What is the evolutionary reasoning for straight guys wanting to suck off perfect male rods?

What is the evolutionary reasoning for straight guys wanting to suck off perfect male rods?

OP you are clearly a fag

maybe something with tribes. like "fuk ye we're all dudes and we just killed this mammoth" and you get some kind of bond or something. i dont know nigga just do you. we're so far down the rabbit hole literally just do what makes u happy



>25yo kv
>Like the look of my uncut cock
>Start to find similar looking cocks attractive
Why be attracted to women who will reject you when you can be attracted to cocks who will throb at your very touch?

I guess you're right

Words mean nothing

there is none, it's the jews moron

>What is the evolutionary reasoning for straight guys wanting to suck off perfect male rods?

Establishing leadership in a group setting. The guy with the biggest dong gets the most attention from women and men.

big cock is alpha

dudes and bitches alike respect alpha

bitches wanna suck and fuck

dudes wanna suck

but if you start taking that thing in the ass then shit man thats fuckin gay

Porn conditioning.

Haven't you noticed most of the girls you sleep with kinda like to be abused in bed? Not how women were portrayed, say, in the 90s. More people watch porn nowadays, so girls have conditioned to be choked, spanked, faces slapped, etc.

Same with dudes, only we've seen so many cocksucking scenes, we've inadvertently been sissy-hypnotized.

But what if you just want that huge thing to stretch out your asshole while at the same time putting huge pressure on your prostate?

All plausible explanations, anons

I'm not expert and this isn't anything but conjecture but I assume it's mostly based in pederasty as boys were considered in nearly all ancient societies to be acceptable substitutes for women or even of equal or greater quality to them.
When it comes to genetic propagation you have to think of ways a behaviour or physical trait could have helped with survivability and i suppose if the weaker effeminate little boy lost his parents or they were particularly belligerent it was the only bargaining chip he had to bargain access to food survive into adulthood and thereafter pass on his genes, so a instinctive predisposition would help younger males stumble onto this loophole without needing to understand the complex reasoning behind it.
But again, this is only my best guess.

ehhhhhhhhhhhhhh that's a pretty grey area
i guess maybe if you dont get all mushy about it and start moaning and saying gay shit like "fuck me" or "oh fuck yea" and if you don't develop some kind of emotional attachment to the experience........
theeeeeeeeeeeennnnnnnnnnnn maybe it's not gay


enough with the perfect cock user... i get it, you want me to suck dick


Which fag wants my dragon dick in them

im 6 inches solid, an extra inch is desirable but i really want girth gains, how can i achieve

Dopamine feedback.

I like traps which is already gay and I wouldn't suck a dick, so I'm not sure you know what straight means


It looks necrotic.




These deviated gat fucks enjoy fantasizing about normal men.
Like, thinking all normal men are secretly fags turns them on, or thinking they can "turn" a normal guy into a fuckig fag or some ridiculous shit like that.
It's not surprising tho, they are deviates after all.

Sucking dick and enjoying that you're sucking dick is gay.
Sucking dick itself is not inherently gay. If you tried it and don't like it, then you probably know you're not gay. If you don't even feel the need to try it in the first place, you're probably not gay. If you refuse to even think about it because of the possibility that you could be gay/bi, then you might be gay.

bahaha yea, it looks like a zombie cock in that pic. It's actually normal looking

Ehh traps is closer to bi than gay. Depends on what you're attracted to.


When it comes to dick, if it ain't black, send it back

You're overdoing it with the oil.

Because even straight males have small remnants of feminine biology


neat explanation user

I just jerked off in that pic thats why


> straight guys wanting to suck off males

Literally no such thing

is this OC? if it is, please fuck my mouth

traps are too feminine for my tastes usually.

sucking DICK means something faggot

Remnants of "feminine biololgy" do not make you a fucking homosexual deviate, you moron.
No, ridiculous fag, not all men "secretly want to suck cock".

Traps are perfect for me. I love girls but I still have the urge to fondle dicks so traps are double the offer for half the price.

