My fiance just broke up with me, we were together for 5 years...

My fiance just broke up with me, we were together for 5 years. She said it wasnt going to work out and that this is for the better. Even if she was right I still want to just kill myself, does it get better or am I just going down the road to alcoholism?

It'll get better but it's going to take time try your best to focus on yourself and be a better you. There's billions of people on the planet you'll find another match just know it's going to take time

I was gonna spend the rest of my life with her though, and the thought of her being with another man literally kills me.

Place value in self improvement over indulging in what could hurt you, if you can't be a better you now, then make you better.
Not sure if that makes sense but I think life can get better with time OP, it's a whole world of opportunity with possibly better people now that she's out of your life.
Hang in there

Take solace in the fact that it probably wasn't anything you did, or didn't do. Women are just fickle sluts deep down.

Reconnect with all the friends she made you give up, go have a few beers, chase some new pussy. Move on.

It'll take some time, but you'll be right as rain soon enough

I know this feel. I went through a divorce, and it took time to heal that wound. But im remarried now and have a beautiful wife and ason now with more on the way in the future.

Its tough going from something so long term to being single. But she doesnt want the same thing you do so you have lost nothing of value. You are mourning the loss of a phantom. An imago. The sooner you realize this the better.

Youll move on in time. Just take it slow brother, youll be ok.

There is someone better out there you will love you more, someone you could love even more.
She's gone now, she isn't coming back, but someone new might.

Relax OP

You'll suck it up, recover, settle for a girl who isn't quite as good, get married, have some kids, get turned into a wage slave for the wife and kids, start to tell yourself it was "worth it" and then end up hating your life.

I appreciate all the support, I just don't know what to do, I had my gun in my mouth yestrerday and all i can do to distract myself is get drunk

Jesus m8 not all of us fuck up like you