what I don't understand is why he keeps bragging about how much he won by. he had a terrible EC margin. Besides Bush, one of the worst in decades.
46th out of 56. that's the bottom fifth. terrible. is he just bad at math or stupid or lying or what?
what I don't understand is why he keeps bragging about how much he won by. he had a terrible EC margin. Besides Bush, one of the worst in decades.
46th out of 56. that's the bottom fifth. terrible. is he just bad at math or stupid or lying or what?
Other urls found in this thread:
>is he just bad at math or stupid or lying or what?
It's self promotion.
His whole life is making claims that make him look good confidently enough that enough people think he looks good so they do what he wants.
yes and also a narcissist and delusional, pretty tame actually except for the fact that he's running the us
He's a liar and a sociopath on top of a 70 year old man who's never been told "no" because he was pampered by daddy until he was able to fire anyone who disagreed with him.
He's a closet faggot with a tiny dick. Has a lot to compensate for.
Given how the media was giving him like a 3% chance to win, I'd say he's earned some bragging rights for the next 8 years.
Controlling the narrative. He has braindead people like you discussing topics that he wants you too. Keep on focusing on the misdirection idiot. He is successful for a reason.
He's not really running the US, since it doesn't seem like the federal complex is getting on board with his narcissism.
Jesus Christ. Go to HuffPo's message board ffs.
Fuck u CTR
nah you're swimming in shit, dumbelll. own it.
He is not just bragging, he is blatantly lying. He is just as bad as fake news, he doesn't look up statistics that are available on fucking Wikipedia, he just says shit and thinks he is right.
You lost the election. Own it.
Definition of a single term President.
Complaining about threads on Sup Forums is as asinine as 306>525.
Everything on that list is a reasonable assumption for an educated person, unfortunately the U.S. has the education system of a third world country.
its shareblue now
Fuck that. He squeaked by on Russian DNC leaks
He hasn't brought back jobs, though. The jobs he "saved" from Mexico in Indiana are being replaced by automation, some of them still did go to Mexico. The jobs he "saved" in that car factory prevented them from the planned moving in of a more profitable line and the expansion planned with it.
Trump the Chump.
Somehow, I don't buy this. Feels like that time someone said there were children in the nonexistent basement of a pizzeria.
He has nothing else positive to talk about. So he keeps repeating the same lies to hype himself up and distract from the investigations into his Russia connections which officially started today. He knows prison is coming.
>its hasnt even been a month
He actually did bring back thousands of jobs.
Try again, nigger.
>muh russian aggression
eurofag detected
It's one of those fake images Sup Forums likes to make for LARPing purposes.
A perfect time to hold a rally.
Yep. And the investigation is going to get rough. Wonder why one nominee dropped out suddenly after the FBI's reveal on Flynn? Something tells me, and this is an educated guess based on my education in Criminal Behavior, that the rabbit hole goes quite deep and that Trump is going to be held accountable for a nice portion of it all.
Then he and his supporters shouldn't be claiming to have accomplished it. You can't claim credit for something and then deflect when proven wrong.
Trump doesn't read the news or use the internet. He surrounds himself with sycophants who spend all day sucking his dick. One of them told him he had the greatest win, and he believed them. They've probably told him the media was lying by now and he believes it again.
Wtf I hate this faggot trumptard now
Figured as much. That Sup Forums has too much time on their hands these days.
He didn't bring back any jobs. He just held press conferences and took credit for things that were already happening without him.
What the fuck is the Comon Core?
Yep. The orange ape is taking credit for actions that were planned well before he was elected, or even winning the primaries.
>and this is an educated guess based on my education in Criminal Behavior
>my sides
Oh, that is choice, saving that one for later, good post.
Trump says the electoral college is terrible!!!!
>Trump ends up winning the electoral college but losing the popular vote
My bad guys XD Trump now says the electoral college is great :D :D :D
So we're going with the "everyone who isn't a far left kook is dumb" thing. How well did that work out in '14 and '16?
The elites never pay for it. Fucking never.
Trump is the swamp now. Their internal battles happen. But the people will never see justice.
Good thing he's out golfing while his presidency goes down in flames.
Ford changed because of Trump but doesn't want to face libtard boycott of their shitty cars and trucks.
I know a guy with aspergers who ends all his sentences with exclamations.. interesting
I like watching him trying to weasle out of a lie...