Then that's pretty gay.

replied wrongly, sorry.

The fact that I have 100+ pics of male dicks is rather disturbing to me.

Who cares. Keep posting.


Why? If it were me I'd keep going.

If there is a gay gene then it likely has some other benefit. If it increases fertility by 10% but turns 5% of males gay, then that's still a positive to the population as a whole. Combined with the fact that gay CAN have children if they want too, then it will still be spread.

Frankly though, I think we just like to stick our dicks into stuff and cum. If you can't do it with a girl, might as well get off anyway.

Here's an example of a non-male dick.

I tend to think that most people are bisexual, to varying degrees, even if just slightly. If you're a guy and you're messing with another guy's dick in a sexual setting, then that's pretty fucking queer. Nothing straight about that.

Oh shit, that's a nice penis.

>Perfect male rod
Pick one.

There is not a "gay gene". Thats something faggots are rooting for and wishing to find since forever, since it would somehow excuse that their whole ridiculous condition is nothing else than a deviation of a healthy sexual instinct.
The paraphilia they so eagerly need to deny.

Oh I ain't stopping.
Although not all of those 100+ cocks are big.

Holy shit does king kai live at the end of his dick?


You're gay. It's 2017, it's ok to be gay. Just be gay.


I would honestly beg to differ in the sense that I find women repulsive, but I don't think any untrodden ground will reveal itself from that.

Like 10% of the human genome consists of retroviruses... Who knows for sure what's influencing it?

I think there is most definitely something biological at play, especially among the people who've been gay from very early on.

But every other part of men except for dick is disgusting. The proportions, the body hair, the smell of male sweat - all completely repulsive.


lmao enjoy your "orgasm"



Bi guy here, I married a woman and goddamn I miss sucking and taking dick. Nice cocks in this thread

What kind of ugly pathetic men have you seen in your life to say such a blatantly wrong and ignorant statement.

I love balls like this so nice to suck


Probably nasty st8 fuckbois

There are studies showing that emotional stress in the mother during pregnancy can cause damage to the fetus causing the child to be born a fag, for example.

Of course fags push for those studies to be shunned because they portray homosexuality as what it is, an unhealthy deviation, and what they want is to teach kids in schools that homosexuality is "ok". "Normal".

I don't find muscles, hair and male facial features attractive, that's all.

it's called being in denial that you're a faggot OP

More perfect balls!


Then date a tranny with a big hairy cock

Maybe you fapped to so much porn so many times that you got bored and it made you go gay



You want the real reason? Its evolution, this planet is over populated and nature is taking its course to correct the situation. Now with that said, Its could also be all of the chemicals (think birth control etc) getting into our water supplies and adding extra estrogen etc to people slowly but steady like over years and years especially in big cities where water is cleaned and reused.

Think about it

Sucking dicks is the ultimate alpha male power play. You rob other men of their sexual desire and their semen so they can't get women pregnant. Then you can impregnate all the women yourself.

In the ass is great...dildo yourself and tell me that ain't fun



Yeah, it has more to do with those artificial and social conditions rather than a natural evolution of the species. Its a perversion of the nature of the species to be more specific. Decadence.


Nice one.

Am I the only one who skips these scenes? Or anything that isn't lesbian or solo or POV? Am I the only straight person left on the internet?

dubs of truth

Strangely enough I (they guy who posts dicks itt) hate blowjobs and I always skip them.


I love youngthroats, ass teen mouth, tushy and facefucking aka facial abuse.
I dont want to suck cuck. Not arousing at all. Straight guys are not fags.
What that has accomplished for me is a fucking big dick trauma. Id kill for 4 extra inches to be able to gag girls like that.

that's such a good point




There's no evolutionary reason, it's an associative one.
>grow up seeing hot women suck off male cocks
>masturbate to how hot the girl is and how passionately she's sucking the cock
over time, you condition yourself to get turned on by the cock purely by virtue of association.