Hi,Sup Forums.
I'm disabled and struggling. 95% of the time I feel like a drain on society.
I would like to kill myself. Asphyxiation. I've looked into it but would like to hear some advice/tips on how-to.
Thanks,Sup Forums.
Hi,Sup Forums.
I'm disabled and struggling. 95% of the time I feel like a drain on society.
I would like to kill myself. Asphyxiation. I've looked into it but would like to hear some advice/tips on how-to.
Thanks,Sup Forums.
Disabled people are not a drain on anything.
in what way are you disabled op?
How disabled we talking?
cyanide pills are relatively easy to acquire you should look into them
leg disabled
If you want asphyxiation, just get into some rough gangbang
just legs or are you paralysed from the waist down?
yeah I was thinking of apple seeds
seems cheap and natural
dude they're pretty close to making exosuits, if you're lucky you'll get some sweet ass robot legs armor
yeah.. you can buy the stuff also for around $70 per gram
Helium, your brain/lungs cannot tell the difference. Your death will be completely painless. However life is worth living. Sometimes life fucking SUCKS MY GOD TIER TAINT, tomorrow is another day. Don't let these fags convince you to an hero.
no need to kill yourself then op. plenty of disabled people out there doing great for themselves. maybe you can get a matching pupper too
>I'm disabled and struggling. 95% of the time I feel like a drain on society.
Don't give up bro.
Fuck the world. There are people who steal and kill, they are far greater drains on our society.
These people dont know your pain OP, they just want to feel good about themselves being nice to someone they dont know
Unable to work,have not completed school.
No car. Depressed to the point where I have no motivation to eat,or drink.
Cannot afford the level of care I need. (Because no job,no car.) Medicaid will cover hospital visits but on the occasion I do find a quality doctor,they live in another city.
I have a gym pass and I exercise as much as I can. I have to rely on the kindness of others for transportation.
I really am not contributing to society or even contributing to my own well-being in a positive way,so I would like to kill myself. I have some funds saved for a cremation.
Fuck you. I've been on disability for over a decade. I've had a recurring blood problem that has cost me everything. Even my wife.
And you know what? I don't care. I'm going to keep on living. I'm going to enjoy life when I can.
OP, you should do the same. Seriously, fuck the world. Fuck its opinions and fuck other people.
How to obtain cyanide pills?
If you think that stops you from success you are indeed, a retard. But I already figured that from "suicide..."
write a book before you die.
> implying you dont get cucked everyday
If your going to kill yourself try to get on the news
Weak bait.
just buy a thing of helium attach it to something that will cover your face. breath in the helium replacing the oxygen in your lungs with helium. You will suffocate and die a painless death :)
having robot legs will be badass af
Tor and then find alphabay
He will not be able to afford robot legs you stupid fuck
Please understand;I know this is a sensitive issue but I've lost family and friends. Not to incite sympathy,but I don't think it would do damage.
I think I would be able to enact more good if I register as an organ donor and then end it.
Or do that with propane and strap a timed ignition to your leg
Fucking Roy. I'm dying. Top kek OP.
Dont worry op just HANG in their
>ITT: Sup Forums has gone soft
OP, use an exit bag. Basically helium tank attached to face mask
Personally, I don't blame you one bit. I'd kill myself too if I could find the motivation.
Godspeed, either way.
What happened to your chair?
yes, this would also work.
yep.. unless you're also kind of retarded.. there's no reason to feel sorry for yourself.
plenty of people make themselves really useful, even if they're heavily disabled.
I guess OP doesn't have a leg to stand on
Right? OP came here to learn how to end his misery and all people do is try be "nice"
Fuck 2017
i think you're just looking for an excuse, but whatever.
don't forget to put your ass in a bathtub and fill it with water and ice, that'll help with organ conservation
What sad is that op cant do stand up comedy
Exit bags I have researched and seriously considered. However,I read that modern helium tanks do not provide helium "pure" enough for an attempt to be 100% successful.
Hanging might be more violent and painful,but a failed suicide attempt is ten times worse.
How to obtain cyanide pill? Would I have to buy it expensive from Mexico or overseas?
Hey dude!
Are you red-pilled? If so, kill yourself!
If you're blue pilled then call suicide prevention hotline, and work towards at least a lifetime of opioid use.
Your status as a drain isn't relevant. Stop thinking like a slave. #BasicIncome
Fix your confidence and focus on getting well. Then you'll find something that needs you. Human nature.
And if not, oh well. You should have inherited a piece of earth's income.
That's what it means to be human. We own this planet.
(Virtually all basic research is publicly funded which means we should all have shares of every corporation that uses technology.)
Pills n booze. Your such a Richard.
OP here. There seems to be some confusion.
Another user posted a joke from IT crowd,and it was acknowledged as a serious answer from the OP. (Myself)
I am not leg disabled.
I've called hotlines and helplines,etc. Usually on hotlines the wait is quite long,and I have been hung up on when I answered the routine "Are you a danger to yourself or others?". I say no. I just feel pathetic, utterly pathetic in my existence.
I try what I can not to be a burden. But I am running out of steam.
so if you're not leg disabled...
...get a job??
Here you go, op
I've tried,user. Jobs that don't require much schooling.
However those types of jobs are usually incapable of accommodating me.
Plus,they would not pay me the full amount or allow me to work full-time because I would never be able to receive benefits again if it gets to the point where I cannot work at all.
So essentially,I would have to make money under the table.
so are you disabled or not??
for sure you don't know how to fucking express yourself