Alright Sup Forumsrothers. I am very scared...

Alright Sup Forumsrothers. I am very scared. Tell me the TRUTH that I can't get from the CORRUPT corporate controlled media.

1) I have heard rumors of Hillary raising a communist insurgency in upstate new work.
2) Hilary is rumored to be working with the intelligence community to have trumped impeached.
3) The citizens of California are already working to elect her fearless leader.
4) She is behind the bill to take away guns from vulnerable vetss!!!!

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You guys never give up, do you?

idgaf about Trump, I'm just worried about Hillary... she really wants to derpive us of our ability to self defend!

You vile fucking cockroaches really are something. Donald J. Trump was elected President yet you bitchy snowflakes still get your panties in a bunch about a woman who just wanted to give kids Healthcare. I've got a conspiracy for you: The President of the United States colluding with the Russian Federation to rig the election in his favor. Hillary Clinton lost....GET OVER IT ️️️

SHUT UP! I don't care about fucking Trump dude I just want to live in a capitalist nation. Hilary is out there working to strip our freedoms away.

How can you not see it?


Yeah brother.

Hillary Clinton is not working to strip your freedoms away. She's not coming after your guns. No one is coming after your guns.

We go through this shit every...four...years. Every election the noise machine cranks up and "Thery're comin fer yer guns!" becomes part of the racket. Every time.

And it doesn't happen.

We heard for every year of the Obama administration about his plans to take our guns, and gun rights vis-a-vis concealed carry expanded during his administration.

So, you want the truth from your "brothers"? Okay:

--There's no planned communist insurgency. That idea is absurd on its face.
--If Trump is impeached it will be because of his own gross incompetence. If Hilary wants him impeached she could ask her husband about the process.
--People in California have shown no desire to elect her "fearless leader."
--And they ain't comin' for your guns, for the last fucking time.

Where do you get this stuff????

Maybe mentally disabled vets SHOULD have their guns taken away?

Obama's trying to take muh guns!!1!


Dude STOP buying into "fake news" - you need to dig a little deeper and see what it really going on.

They are taking guns from the vets who have the most combat experience. The only people who can save us from her. WHY do you suppose THAT is?

It's already starting. Have you seen that latest law in California? They will invite the mexicans to occupy the south.

>We heard for every year of the Obama administration about his plans to take our guns, and gun rights vis-a-vis concealed carry expanded during his administration.

to be fair, he did try hard after a few stupid white kids went postal to take away guns. but it failed and it was at the state level that the pushback was felt and concealed carry was expanded

>--People in California have shown no desire to elect her "fearless leader."

perhaps not that directly but the protests we have seen come very close and if she would announce an attempted coup im sure there would be a great following from california.

Take your pills you fucking retard.

Listen man, I know you're trying to be edgy and whatnot, but can you please keep this kind of bullshit to Sup Forums?

I can't tell if you're memeing, but if you are, stay here because that's gold


I have seen firsthand the inner-workings of their COMMUNIST kickstarter. They're in - surprise surprise - a pizza join in upstate New York. WAKE UP. WHY ISN'T THE MEDIA DOING ANYTHING?

>4 months ago a pizza parlor was raided and they discovered a child slave operation
>Man who discovered the whole thing was ARRESTED

>They are taking guns from the vets

normally i dont ask for source but this kind of a claim needs it.

>Have you seen that latest law in California?

what law is this?


Starving millions because you don't agree with collectivization is considered innocent? Fuck those dirty kulaks

Of topic, she's hot

Also, I got dubs you fucking bitch

The CGI (Clinton communist regime organization front) has been know to invest in foreign governments and traffic child slaves for exploitation! They're HERE. IN AMERICA!

Someone needs to stop this! It's amazing that the media doesn't care, Trump can't do anything about it because he's already fighting the LYING media, but I live 3 blocks away and i've SEEN the child slaves exiting the "food service delivery truck" unloading people IN CHAINS.


Unfortunately no

>those roots tho

she should fire her stylist

Fuck you it's true! I've heard stories from people I met at VA that they are finding sleeper cells all around the south. They were prepared for this all along... all that NSA shit...

Putin is working with Trump because he knows how shit communism really is. This is our chance to fight back.

IT'S REAL. They have child slaves from GHANA, probably dozens of them locked up in the back! They also don't pay taxes! It's absurd! I can't believe this is happening in my country! I can't wait for trump to LOCK THE CLINTONS UP! For their treason and child rape!

take your meds please.

