Trump has been blatantly lying about "saving jobs" as well as pretty much everything else

Trump has been blatantly lying about "saving jobs" as well as pretty much everything else.

Apple is opening shop in India:

Ford has not changed their plans and is in fact opening in Mexico:

Trump is a pathetic liar, and his press conference was a disaster because he came completely unhinged. Possibly all of the pressure from the Russian ties investigations are starting to finally get to him.

6 independent investigations into his ties with Russia are currently being conducted by the FBI and others. Too much pressure for Donny? Apparently so.

He is clearly coming unglued, and is not mentally fit enough to perform the office of president. Congress and the VP needs to invoke action relieving him from the office of president.

Pathetic and a joke of a president.

Other urls found in this thread:'t-push-charge-flynn-denying-sanctions-talk/98026844/

Yet he is so representative of the murican people...heads jamed firmly up their back sides

Fully agree OP.

They need to invoke that article in the constitution and force him to step down as he is clearly mentally not up to the task.

Literal Fake News.
This entire post is brought to you by the Democratic Party

A bunch of his "former" supporters are having buyers remorse and are now wishing they had voted for Hillary.

Trump is spelling the end of the GOP.


How about trump created more jobs than obama did in a month?


tfw his approval numbers are in the tank. soon he'll have a lower approval rating than congress.

>muh alternative facts

No, Democratic Party is trying to ruin Trump.
Guys done nothing wrong, he's a good President and he's done a lot for our country and he hasn't even been President a full year.
He even had the most Electrical College votes when he got into office, people want him


Fake news that leads to the very real forced resignations of those in his party lul

He has dementia.
He's just an old man...

Holy bait, my friend.

This is shaping up to be the biggest scandal since watergate.

Trump has allegedly received millions for his campaign directly from the Kremlin.

This is what pisses me off the most. Other people will think Trump represents America. Fuck that orange motherfucker.

The classic move of a fullblown narcissist is to resent and reject all negative criticism as FALSE
and attacking the accuser verbally and below the belt.

>"No, you've had your chance! Sit down!"
He's playing a teacher in a classroom

>"I've been given that information. Actually, I've seen it."
plays false statements off as "I've been ill-informed, someone else's fault!"
presents false facts, but continues to yell FAKE MEDIA

Literally none of the strongest arguments against him and the admin. has been refuted.
Deflection is their main and most effective weapon.

RIP US credibility.

I Fully Agree! TRUMP Is The President The AMERICAN People Deserve After Eight Awful Years Of OBONGO.


He's already gotten guarantees of over a million new jobs from companies.

He won with less than 1/4 support from registered voters.

47% of all registered voters voted because the remaining portion didn't care for either choice (read as doesn't support Trump).

Of those who did vote, 54% of them voted for Hillary Clinton, 4% for 3rd party candidates, and the remainder (42%) voted for Trump.

That means 42% of 47% or about 20% of all registered voters. That's pretty pathetic.

Flynn was cleared by the fbi.

Stop posting fake news, there is no "collusion."

>alternative facts

that's not true, he lied.

you appear to be exactly as stupid as pic related. seen you in other threads.
hope you fall off a cliff.

For lying,
Fbi already cleared flynn. There was no crime.

Trump does represents america. He won the states that matter and has an approval rating of 55%.

>calls others 'fake news'
>posts no source for his bullshit claim

He still won and He's still president. Spin it anyway you want but he's making the decisions.

These posts don't make Trump look bad, when will you learn, you're falling into the same trap the media did

CTR shill go away.

>cleared flynn

wew lad

It's called reality.


nice comeback, nothing refuted, like your sugardaddy Tromp

if you can't say anything against it, resort to insult.

You assume that just because they didn't vote or vote for trump that they don't support him.

Spin it anyway you like but at the end of the day he's the president. He won the Rustbelt he turned blue sates red.

The democrat party was rejected by the american people. They are a liberal coastal party and are dead.

>surely more than one person can't have the same opinion

OP here. Nope.'t-push-charge-flynn-denying-sanctions-talk/98026844/

You posted a bunch of unhinged liberal nonsense.

Liberals like you are so enraged and distressed by trump that he's the first thing you think of when you wake up and the last thing thats on your mind before you try and go to bed.

You keep spreading fake news that easily debunked and hold out hope for some fantasy of impeachment. The flynn scandal died down and is now a leaker scandal. You lost the narrative.

You're not OP, but nice try though.

so debunk them

How's life in fantasy land?

>The flynn scandal died down and is now a leaker scandal. You lost the narrative.

never even mentioned that shit. strawman argument of the worst kind.

nice edit, fag. think i was born yesterday??

People in denial, go away

Follow the money:

Trump's so done.

This. The Republicans can still have their tax cuts for the rich without having an unstable shitgibbon in office so close to the nukes.

I don't know why anyone thinks this pile of early onset dementia will go the distance.

>gop would rather have good ol' stable, party-line-towing pence in office
>dems would rather have anyone but trump
>media wants him out
>deep state wants him out
>popularity ratings in the toilet

A few spergs from Sup Forums can't stop this from happening.

Literally no one else wants him in office.

