please help me because i'm not sure who else i can talk to about this.
i've been having sex with this girl for like a year, and she's been cheating on her boyfriend for the whole time.
the BF and her have a LDR, so they'd only meet up like once every month or so.
things started to get more serious between them, and i started feeling like a cunt for being involved in the situation, so last month we decided to just stop talking to each other.
just the other day, we meet up just by chance, and we talk for like an hour to catch up.
she tells me her boyfriend proposed to her, but he's still going to live like a state away, and they won't get married for like two years.
i'm wondering if i should just ignore this and cut her loose, or if i should try to start fucking her again because i'm a sperg and the sex is easy.
why would she tell me that she was getting engaged but her BF would still be away? surely she could have just not mentioned it. it seems like an excuse to re-engage our relationship.
should i tell the guy? i would want to know that my GF was a slut before i was married to her. i would hate to be in his position. then again, its not my job to play white knight, and i don't owe this guy anything.
please help me. i can't talk to any of my friends about this.
pic related: the girl