Hey Sup Forums i am 18 years old and virgin, should i feel bad?

Hey Sup Forums i am 18 years old and virgin, should i feel bad?

I am 19



I am 17, almost there!

I lost my virginity at 19. Had girlfriend before that thogh.

I had sex for the first time at 18 andi didn get of so i made the chick pancakes that night with alot of cum in them. and no dont feel bad


No I was 30 when I lost mine. Don't put so much energy to a social stigma, it'll happen when it happens.

Pancakes, you should've made her creampies

19 year old with 8 sexual partners over the course of 2 years. It doesn't help. It doesn't cure the depression or the anxiety or the fact that I'm a failure. It's just another failed attempt to feel satisfied with myself.

Dude unless they are fat, ugly, feminist or boring, there must be something wrong with you.. something gayyy

Don't like dick enough fam. But I can see why you would think so. Just a lot of "let's hook up and bang until I realize that you're a piece of shit then leave." Rinse and repeat.

i ate some

oh shit, take care dude, we are better than those humans without penis


I am 40 and still a virgin.


yeah. I used to get all stanky with her at 6 am and walk into school smelling proud

you dont have to be a virgin to be a robot

Isn't like I am forcing my self to continue virgin u know


Holy shit, yes. If it doesn't happen by 16 it probably won't happen ever. Sorry. Kys tho

it became typical yeah

You guys are retards. I lost my virginity behind a staircase at my high school at 14.

I'm a 31 y.o. gay virgin. There. Feeling better now?

it's okay, dude. don't feel bad. yet Sup Forums isthe worst place to askabout that

Sex used to be about reproduction and overcome extinction . Nowadays is about reputation.
You shouldn't feel bad, because nobody cares. And if you care about being a virgin , then improve yourself and do something with your image and personality to attract someone.