Representing the fattest nation on earth yet only the second fattest president ever
Representing the fattest nation on earth yet only the second fattest president ever
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>Body shaming is fine when WE do it.
I think the Left is losing because their hypocrisy is just so... everywhere, it permeates their every word and deed. Can they not control it? Is their voter base unwilling or incapable of presenting a united front with defined values?
Voting Trump in 2020 .
i thought that was a naked michael moore from the thumbnail
That's fat shaming lib tard.
>Is their voter base unwilling or incapable of presenting a united front with defined values?
Yes. The methodology of the American left can best be described as diverse and conquer. They've pushed it to an extreme point and given succor to such radical elements that they have at long last alienated even their own moderates. The remaining voter base is so fragmented across a slew of narrow special interests that there is no way to appease them all or even many of them without pushing fleeing moderates even further away, not that the extremists have anywhere else to go.
Even if Trump can't find a way to plant his foot in his mouth and leave it there for a time, the media is making themselves look bad enough pushing jew nonsense like this latest pewdiepie shit that the buffoon still seems like the lesser evil.
Insanity like this will lose them another election.
Op confirmed cuck
8 Years.