My last thread died, I'm about to draw her brb

My last thread died, I'm about to draw her brb

If she is okay with love like that she's a nutter. Coming to a future near you, crazy wife removes husbands balls with hedge clippers.

Here she is if anyone from the last thread is still here lol

She's just really lonely

paint drawing sucks, she's cute though

update grills response op?

nice OP really did drawing

True, anything else I should say, Sup Forums?

back? heh! dubs

Smiley face. I think she's waiting for me to ask her out or something

she wants the D

Say you wanna meet her when shes free.
So you can talk privately.

just ask and btw don't be a dick like the other dead thread op is dumb grill is cute in paint

wow, she said she might like you too, but because of her boyfriend you can't romantic together, and you said that sounds amazing. you already failed so completely you cuck fag boi sperglord. Don't you have any male role models? jesus fucking christ

Ask her to send you a pic


are you really gonna through this OP?

check trips nigger


Ask her if you can drink coffee with her crush.

Trips good job.
BTW, saw the other thread, didn't read any post.
Brief me please. Is she cute, are you attracted to her, is she attracted to you? You just ryna fuck?

fuck you

yes i have a secret to tell you. i'm afraid like i said.. we talk better tomorrow

Yes to all of this

Dont.. dont break her heart op.......she'll kill her self..:(


I'll try my best


Oh, you're just want the pussy. If you don't want her long term as her if she is free on Saturday/Sunday and (don't know if you're in college or nah) if she wants to come round. If she says yes, you can deal with it from there.

Fuck her feelings.

If she says why she killed herself then all her friends and family will go after you op

I'm not but she is, I did this. I don't really wanna break her heart but idk if I wanna do anything long term

op will change or grill doesnt deserve op,

op should be honest so grill doesnt kill herself

well you'll see tomorrow anyway

in a way if you dont want to hurt her you shouldnt have started this thread anyway

Make her get bored of you so she's the one who wants to stop speaking to you

I got a date with a girl from Sup Forums.

We did it faggots

is she ugly af?
is she a 'she'?

Said no one ever...

user has heb. so lucky

Inb4 she stands you up

OP. Post pic? of yourself or her either one.

If she is actually attractive and not fat as fuck or whatever then good luck and good job.

I don't think so. She seems pretty into me.

thread got back on first page

I dont have a pic of her but I posted a drawing of her

Did Sup Forums just get somebody a date? This is proof that we're normies now.

well seeing how it started i have to say i never expected this outcome

I know right? I'm just as surprised

I wasn't here last thread, what the hell happened?

usual Sup Forums, dubs get send to her, and OP wasnt a faggot and really sent

send her pic related with no context. If she asks about it tell her you meant to send it to your dad.

How do you know what she looks like then?

Say "nevermind im not into used goods"

She's a coworker.

Oh. Ok, post a pic of yourself OP? Is she more attractive than you?

Dubs and I will, trips and I give her kik

We're about the same

rolling for this.


thread is dead and i'm going to bed


OP must dilivar!

Well, sheeeeet

OP. Don't deliver, go to sleep and get your succ. Go OP.

got winrar now go to bed


i'm glad I ruined this for you :)

you had win

told you OP
why ?

I had to. You got dubs though, what do I say next?

you've got my respect but stupid move

fuck you nigger whore

Say that you really care about her, but that you really did mean to send it to your dad.

shit i got dubs.. uhh.. just tell her you're sorry or some shit. don't fuck this up any more than you have to

You want me to say that?

winrar but dont do this


So are we fucking tomorrow or what?

You know the rules.


Rolling for not doing it.

Why is she freaking out?

What is wrong with people?

winrar on roll for not doing it



Fake as fuck

Tell her you're sorry, that you want to be with her, and you really did mean to send it to your dad.

fuck OP, why did you have to blow up everthing for a dub

Stop being fucking beta OP and do the winrar



You fucked it!


was it worth it op? I mean you respected dubs and Sup Forums likes you now (at least for the next hour or so, then you will be forgotten) but you hurt this girl's feelings and now she is sad and you get no sex. So was respecting dubs worth not getting laid? you tell me.

tell her "don't cry, I love you, I'd tongue your butthole on wing night. that's how much I love you."

Might as well




anyone got pics from the previous thread?

Yes, this actually does sound like a decent way to save it.
Don't follow through with anything else.