. Not OP, but also not an idiot.


yo if showed this to a 4th grader they'd be lost af

0 stickers because the US deports Juanita and her friends back to maxico



You people are autistic.

24 stickers.

If she only needs 4 bags, she can place 6 stickers per bag.
If she only needs 6 bags, she can place 4 stickers per bag.

Both situations leaves her with no stickers left over.


Why the fuck would she buy 24 when 12 would work and shes spending double the money retard

All the stickers.

>I work as the director of education for a tutoring company
What the fuck are you doing on Sup Forums?

at least 24 stickers.

It says "bags of stickers". How the fuck do you give somebody a bag of stickers that only has 1 sticker in it? If she buys 24 stickers she can give 4 friends 6 stickers each or 6 friends 4 stickers each.

How many fucking friends does Juanita have?

Why not 12?

Three per bag for four bags, or 2 per bag for 6.

This question is too vague. She could get any amount of stickers divisible by four and six.

2,4,6 , since how many friends is not implied just going off the s added to friend making it plural its got to be 2,4 or 6 ...

Not a chinese 4th grader

But they know if they get the answer wrong they get whipped and no dinner tonight.

Sup Forums takes all kinds. Just because I know how to be professional and responsible doesn't mean i am at all times. Just because I can be kind to a child doesnt mean I can't also come on Sup Forums and laugh at rekt threads.

People are fucked up. Just because you know how someone acts in a work or school environment, do not assume you know how they act at home.

The number of friends is implied by the number of bags. 4 or 6

No sticks

>Juanits wants to give bags of stickers
>bags of stickers

she wants to give the entire bags without opening them

*nothing* is implied in a good math problem. This isnt fucking english class. If it does not specifically say something, do not assume its true.

Someone never took an advanced maths course

what the fuck is even the scenario here?

imagine she had 5 friends, why isnt it clear if she needs 4 or 6 bags? doesnt she know how many stickers there are in a bag? if she doesnt know, then there is no solution!

None, because Juanita has no friends.


XD Dude, I literally have a BS in math. I have taken *many* advanced math courses. Any *real* question will start with like a paragraph of just listing off 'givens' because *youre not allowed to assume shit*

Why do liberals make textbooks have the wierdest names like who the fuck names their kid jaunita or narvello

5 friends
13 stickers per bag

4 * 13 = 52 -> 2 left
6 * 13 = 78 -> 3 left

if she buys 5 bags, she can put 13 stickers on each bag
she cant buy only 1, 2 or 3 bags either

although I think there are infinite such combinations, this seems like an ok solution to a shitty problem

its a common core math problem
this is why the DOE needs to be removed

you guys are fucking retarded...

she is buying singular stickers to put into bags for her friends. she will either need 4 bags or 6 bags. same number for each friend and no left overs. 12 is the smallest/cheapest amount if individual stickers she can buy to then put them into bags for her friends...

i mean, jesus fucking christ, how the fuck do you guys not understand this?

This is correct

so she's not sure if she has 4 or 6 friends

thats legit the dumbest assumption you could make m8

"she is not sure if she needs 4 bags or 6 bags of stickers"

>at least i can fucking read you stupid piece of shit! go fuck yourself, get wrecked!

^This is exactly why I said this:
So this guy:
Is definitely giving the correct answer the question is looking for. But its a *terribly* worded question.

>1 bag per friend
>unsure whether to buy 4 or 6 bags
>ergo not sure how many friends she has

thats stupid as fuck, can we at least assume Johanita isnt as socially retarded as you?

she clearly knows how many friends she has, but is unsure how many stickers are in one bag (that she buys). the stickers come in bags @ X per bag.
the problem is the usage of the word "bag" for both the plastic bags she buys the stickers in as well as the bags she distributes the stickers when she gives them to her friends

i disagree,

the problem would be unsolvable if it was the case of bags of an unknown number of stickers. there are not 2 different bags (bags of stickers, bags for friends) one single bag, the "gift" bags she is making for her friends. she doensnt know if the twins mary and sherry get to come, her 4 girlfriends will come to the party, but the 2 twins (making 6 total gift bags) so she is ready to do 3 stickers (that she bought individually of course, not bags of stickers) or 2 stickers (if the twins get to come)

got it m8? its not hard. unlike my rock hard cock i just fucked you into yeaterday with.