After all, what's the legal status of lolicon and shotacon? Is ilegal or not on US, Canada, Europe...

After all, what's the legal status of lolicon and shotacon? Is ilegal or not on US, Canada, Europe, South America and so on? There were cases of people being thrown on jail only because of some hentai?

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Illegal but not enforced unless you are caught with it. FBI isnt going to come knocking down your door. But better not get your laptop searched in the bible belt areas.

People will always be quick to point out the law from the 1990s was struck down, but the new law that went in place in the early 2000s is still in effect. No one cares much about it though

>getting mad over drawn girls
The land of the brave and the free

>pedos making excuses

drink some bleach faggot

legal protected under freedom of speech in USA, illegal and classed as CP in most of Europe (but rarely enforced), not sure about the rest of the world. I'd imagine totally and utterly illegal in Australia given how PC and conservative their government is

and you are wrong

Quick explanation for the United States at least

Considered child porn by law in Sweden
It's definitely considered socially bad all across the globe at the least

Fuck off you filthy pig.

probably muslim too.

oh? what is the actual situation? Because that loli chart has circulated for fucking years and isn't accurate at all

Is illegal in Brazil, 4 to 8 years in prison.
all types of media, even watching is consider a felony.

I feel better about living in Turkey now lmao, in this middle east shithole is legal and you have it illegal where you guys live? The fuck? And you call yourselves 1st world countries lmao

Seriously? I'm from Brazil, and never heard of any case of prison. Do you have a source? (about the law and about that doujinshi you posted)

Who would have thought a society that blames the 5 yr olds for getting raped and marry them off at 7yrs old would make that shit legal.


>Live in florida
>Have fuck tons of loli
>Shown to local cops
>No one gives a fuck
Generally enforced my ass, nobody cares here.

who is that?

2nd Federal law has been in effect for like 15 yrs and only been ~5 cases taken to court.

Dont get caught with that shit in Missouri

i'm from brazil too and now i'm scared

why the fuck would people give any fucks about a hand-draw hentai?

also, castrate yourself with a rusted butter knife

Sup Forums should really ban that shit


this data is based on public rulings regarding lolicon. no one could guess what individual law enforcement officers could dictate

Even in a red zone you aren't gonna get caught.

>waah waah we are cucked but at least we arent pedos
enjoy paying to get yourself cucked

enjoy paying for all those refugees

here's the sauce btw folks. lrn2google

we arent europe tho

why would we google when we have you as our bitch to post for us xd


if i open the link, will i get arrested?


your dumbass will probably get sad panda anyways
art. 240
"por qualquer meio"

just trolling, you have no idea how much i use that site

>cena de sexo explicito ou pornografica

i dont think a fuckin draw counts

going soon to stay in germany and switzerland for several years, and i have no idea if there is legal or not.
i've heard that in germany even a "loli depictions" non H anime is considered a crime, should i expect shit just by willing to watch the end of the "dragon Maid" anime serie in those countries ?

germanfag here. afaik watching lolicon is totally fine, just distributing it is illegal. So unless you upload or even sell loli hentai you should be fine in our glorious Reich

>Sup Forums should really ban that shit
I'm really start to get bored of you fags wanna make Sup Forums PC. get back to fumbler

Danke mein Führer , ich hoffe ich wurde nicht im gefängnis geschicht wegen deine vorschlag.

also anybody else know about Switzerland? they lack of prisons in their mountains and i don't want to be thrown into a chamber filled with gold ingots and dwarven corpses.

says the trap loving faggot spamming rate my dick and fat whale harpooning threads

swiss-fag here: Beeing up and downloading loli/shota for quite some time.. either the law system is slow or they don't give a shit

i think it's the same everywhere: if they want to bust you for something and you uploaded some loli, they can/will use this against you otherwise you should be fine

not into traps and i hate dick rate threads.

however it's not my business to tell these people they should stop these threads. i can always make a thread or join one that appeals to my likings. the real cancer of Sup Forums are people like you that get triggered by threads they do't like. did you know that Sup Forums has no limits of threads you can have? just ignore threads you don't like.

to bad people cant die of close-mindedness

>not my business

and that's why you are a zeta faggot. Fuck off back to 9gag

>to bad people cant die of close-mindedness

Sounds pretty tumblrish to me

oooh, did the übermensch got triggered.

Sup Forums was once about freedom of the mind. you don't even know what the early days of Sup Forums where.


you have a real hard life ahead of you, kid

it's not your business to tell someone that

np bro

>gets triggered and says it's not someone's business to tell what should be posted here

>tells someone to go back to tumblr

hypocrite much?

I've been downloading Loli for 8 years and nothing has happened to me. USA btw


oh, look he took something i said and put it out of context. i start to feel bad for mocking him, because it seems he is still underage

It's my business to say whatever the fuck I want to. Clearly you haven't been here very long if you think that you or anyone else has even an inkling of control over the scope of the community. I've been here for half my lifespan, I know how shit works around these parts. This place isn't here for you, it's here for everyone, and if you don't like it, go back to your safe space bubble where nothing challenges you.

How is it out of context?

i'm not triggered, i just like to mock idiots. Sup Forums is not all of my life, yk?

isn't this meme overused by now?

I know reading is hard, but try to follow along

maximum triggered


usa: it's actually not certain, but tending towards "it's fine" (it should be protected as speech because it's art, but...)
canada: get fucked probably
europe: tending towards "get fucked", IIRC it's supposed to be illegal in the whole EU but enforcement probably depends on area and country

i liked the older one more

>complete non sequitor responses

Good to know you both learned your lesson


Is this just your plan B whenever you have nothing whatsoever to say but still want to try to "win"?

I love you make it seem like was some kind of eloquent reply. Your tirade got the response it deserved

so much triggering in the air.. good potential.. let's trigger the shit out of ya

It must have been a goddamn brilliant tirade because nobody seems to have a response of even vague substance to it, in a place where literally anyone will argue over anything.

Do you actually think that I'm going to buy your vague posturing of knowing something I don't here? If you're so smart, it should be easy to show me up instead of playing stupid games. All you are doing is pointing at me through your jacket pocket like you have a gun, when I can clearly see it is your hand.


What substance? You have to be fucking joking.

You really suck ass at these quad gets.

Also, speaking of not being able to read... you might want to figure out where you just completely fucked up. Feel free to delete your post and try again.