Lol the faggotry is unreal. Do you realize how fucking retarded you sound?


She's amazing

My uncle is a vet and got his right to own guns taken away. After he started multiple bar fights, and tried stabbing his neighbor. So yeah, maybe he shouldn't get to have guns, because war fucked him up enough that he is going to kill someone.

I'm a vet, and I get to have all the guns I want. Why? Because I'm not going to have a breakdown and start shooting my neighbors.

People at the VA? Wowzers bud. Really reputable source there. Take your pills bud.



The VA cell is just an offspurt of the UPSTATE NEW YORK headquarters! Atlas pizza is the headquarters of the whole thing! The owner is a CONFIRMED hillary supporter! He even tried to organize a Trump PROTEST after he was elected, but is the news covering the CHILD SLAVERY that the CLINTONS perpetrate EVERY DAY ALL OVER THE WORLD?

if by that you mean "amazingly looks like a goblin" then sure

Don't be so sure user

Proof nigga. I need it.


>She's wearing too much red just like those damn commies
I'm not calling for your Jewish trickery again, Hillary

Soon user. The pedo rings can't cover their tracks for ever.

Sounds like you want to disarm a fucking innocent man.

Patriots a reputable you fucking pinko.

But how does it tie back to cali???? I know there's a west coast connection.

I'm not this nuthead, but I'll respond.
vets who are found emotionally/mentally unstable can have their right to own a firearm taken away. It's a decision only the VA can make, after a psych-evaluation.

Law in California requires a background check to buy ammo. You can still make your own no problem. It's just a way to make shooting more inconvenient.

Pretending Hillary is a communist is exactly what she wants you to do. If anything she's more of a neocon.

if fucking a 9 yr old wife is good enough for the prophet muhammad its good enough for me

Someone who has SEEN the trucks post your stories!

The loyal elements of te NSA will KEEP the pictures off the web.

be afraid, stay in your home, probably kill yourself.


>Tell me the TRUTH
This is the woman you're talking about. Truth

>started multiple bar fights, and tried stabbing his neighbor
>a fucking innocent man

YOU. ARE. A. RETARD. And so am I for feeding the troll. God, I hope you're a troll. I know too many people IRL who actually think like you. SMHTBHGD fam


>vets who are found emotionally/mentally unstable can have their right to own a firearm taken away. It's a decision only the VA can make, after a psych-evaluation.
>Law in California requires a background check to buy ammo. You can still make your own no problem. It's just a way to make shooting more inconvenient.

and why are people tweaking? this seems perfectly reasonable?

The fuck are you on about? go to a hospital and get some brain medicine you fucking dinkus

What the fuck ever man, you're just try to make him defenseless against the hordes from mexico.



The media will cover up anything the CLINTONS do because Trump has the media against him! They keep going on with their CHILD SLAVE operation and COMMUNIST REGIME and nobody will do anything. It's TERRIBLE.

It's like the only reason they want to lift travel bans is because they want to bring in more refugee SLAVES and abuse these people in CLINTON OWNED ORGANIZATIONS.

The owner said himself that he would RESIST everythig about trump and that he was a proud 3 TIME clinton voter!

>brain medicine


they fucked over mostly rich people and political enemies. if you filp that around to Fucking over poor people and political enemies you get capitalism.

>communism is only cool because a poor people can go to space.

Get the fuck out of commiefornia

Ok. I looked around. There's a toilet under my ass. Some tp. There's a trashcan. If I go outside, I might find that upstate New York is about a 5 hour flight away from me and can go fuck itself right in its cold vagina. Do I win?


She's running an international human trafficking ring all across the nation! THE CLINTONS and the CGI HAVE TO BE STOPPED AT ALL COSTS!



Conspiracy theorist's code for "I have no evidence but I don't want to admit that I'm full of shit."

>poor people

but user there are no rich or poor people in communism. we are all equally ants to the administration

It IS totally reasonable. But they have a fear that any movement towards control of firearms is only the beginning of a slippery slope of them being defenseless towards the government.

What I don't get is that they think their militias having a gun is going to stop the government from ass-raping them. It hasn't stopped the government for the last few years. These nutjobs think military force is the only force in the world, and ignore that their communities are poor, opiate-addicted, and dumb. And all that without a single shot from the federal government.


We need a LOCAL resistance to counter the AWFUL Democratic socialist communist nazi media run jew regime! NOBODY IS DOING ANYTHING!