(Accuse me of being a dem shill all you want. I didn't vote because I refuse to be forced by the system to pick vomit over diarrhea.)

Good, we control all three branches.

Trump has 9 lives, that's the problem. He was supposed to be stopped after making comments about Mexicans/Muslims, after being accused of sexual harassment, AFTER he called Clinton a "nasty woman," AFTER he praised Putin. How many lives is that so far? Maybe he has more than 9.

You didn't mention anything. It's basically just

>blah blah blah hitler blah blah blah trump

Your distress and misery is shadenfreud to me. Beating the left isn't good enough I want to see them suffer.

Sadly that is true, but it won't be that way for long. We will see a sweeping resurgence of democrats being elected in the mid-terms. Trump has permanently tarnished the GOP brand for a long time to come.

>to pick vomit over diarrhea.

typical Trumpists can't argue or defend their point with logic.
Their vocabulary is reduced to "cuck", "libtard" and "butthurt".
That's how you can build the vast majority of Trumpist comebacks.

you and a couple of itchy bloated faggots posting from behind a keyboard aren't the majority


The GOP doesn't mind if they're "tarnished." Just so they win.

lol so hard at this


show me exactly where I wrote any of these words or where any of this was insinuated!

fucking this!

literally the most illegitimate president ever. not the people's president, no matter how they try to spin it.


total shit-tier republican propaganda outlet.


democrat won't gain control of the senate even if they win the only 2 states they have a shot in it will still be 50/50. The gop will pick up 5 or 6 more senate seats.

Also a federal voter ID law will keep the wetbacks and niggers from committing voter fraud. We won't let you cheat anymore.

Your time is over.
The bad news is just starting for the hate-america left.

Trump is here to stay, Take your larping fantasy outside.



He keeps being cleared...

Keep holding out hope for the only shot the left has. Impeachment.

Not gonna happen.

I don't deny trump is president, but plenty of lib cucks here do.

You also deny you'll lose more senate seats in 2018.

He won with the rules. People overeacted because he is hilarious and he doesnt gonna be as bad like Obama or/and Bush.
Im just enjoyin the ride with all the memes at this point.


COULD, Trumptard.
Doesn't mean "WILL."

>he actually wants to help the super rich


The majority of the united states

>voter ID

The old voter ID maymay. I also noticed your calling them "nigger", so I you have already proven that you are a racist. There is no polling place level voting fraud, and zero evidence to suggest otherwise. The voter ID tactic, is a republican wet dream so that they can disenfranchise minority voters and cheat them out of voting. They want this because they know that this demographic typically votes democrat.

Most accurate of 2016.

No way. Our great president calls it as he sees it. He doesn't lie, that's the media.

Trump isn't our President. And seeing as how the dominoes are beginning to fall, he's not anyone else's either. This was a huge mistake, but we'll get through it.

Obama wasn't bad
Bush was
Trump will be worse because he doesn't know wtf he's doing

If you're not a racist you're not paying attention. Voter from is a pillar of the democrat party.

We'll see how many elections you win when you can bus crackheads to polling places.

stopped reading there
you already tried to post this shit link earlier faggot

>being cleared

Well now there are allegations of Trump strong-arming the intelligence community politically.

He will be exposed one way or another.

Keep your head in the sand though.


They will easily flip since trump won almost all those states by over 10 points.

The liberal rejects and niggers don't vote in midterms.

>hurr durr muh tinfoil


Most accurate poll of 2016.

>They will easily flip
no they won't faggot
you HOPE they will

ZERO evidence.

provide some proof faggot.

protip: you can't

Sorry you can't handle the truth, Trumptard

As there should be, the intel community needs to be purged. All obama appointees need to lose their jobs.

Rassmussen is shit.
Shut the fuck up.

>jobs coming back to US

The only argument the left can make is the following:

Anyone: "A is an issue or occurrence."
Left response "BUT WHAT ABOUT B?!?!"

The left relies on shifting finish lines and changing subjects while hunting ghosts in the machine to win arguments.

You need to move out of your mom's basement

>hurdur, it's Obama's fault

>hurr durr dee durr durr the left


(Citation Needed)

TFW his approval depends on what corrupt news agency you watch. Its always either skewed up or down. The real number is mid 40's to low 50's

I love it when Trumptards try to blame Obama for anything.

They can't.

There will be a federal investigation.

Irony af...

You are describing the typical conservative to the tee!


but democrats claim there is no proof
this is why i no longer vote liberal

Breitbart isn't evidence?
Daily Caller?
Wait, Kellyanne Conway said so!

>unable to hold logical conversation. Point brought up, you change the subject to I must be a low intelligence redneck faggot.

The left everyone; unable to win arguments on merit so they'll shout you down instead.

Yes he is and there isn't a damn thing you can do about it.

only dominos falling are the liberal politics being rolled back and agency being defanged.

EPA is next, I can't wait. Man made climate change is a lie and swindle.



>can refute just act like autist.

>Literally cannot emotionally handle who our president is and denies he is the president
>Tells other people to stop living in a fantasy world


you should look up the definition of irony user.

>durr hurr mommy save me from THE LEFT

stupid Trumpfag