Be honest Sup Forums , am I ugly? Pic is me

Be honest Sup Forums , am I ugly? Pic is me

timestamp and tits

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Would have unprotected sex with.

Only a gool would take anything posted here a fact, without timestamp that is.

your face is cute-ish, but the pic is pretty dark and not sure about your hair. i think you could easily have a 8/10 face with your hair done up and all that

what is your body like? do you have tits and ass?

Being honest not like the wankers above me, you're average. relax.

Yes ugly

Sorry didnt have auto update up



thank goodness someone on this thread is familiar with procedure

i cant tell with that shitty quality

Very pretty face. What's the body look like though?

not bad maybe learn to smile

this or another b8

post your legs

am i looking at grill or a used up gas station condom

Get that nigger wannabe face from here. No timestamp no tits you get the fuck out, go cry on cosmo forum


>Be honest Sup Forums , am I ugly? Pic is not me