Why keep living, user?

Why keep living, user?
I want to die, unironically, help me out Sup Forums

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Fuck. Watch this. Forget about that bitch

spite? indomitability? a love for life's vices?

I personally chose to try and hear and tell other people's stories, half because of my long dead friends who killed themselves over having never had their story heard, half from the people that were in my life I will never get the chance to hear the story of.

there are many reasons to live user. look around you, look inside you. you'll find something, and if you don't, perhaps that's it.

I keep on living out of a legitimate hatred of myself that stems from molesting 2 of my cousins about 8 years ago. Also I am scared of hell. Me being a Christian I believe in the existence of hell and I know for what I did I should never be forgiven and as such I'll burn for eternity. Until then I will keep on living for as long as I possibly can

I'm guessing that doesn't help, though

If you're truly regretful, then God should forgive you, shouldn't he?

well, all can be forgiven through Christ (or so I'm told.) perhaps your local clergy could give you advice on how best to repent for your sins and how best to assist those 2 cousins which you have clearly scarred.
Also, side note, one should always have a slight hatred of themselves. not as a whole, of course, but we often have an urge to change or remove that which we hate.

You'd think. But how in the world could I be forgiven? Fact of the matter is I liked what I did. I ruined the lives of two innocent children and what did I get? A slap on the wrist. Pathetic. You're right. God should forgive me. I've repented my ways and have made good effort to be a decent human being. But I can't forgive myself. And I know that they can't forgive me either. Isn't that just as important?

help the fight kill greed

if a thief is sorry for what he has done, is he not still a thief? however, if he returns what he has stolen, he has at least shown he is willing to make right his wrongs. sorrow does not cleanse someone, penance in the form of remedial action does.

Tell story

seek atonement and redemption


What can I do to help?

I'm open to ideas. There's nothing I can do to undo what's been done

You should die hilariously

Why don't you join a cause you believe in and fight for something . I'm not talking about conservative/liberal protesting. I'm talking about actual issues that affect people , like that dam in California ,or some shit

I'm actually , but here's a thought.
pay for their therapy. you've mentioned all you got was a slap on the wrist, correct? then I presume people know of your actions. so endure it. there is no making this right, only making things easier to handle for them and those around them.

Rape and molestation isn't a hell offence, its can be forgiving in the eyes of god, suicide cannot

At least try and apologies to them

Maybe they are still down to fuck

That's a decent idea. I've not considered it before because they live across the state. But that's not a bad idea. I don't know if they go to therapy or not since none of us are on speaking terms but I'll give it a shot. Do you have any idea on how to go about it without them knowing? I'd rather them not know I am involved. I feel it might make them and their mother uncomfortable

Sin is sin, friend


go through either their mother or father, give them a minute to get through the "you have some nerve" rant, then tell them what you want to do. if not, send checks or cash to their address, with a small note attached telling them what it's for.
if all else fails, ask around, see where and if they are going to therapy, and pay directly for them. most professional offices will hold the money until the next service rendered, and if you don't give your name, they can't tell them jack shit.

Fucking this. I'm up for a feels thread once in a while but suicide always seemed fucking dumb to me.

Seems like a decent plan. I'll give it a shot. Thanks user

any time, user. best of luck.

Thanks, I'll need it...