The Clintons are going to keep getting away with these operations because the media doesn't CARE because they OWN the media! Trump is busy preventing terrorist attacks EVERY DAY but this is a HUGE PROBLEM. TAKE ACTION.


How's your life?

>Imlpying the rich don't deserve to get fucked over for exploiting the workers for centuries

>throws out a strawman in defense of his waifu

So you ADMIT that the Russians are actively suppressing the Clinton's corrupt SLAVERY regime of communists? And you're part of the regime to silence the true believers! Trump is the only honest politician, and the LIBERAL media doesn't know anything and they let the CLINTONS perpetrate these ATROCITIES DAILY!


More like mind control drugs. You think I'm stupid? I know your grand comissar Hilary has agents on Sup Forums!

You are a fucking moron.

>the rich
That's a very vague target. Many "rich" people now days don't actually own the means of production.

>What I don't get is that they think their militias having a gun is going to stop the government from ass-raping them. It hasn't stopped the government for the last few years. These nutjobs think military force is the only force in the world, and ignore that their communities are poor, opiate-addicted, and dumb. And all that without a single shot from the federal government.

sad but true. I do agree that having firearms is a good idea because as far as a deterent goes, its better than nothing. there DOES however need to be limitations on who can access guns even if that limitation is just "no convicts and no crazies".

I live in canada and I have often mused about what would happen if the government decided to turn on us. what would we do?

no i'm not in fact i'm defending communism
i loved the fact that they sent a poor person into space.

in capitalism poor people cant do shit without getting fucked by the rich

example health care, tickets, university, and much more.

Okay bro, okay.

damn fine. Yours?


user i didn't explain my self well


>i loved the fact that they sent a poor person into space.

look at it this way, if the rocket blew up (and that was EXTREMELY likely), who did the government want blowing up in it?

Yep. That's it. I'm gonna go kill myself for just getting trolololololed hard.

>Democratic socialist communist nazi media run jew regime

A socialist is not necessarily a communist is DEFINITELY not a right-wing facist party that hates jews but is also apparently one of them

If you truly believe this, you legitimately need help. Like, really bad. You have some major mental health issues. I know you're going to deny me and be all like "ITS REAL THO". It's not. It just isn't. You want it to be because it makes you feel important. You act like you have some inside knowledge of some huge scandal because you want people to admire you and listen to you. I'm not going to anymore though. I'm done. I'm very tired, and I'm very wound up from some shitty things that happened today in my real personal life. So I'm going to smoke a cigarette, drink a beer, and jack off. Probably not in that order. See a doctor, man. Trust me, you'll get more validity from that than posting conspiracy theories on Sup Forums

>poor people cant do shit
In California we have these great things called community colleges, you can learn almost anything for a few hundred dollars a semester.

Since Obama's economy was shit the teachers are great. All kinds of underemployed engineers, scientists and software developers.

eh yeah but the ussr had pretty good rockets

president Kennedy actually wanted to join with
the ussr to send a rocket into space successfully
>usa great computers
>Soviets great rockets

user why do YOU feel the NEED to capitalize every FEW fords in your POSTS?

You elitist distictions between various fucking communists are only meant to keep real americans devided.

Bruh, that's like conspiracy theory 101


why does every president that is chummy with russia end up shot or villified? really makes you wonder....

not sure if you we're against or for my argument
>or maybe a bit of both
but yeah good point


Whatever. Doesn't change that you're still dodging the real issue here. And that's your lack of self-worth. See a doctor before you get suicidal.

user fuck you, explain

>"Fake news"
You mean everything that doesn't blindly give fellatio to Trump? Because that's all of Breitbart, a rag so pathetic that the National Enquirer looks like honest reporting in comparison.

Of all the governments in the world, I think Canada's is the bottom of the list of "slaughtering their own people at any moment".

You guys aren't trying hard enough

its not a conspiracy theory, just an observation.

kennedy apparently wanted to build a rocket with the ussr and was shot. trump is being villified for ties to russia.

i dont know enough of us history to know if there are other examples but this seems odd.

Your tinfoil hat is showing.

>You guys aren't trying hard enough

dont know weather to be great full that we are not savages or insulted that you called us lazy...

it is true though, i dont know how we have avoided all the shit that seems to have engulfed the world. the worst we get is the occasional native uprising and accompanying protest, then they smoke some weed, get bored and go home.


Nice projections