What is the best way to get back at someone in 2017 without going to jail Sup Forums?
>need to teach a fucking SWJ a lesson
>faggot cuts me off and others that don't have anything interesting
What is the best way to get back at someone in 2017 without going to jail Sup Forums?
Other urls found in this thread:
Better yourself
>faggot cuts me off and others that don't have anything interesting
Well you've already admitted you've got nothing interesting to day, who cares if he cuts you off. You sound dumb
let me rephrase, don't have anything interesting by his standard, meaning if it's not about him, it's nothing important. Basically a narcissist
Maybe quit being a passive-aggressive bitch and talk to him like a man about problems you have with him. Food for thought.
What? My reading comprehension can't reach your level of illiteracy. Pls clarify
many have, but the SWJ is dense user
instead of doing some passive agressive bullshit behind his back in order to get revenge just confront him face to face about your issues with him. Don't be a pussy. Call him out on his bullshit. You don't have to fight him. But if you have beef with somebody resolve it face to face or just STFU about it.
Just fucking ignore him and he will get the hint, or just flat out tell him to shut the fuck up.
plus I've tried, faggot is denser than earth
What the fuck are you faggots talking about? What is an SWJ? Why is he a faggot for 'cutting you off'? What did he cut you off of? Who are the 'others' what is the significance of them having 'anything interesting'?
Is this like a language that you have to be retarded to understand?
The old cliche is: the best revenge is living well. And it's true. Better yourself. Become healthy, successful, and wealthy. You will inevitably encounter him down the line and, without saying anything, he will know that you've done well and will burn with envy.
And you can smile and walk away.
Honestly, just become as verbally assertive and aggressive as this person is. If they cut you off, continue to talk louder than they do, finish your thought, and with authority, look them in the face and shout them back down.
Also, if you choose to be polite, wait until they're done, embarrass them by saying something like, "are you finished talking about yourself now?" Or give an actual clap and say something like "(SJW faggot) everybody, let's give them their attention so we can have a meaningful discussion"
The absolute key that I will bestow upon you as an adult (I'm making a huge assumption that you're in high school or maybe undergrad college)---people will respect you when you fight that ignorant ass bullshit with equal authority and dominance. They may respect you silently, but they will respect you. It doesn't matter what a classroom of fuckers that you'll never see again thinks. You have every fucking right to say what you want to say.
Go build that confidence and do NOT be afraid. SJWs are bullies by every measure and they will cower and cry when you stand the fuck up, look them in the face, and assert your right to speak.
>other's are the classmates in colleges
they're getting tired of he's shit
Why are you wasting your time with somebody that dense?
If you're really above him intellectually, ignore him like the ant he is.
Guess you're just a faggot too for caring so much.
It's call aspie, did you take it in highschool
Ok Ivan, cutting someone off is interrupting while someone is talking, sjw is social justice warrior, etc.
tl;dr Op is a punk bitch for not being a man and solving it properly
Careful or he'll throw in a few cucks and snowflakes
simply to make a thread about a problem out of boredom. I'm pretty sure he's already dealt with, just want to see your response
also, I just got word that someone has already DDOS him just now
are you sure you'renot just an idiot? I mean, you are asking the internet what you should do, because the only things you can think of will put you in jail.
How retarded are you exactly?
idk my mom roundhouse kicked me at the age of 4 so maybe that help.
This is all for shits, besides, someone's already fucking with him and I'm not even involve in that scale of a beef
yea le Sup Forums is hacking him right now
kek, if only that can truly happen but unless it's some pool's closed shit, naaa.
>Le aggressive black science man
become successful
I have a dream
Poseidon cannon
Welp problem solved, you didn't even have to make a thread, pay back is already in and you didn't even realize
already on that
>majoring chemistry atm
>3 years in
don't like it when they don't even believe in it
Yea, although I still made the thread since I adore Sup Forums's environment
so you're just a wannabe, and you want to chime in on facebook,but you're too stupid to come up with anything on your own. Gotcha.
more like tumblr but ok
Wait so your an SJW, that's where most of them dormant
>mfw people are still replying
The thread is made from bullshit
idc anymore, imma go to bed and get up for work.
Fuck them up with a gat, and don't get caught
take no pill hide in plain sight
>tired of he's shit
user pls. That wasn't funny if that's what you were going for. That's just sad.
wasn't being funny, just bored
Ignore him and work your ass off to be successful.
Mediocre bitches can't stand that.