I fucking hate him
how does ur ass feel?
Ford was already doing this months before Trump was elected. Same with all the other companies Trump pretends he influenced.
He's basing his presidency on the old adage of if you tell a lie long enough, it becomes the truth.
Wow. Who ever thought screenshots could be liars?
Got anymore like this?
You must be living in the past. That is a perfect description of the Obama years.
If this is what you like, you need to find a hobby. There's a lot of really fun shit out there, man.
Wew bernie sanders wants universal health care so that poor people won't die in the streets because they can't afford their medical bills. what a bad person amiright?
Not really. Obama was just more well liked
i dont share more than 1 rare in a thread. foxnews special has to be delayed
Most hated person worldwide. Stop believing the media.
Are you high? Obama loved the news and the internet. He was one of the candidates to truly leverage the internet to boost himself to the top.
name 8 jobs he brought back. he can't even get people to be in his cabinet, let alone bring back jobs. try harder redneck
People hate trump more than they hate obama.
Source: i live in the worldwide
I just think it's pitiful that he didn't own up to it.
"Well no, I was given that information. I don't know. I was just given... we had a very big margin."
"Well, I don't know. I was given that information. Actually, I've seen that information around."
That's some president we've got.
The same Obama that wielded his power to target journalists and ban media outlets. Are you delusional or trying to rewrite history.
You live in an echo chamber.
You at the one who rewrites history, obama did not target journalists and he did not ban media outlets. that's what trump is doing.
Obama interviewd in fox news regularly
You live in an echo chamber
Obama - 60% approval
Trump - 40% approval
Trump is literally the most hated president in recent history. And he achieved that status in record time.
How often does the magic mirror man mock you?
What if i told you Sup Forums is the echochamber?
really makes you think?
You lost all credibility with that lie.
Trump is about as popular right now as bush was after Katrina. not even kidding
Obama was regularly on fox news even though they were conservative. what i said was the truth, not a lie
Have a read. Educate yourself.
This article is about obama's war against whistleblowers, not journalists. the only thing he did with journalists is to tell them it's illegal to spy on the phone calls of the white house, pretty much.
He was wrong doing the war on whistleblowers, that's for sure, but at least he ended up freeing Chelsea Manning.
At least obama did not say Snowden should be excuted - trump said that:
Guess your ignoring this part.
Under Mr. Obama, the Justice Department and the F.B.I. have spied on reporters by monitoring their phone records, labeled one journalist an unindicted co-conspirator in a criminal case for simply doing reporting and issued subpoenas to other reporters to try to force them to reveal their sources and testify in criminal cases.
Funny Trump would say that about Snowden given the info he sold to Russia... which let him get elected.
Stope believing the "stop believing the media" trolls.
Trying to justify Obama's tyranny against journalist by deflecting to Manning. Always happens when one loses an argument.
No i did not ignore that part, i was reading it incorrectly, i thought the reporters were the ones who were spying on the phone calls.
Aniway, he was fighting against the whistleblower, not the journalist - he tried to force the journalist to tell who are the leakers who leaked the data.
i do not justify this action, but that's a bit different from targeting journalists for their reporting
We have different definitions of funny.
Hillary sold 20% of America's uranium deposit to Russia, yet there is no liberal outrage.
I did not deflect, i was merely suggesting that as bad as obama was on the issue of whistleblowers, trump is going to be worse.
And also, obama was not targeting journalists except that one case where he tried to force a journalist to reveal a whistleblower
So what topics should the smart people be discussing?
It an uranium mining field which was sold to a Russian company called "Uranium One". while russia gets to keep the profits from the mining, the uranium itself cannot leave the US
I just don't understand why all of us faggots argue over this soooo much. Trump is a horrible dishonest person. But libtards ignore what makes him appealing. They still don't understand the visceral, down to the marrow, effect he has on his followers. If they ignore the people that elected him they'll keep losing - especially if Hillary runs again
Because it's not illegal to sell our uranium.
It helps his fragile ego and many people are too stupid to fact check anyway.
His followers have seen through his bullshit and they want him out.
Besides i'm a liberal but i'm not even an Hillary supporter. hillary is shit and trump is shit. Bernie was the only good candidate this time around.
To be fair though, trump is even more shit than hillary