There is supposed to be a protest in Tucson, AZ at the ronstadt bus station at 6pm downtown with the anarchists. they're supposed to be going ape shit. Should i go to a shop near by and watch down town burn to the ground from afar or just stay home? also anyone going?
There is supposed to be a protest in Tucson, AZ at the ronstadt bus station at 6pm downtown with the anarchists...
LOL, not in Tucson. You'll be shot or jailed for observing from afar.
I know a few faggots who are gonna be there protesting. Want to go watch for the lols, but don't want to get spotted by a friend who may think I'm there to "support the cause"
i wanna watch for the lulz too but apparently these guys are supposed to be wearing black and covering their faces. its tempting to go but i think if i wear anything other than black ill be targeted if there is a riot if i try the whole "grey man" thing /k/ is always talking about
You can always just wear plaid, carry a camera and claim to be some indie news outlet. With as hipstery as downtown can be, that would probably work fine
great idea thanks
So the F-17 that's been practicing for the red-bull airshow, doing tricks in the Tucson sky all week, finally riled up some butthurt terrorists.
>that pic
You do understand that Vietnam is still a communist country, right? You do understand the implications, right? You do understand the irony of that pic compared to reality, right?
i just posted it cause i like /k/ things but yes i do heres another
I didn't post that, but it seems your jimmies are russled. It's a racist meme, You're on Sup Forums. Irony is funny. Go back to your Reddit safeplace.