Gentleman, need information, need help!

Gentleman, need information, need help!

Have any of you ever actually landed a woman you had a crush on? If so, how? If I have a crush, it always goes sour. If I couldn't care less if she lives or dies, those usually tend to be lasting relationships. What's going on here?

Somebody! ANYBODY!!! Help a nigger out!

You're trying to hard, and most likely corner/crowd her when you be crushin on it

Yeah... maybe, I can use that.

Well I mean, I just saw a friend's fiancee break up with him because he was overbearing. Women usually don't like guys that are needy and all up in their shit all the time.

I don't think I was acting needy. I was trying my ass off to ignore texts and responding only when texted. I would, however, respond too much. That I should watch out for next time. Most of the time I let her approach me and she always would. This was a first for me.

I mean it could be something else, but I would suggest reflecting on what the differences were between how you were with the 2 different types.

How do you mean user?

getting a specific girl is always harder than just getting laid, because you have to have specific lines and game tailored for her
what were her exes like?

If you still have the texts from them, just study what the differences were while talking to them

No, never made it with a crush, only with girls who I just get to know as a random girl. I think the problem is that in your mind the crush becomes something ideal to you, ie something other than what she is. It is this disparity which prevents you from properly interfacing with and connecting with her.

This. I find when people are super interested in someone they become some weird awkward try-hard version of themselves. Sometimes unconsciously. When you dont care youre probably more like yourself. And bitches pick up on this bullshit. They know when youre putting up a front.

Ah fuck!!! I had to delete everything. I flushed her right off my phone. I have to get over her stat. I can't wallow in misery. I find it works best to shut it down. No friends. No pictures. Total shut down. Maybe that was a bit of a mistake.

Yeah that stands to reason. What's the point though. Why would we have this mechanism if it's never meant to be used? I don't really want to bang randoms. I can't stand them anymore. I want more. You know what I mean?

I am starting to accept this to be a truth. I am not seeing posts by people saying that they were successful.

I can agree with this. I was cringing a lot.

I mean that's one way to get over it, I just kinda give up on the bitches and forget them enough to not even have to delete their texts, just off of facebook so their shitty attention grabbing posts don't come up.
Well I'd like to add that women will get tired of someone who keeps trying to make them happy at all times, like a self-fulfilling prophecy

I haven't read other posts in this thread, but you overthink it too much. Which is okay when you're a teenager in high school without cell phones and you kinda maybe chat on AIM or Myspace
but now you're given a lot of chances to be too clingy and always there for her. there MIGHT be some girls out there, in history, who wanted the perfect boyfriend right off the bat who treated her right and never did anything right, but I doubt they're under age 50 nowadays.

you just can't always be there for her, available, because it's no fun. chicks are social creatures, that's how their brains have evolved to survive. it's not good, it's not right, but that is how it is. relationships are games to them. no matter how much they claim it isn't, how love is serious, how they want relationships, their actions prove otherwise, they want a game out of it, and the game is getting her to bend to your will. it's stupid.

to deny her things she wants, like if she likes you, means she isn't winning. but if she doesn't message you first, or try to get your attention? It will be much harder to get her interested in you in the first place. Don't always message her first, see if she does it on her own to start with

Men are capable of longing, love, passion, positive emotions. They're the ones who write actual interesting tales of loss, family, living. But it's not manly to be emotional, and all of those male qualities have been put onto women.
Women fake these, they are pros at it, they play the long con into winning the relationship
they do not truly want a loving relationship, they want you to think that they do so you will bend to their actual selfish needs/wants more easily, thinking you're winning her over

i can't condone trying to date a girl, you will honestly love her more than she could ever love you, because you're not a selfish creature, you're a dude

God damn that's for sure. I can't shut this brain down without drugs that will fuck me up on the other side of 40. I'd rather think. I'll have to find a way around that one.

Fuck these two gentlemen nailed it on the fucking head so hard. If you're reading this OP, this is the soundest advice you'll read for years. Took me many years and heartache to figure this out.

Thanks brothers, I am starting to see the light here. A little "misogyny" may go a long way. Fuck... I am all messed up.

Oh I read it alright. It's sounding a lot like the conclusion I was already arriving at. I just don't want it to be true. Which is usually a signal that it is.

I'm a grill and trust me when I say this you have to play hard to get. If she texts you , ignore it.... only answer the second or third text. If she dosn't text again, answer her text like 5 hours later. Pretend you were at a party or doing something fun. Better yet, make it mysterious, say you were "catching up with someone" shit hair like that. Post pictures with other girls , make it seem like you have a fun life...even if you dont

Its not really Misogyny. Misogyny is if you hate women. I don't really hate women, but its an accepted fact amongst men who have lived a little, that women simply dont 'love' in the way men do. They become attached, but never truly love. Like the other user said its a lifelong game. And if you stop playing the game they move on. Hence the divorce rate creeping into the 60% range in the US

This. I know its stupid. But the less available you are, the stronger their thirst lol

Fuck my life. I don't know if I could live like that. Constantly head gaming and dancing around.

Seems to be solid advice. I wasn't doing this.

Well thats why Men joke around that marriage is a death sentence. Its kind of a joke, but there is truth to every joke.

I wish I was that dog right now user.

Read what you just wrote. You have a classic case of wanting what you can't have. You go mental when you have a crush and probably come on too strong and/or weird and scare these chicks. This is not a good place to be mentally.

>Help a nigger
No one here is that good OP

Alright bro here's some tips you want to let her know your interested but don't shove it in her face. For instance if your chillin in a bar make eye contact give a quick smile and a head nod or some shit act smooth then go about your buisness like she was just some other bitch. Now if she likes you she'll look back if you catch her eyes again go up to her and just fucking talk like a normal human being and then if it works it works if it don't then fuck it she just a bitch, plenty of em out there. Hope this helps

They are never weirded out or anything. They are always a little upset when I disappear on them. Some of the earlier ones are still friends with me. I cut them off too, without explanation a few years ago. They send me shit on my birth days and christmas, but i don't reply. Breaks my heart... but I don't reply.

These anons, have been pretty good to me. I'm surprised and quite grateful.

This is exactly my MO with women that I absolutely want to be rid of every second of every relationship with them. The only reason why I stay in all cases... is because what else is there?

You shouldnt care about them. And the reason theyre upset is because you stopped feeding them attention, not because youre especially awesome. The messaging on bdays and shit is just them fishing to see if they can succubus your soul again, and get your attention.

There's a lot else there bro u just got keep playing the game and find it. I just got out of a relationship with a girl I loved more then anything next week I fucked 5 girls all were dubs but hey at least I had some fun.

Anons, THANKS A FUCKING TON, this has really helped me. Time to change things up. Peace brothers.

Shit thing is I gotta wait 'til next week until I have anything resembling time off. Gotta put up with a lot of solitude from here to there.

hard to argue with that.