Why do people think Steam is such a good deal? Unless all you do is play Indie games...

Why do people think Steam is such a good deal? Unless all you do is play Indie games, you won't save money by playing Steam over a console game. Publishers set the prices, so when you see how Steam has 100s of games for under $10 just realize that none of those are going to be AAA titles, or even good Indie games.

You're not saving money by using Steam. I don't understand how people get fooled into thinking that because Steam sells cheap games that they must sell all their gams cheap. It's just not true.

>free online play
>muh waifuhentaigames

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kek nice b8

I personally never say the prices are better because they arent. The only reason im pc master race is because im better with a keyboard and mouse vs a controller. Plus a dope pc build looks good sitting on my desk.

Hey, that's fair man. I'm not disparaging PC gamers, just the delusional people who say that they "save money" by using Steam. The game costs what the publisher sells it for. Short of buying it from a 3rd party, the price is the price.

Yeh if you need your games the moment they release. I only buy games during sales or when they're individually on sale. Console games take much much longer to go on sale and when they do it's usually not for much. Plus having your entire library in digital format and never having to deal with disks again is so God damn amazing.

Yea I definitely agree.

How many good AAA titles are there a year? I feel like for the past 4 years there have been maybe 5 a year. Ide rather play some new idea of a game for 5 bucks then waste 60-100 with dlc for a copy cat

Those days are gone. Even consoles have digital copies these days. Plus steam sales have sucked the past few years.

It's every game being digital vs some being digital. Maybe consoles will get there some day, but I'm done with discs for good at this point. But I hear you, I personally don't give a shit either way what system people use, I've just always used pic's and I see no reason to change.

EY bro, you can get the GTA V for 30$ until 21st of february, how many consoles have a deal like that..?