Why the fuck are women allowed in the military?

Why the fuck are women allowed in the military?

Navy fag here. It happened again, one of the females on my ship got pregnant right before our deployment. We're supposedly going out for 7-8 months and for some reason about 25% of the girls on the ship will get pregnant just so they don't have to go on deployment. This clearly costs the Navy money but they will still bring them in knowing that 25% won't make it through the deployment. I've even met a few that get pregnant half way through the deployment and have to get air lifted off the ship. Why is this ok for women to do this? Any sailor will tell you the same thing happened on their ship right before a deployment. They're usually piss poor workers that won't/can't do manual labor so why are they allowed to join in the first place if they're just going to be a hindrance to the mission?

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Because it's a fucking welfare job program that's had the spending spree hose loosed on it, what the fuck did you think it'd attract?

Because "muh independence in world war too prove im redy to go and fite for reel"

But for real though I bust my ass all day doing either painting, grinding up nonskid, or I'm on watch. Btw i'm an Intel sailor but I still do manual labor since I'm on a destroyer. I'm ok with doing the labor because everyone has to do their part but It fucking infatuates me to no end that women seem to get a free pass in the Navy, I don't know how it is in the other branches since I've only been in the Navy but they have it so damn easy it hurts. They don't even have to do the labor if they say they're cramping up or some other bull shit. Apparently if a women lifts over 30 lbs then she shits out her ovaries.

Just be a real man and be a SEAL. They don't allow bitches to be SEALs....yet

I don't really care that SEALs work harder and do more intense missions I just want women to pull their share of the weight. I don't see how that's too hard to ask.

A friend of mine had 3 kids for this exact same reason OP. Never had to deploy. She just liked weekend training so she could get gangbanged. I wish I was making this shit up too...

A woman physically cannot do the same work as a man. If they are behind a desk fine but asking them to turn a lever or push a cart is beyond their capability

Well if you get pregnant you could get out of deployment too, ya whiner.

If i get a girl pregnant I don't get to go home fool. It's weird how so many women get pregnant right before a deployment though.