What is Sup Forums listening to?

What is Sup Forums listening to?

Currently catching up with Mac Demarco, he knows what's up.

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I want to fuck Mac Demarco

OMD - If You Leave

inb4 a bunch of nigger shit.. white kids love nigger shit

Avril Lavigne - When you're gone

Mac Demarco is a cuckold and lets his bandmate Jon Lent fuck his gf and take her out on dates

finnish girl pop bands from early 2000s

damn op how's middle school treating you?


care to share what your listening to?

Too bad his fanbase is fucking cancer. Although I just ignore them.
>Chris Cohen
>Owen Derrick's
>Cat Signs
>Toro y moi
>Dance with the dead
And many many more

Neptune by Sleeping At Last.

im listenting to that moscau song you know the one that goes. Moscau! moscau! HA HA HA hA hA.

chris cohen is amazing

Recently discovered Cigarettes After Sex. 'Dreaming of You' makes me pretty lethargic and want to have the person I love in bed naked with me.

Demarco is good
liking tame impala rn though

Band Gang Paid Will


also a lot of Maxo Kream for some reason

cause your a nigger


Tycho, almost bedtime

Also Rich Chigga

Fucking yes. Which ones your favorite song? For me it's "In a Fable". I've played it around 500 times already.

I just can't get away from my ex, nor i want to leave her...

Good choice OP. Also, and artist/band's fan base should have nothing to do with whether you like the music or not.


So what's the problem?

lol faggot

Dem slam riffs. Any other death metal Sup Forumsros here?

nice choice.
I'm pumping I delcare war right now

Thanks :^)


that's a hard question tbh, i LOVE torrey pine but i also LOVE optimist high! i really cant pick


Both are sooo 2015.

"Guys! the fuckin' Russian's here!"

"How many?"

"Just one."

>beat drops
Ahh, The Son's levels were pure visceral, technicolor gold

She has a boyfriend that hates me at the point that i can barely can talk to her in person, also she is stopping considering me her best friend, getting angry at me for nothing and... idk, i just want another girl to take her place, to leave her in peace...

Recently bought a copy of this album on vinyl and am kind of regretting the decision. I have to change and turn it every 2-3 songs.
But this album is one of my favourite's of the Cure, next to 'The Top'. Good choice user.

only good song

That's the word. Also loving Chet Faker's 'Come Rain, Come Shine', 'Going Nowhere' by the Cure, 'Hands' by Four-tet...

Found this stream on youtube

always good beats



Why thank you

miss u alesia

Those off-time glitchy beats are really annoying. It's like some one making saliva noises in my ear.



Really? You fucking care like some popular kid about what the newest shit is?

You couldn't be more insufferable.

No, probably not really.

Mac demarco's music can capture my feelings in ways I can't explain, you may also like beach houses, or the growlers. I recommend other people by the beach houses.


I'm 28, currently fucking an 18 year old chick from work, and all she ever wants to fucking listen to is Mac Demarco and Tame Impala. Every goddamn time we do the deed she turns on this asshole's music. I'm so sick of getting my dick sucked to Salad Days that I'll probably go into a blind rage if I hear it again.

Bitch won't listen to rap. She won't listen to classic rock or metal. Shit, she won't even listen to most electronic music. She despises R&B as well as old school jams. Her musical knowledge doesn't extend past whatever Facebook is currently pushing.

Yet she has an entire library of all this goodie gum-drop indie synth-pop frat-rap.

For once I want to fuck to Jodeci, or The Blackbyrds. Really dig into this girl's pussy nice and slow. No, it's fucking Mac Demarco for the 100th time, I hope you brought your erection.

At least she's dumb as shit and can take a dick.

B. B. King on my 45rpm record.

Being - anthropocene probably one of the best djent albums out there

cant wait for his new album


Pretty anime.



On repeat.


yes very

great album

I dig this band
Also Marc Demarco is a cool cunt id smoke a cigarette with him and discuss music that'd be rad

Thanks for sharing, much better then just white noise.

Make her moan so fucking loud it drowns out the music. I can't imagine fucking to Mac DeMarco but I've always wanted to try doing it with Tame Impala. Let it Happen... that fucking rift towards the end sounds as good as sex feels.

Yeah, its really relaxing, he has 2 other albums


Dead weather machine

extremely atmospheric and relaxing, though nostromo is a bit darker


Also are you an ausfag?
'Goodie gum-drop'?
