You people actually elected this moron

>you people actually elected this moron
>his presidency is already a mass shitshow and it's not even a month since he's been in office

How did we let this happen?

Anons from other nations, how do you feel about him?

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Straight, white, alpha male, taking care of business. The liberal asshurt is glorious.

Shut up libshit

I'm in Canada and even I'm embarrassed that he was elected.

He's like an emo: self harm never looked so delicious. I'm just watching his little fantasy unravel.
America dun goof'd

Putin shills out in full force

Self denial.

(((They))) want him for this stage, they need to get rid of Iran and eliminate Hezbollah and whats left of Palestine, probably the only person stupid enough to do that for them.

America is going through its rebellious adolescents. This is the self harming phase.

Hi guys, just dropping in to remind you that your waterfall of faggot tears won't change the fact that I'm President of the United States and also The Most Powerful Man in the World.

I'll continue making America great again, you just sit in the back seat and shut the fuck up pussies. I'll give you a call when I need your opinion on the amazing things I'm doing in office.