What's the worst drug to have a withdrawal from Sup Forums?

What's the worst drug to have a withdrawal from Sup Forums?

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I was abusing benzos for a few months and had an awful time when I went cold turkey. I didnt even know I would get withdrawl,




I personally will say alcohol. I've been to the hospital for alcohol withdrawal. It's a medical emergency, you can seizure and die. *cheers*

deep and edgy

Smoking this


I would second this, the second would be benzos



Your moms warm pussy gets me high as fuck every time

I've heard methadone is the worst. It supposedly gets in your bone marrow and it hurts to even move

Yea man I blacked put for 2 months. I'd take 10 heroin withdrawals over this

fucking this. I was an opiate addict for almost ten years, gone through withdrawals from oxy and heroin dozens and dozens of times from trying to quit/being dry, and when i got on methadone to try to quit, and lost my job and had to quit that shit cold turkey, it was so much worse than other opiate withdrawals. The feeling like shit of withdrawal isnt as intense as it is with oxy or heroin, but it last like ten times longer. PAWS went on with me for over 6 months when i got off methadone.


take the shittiness of withdrawing from the worst booze hangover of your life and lengthen out the duration to what opiates typically take to withdraw from + PAWS

but once it's finally over, it's such a relief

thats cheesy, not really edgy
only edgy people dont know what edgy is

Percs made me feel like I was dying.
Heroin made me feel like I was dead.
Alcohol made me feel like I had the flu after the seizures stopped.

Benzos then opiates

A serious withdraw from benzo can kill you nothing else will

Benzos is the only correct answer, withdrawal can actually kill you and you feel like you're dying every step of the way

Heroin is pretty bad

This site


The gods have spoken

depends on the type of withdrawl you mean, immidiate (chasing the dragon) long term (depression/physical recovery)

meth and several of its analougs (cathinones, apvp, mdpv are related to meth and WORSE than meth in terms of withdrawl) have horrible short term withdrawl but OK long term

opiates have much worse long term and typically worse health problems

benzos are overall the hardest of all to kick ccause they fuck with your head more (and their pharmacology is not even well understood compared to opiate or uppers)


Opioids. I'll always be a junkie, so I get to look forward to it again and again and again.





Had a grand maul seizure from alcohol withdrawl. Used to hallucinate all the time from the dts. Body used to seize up so hard id wonder if my bones could break themselves.

No good. Currently 2 years sober.

i think alcohol is easier to withdraw from because you will have massive social support for being a victim but if you admit to being an H addict or a math addict you are considered trash who should have known better.
not that its physically easier but its easier to get help before it gets that bad


Heroin withdrawals are the most miserable but alcohol and xanax are the ones that can kill you. With heroin withdrawals you will just WISH you were dead.


Benzos, Opiates, and Caffeine.

I'm addicted to math myself. 1+1 gets me so hard

Any thing with a physical dependence can kill you


painful truth

You seem very sensitive. NA is full of heroin addicts and meth addicts who need all that feel sorry for me shit.

Have you actually gone to NA? I've been court mandated to many times for alcohol, benzos, opiates, coke, ect. It's pretty similar to AA, just with an expanded focus on all types of substances.

I saw a TED talk that withdrawing from love triggers the same feelings as bad tooth pains in the brain.

surprised more people haven't said caffeine

Yes, most all of my NA experiences have been people sharing their shit story with no solution attached to it.

babbies first post

That slight headache you get for a couple of days is a KILLER. how can anybody live like that

Right? I literally cant go 8 hours without any. Headaches galore, unable to eat... all that shit.

Unrealistic expectations.

You assume they are talking for you, by providing a solution for you. Actualky they are talking for themselves, sharing their problem and trying to find their own solution. Next time you try talking

How long do you need to be drunk for, to require this? Like where is the line that should not be crossed?


Hardest to quit, I'd have to say cigarettes. Withdrawals are pretty unpleasant but the real issue is how long the whole thing lasts. And you still crave the fuckers for years after you quit.

But worst withdrawals... Probably xanax. You can die from xanax withdrawals. Or alcohol. Same thing, you can die from the withdrawals.

heroin and alcohol, only things you can die from the withdrawls


....and meth. I loved tasting the drips after snorting rails off of a CD case while my buddy sped his car everywhere.

He was my counselor at a halfway house so he had a card and a story when we'd get pulled over....tell them I fell of the wagon and he was taking me back. ...GOD I MISS METH.


You beat me to it. I was going to say just this.

what about fapping?
you get lose autistic superpowers and become a normie again

Every drugs should be legalized, until then anyone who uses them is automatically marginalized as a criminal. Addiction needs to be recognized for what it really is: a symptom of debilitating depression.