Sup Forums Makes a Song!
>Dubs get Chorus
>Trips names the Song
Whatever you post, we put into a song & upload it here, along with video.
Sup Forums Makes a Song!
>Dubs get Chorus
>Trips names the Song
Whatever you post, we put into a song & upload it here, along with video.
Other urls found in this thread:
Our most recent Track.
OWO What's this?
What about the jews?
What about the niggers?
What about the mongoloids?
What about the arabs?
yeah, them too!
we'll include
What about the whites?
I hope that you have a nice day.
Also, have sex with me.
haven't they been through enough, tho?
I have revolutionary technology and innovations not yet available to the public.
I'm just one guy making sure your thread gets bumped because I enjoy your music.
thank you, we enjoy your memies.
Communism is the only solution
Tom's Rhinoplasty
I have no reasons to live
Why isn't my baby growing?
Well, that's just fucking retarded.
Glad to be Canadian.
Why isnt my dick growing
(there's 20 of them. Be exact.)
the sexual kind
I have a brain tumour. Please, kill me.
Safti is nomber won pioriti
its in song
Honey covered bears. (The human kind of bears)
Thanks mate.
Also, winrar.
I'd fuck your toes if I could find them. Maybe they're in the trunk of my Volvo.
There's your chorus
Put the memes in the fucking jar and no one gets hurt!
We can still fit more dubs in, plus more posts for further verses. plus still no trips yet
I worship the one true god
I am legitimately concerned for your well being.
Don't tell my mom I got an erection at grandma's funeral.
Hey faggots you have been visited by Paul the Britbong Paedo. Reply to this post "Hello Paedo" or he will rape all the children in your family in their sleep!
Deus fucking vult
Say my name
>Put it me
>Do it harder
>Do it bush
>Fuck me like you fucked the twin towers
*Hacker Voice*
"I'm in"
Hubbard did nothing wrong
You got it wrong.
It's supposed to be "I never really was on your side."
These are the type of people that spy on the American people. The National Zucking Agency is primarily made up of Mormons. They only have to walk across the street to go to work from their Mormon church in Salt Lake City, UT.
Did you even read the title of the book?
It's the word of our lord and saviour.
let's keep this thing going, we're jotting shit down as it's posted but still have most of the song still left to compile. lots of room left for more submissions.
End my eternal suffering.
david jaffe lives out there I think. you should get him all high.
Cheeki my breeki
Ain't no Pizza like a senate floor pizza
'Cause senate floor pizza got tops.
Life's a bitch, but so is Hillary Clinton.
Space cat comes without hesitation
Space cat comes, no need of presentation
Magic spodr powers
("spodr" is pronounced "spa-der")
Okay, so this is a price composed by Sup Forums a few days before your "there's skin attached to the hair in my soup" song. I'm kni2 btw
Pewds was always a Nazi
Well, will you look at this?
We need concentration Camps for "journalists"
Adolf loved the jews
I need a bed instead of shipping pallets and a sheet.
too late
Still No Trips, We Need a Name!
Judges 19:29 but read out the ducked up part if the verse
I'm as nasty as twelve dykes on dirt bikes,
causin' road rage on the New Jersey turnpike
I eat rocks for fun
The "Edgy 12 yr. Old foundation for advocacy that Pewdiepie is not a Nazi" presents:
It's in Swedish. I'll put down how to pronounce it, alongside what's written down.
Fränder, bröder
Vȧr stormaktstid är över
(frander, broh-der
voor "stoorm mach steed" are oh-ver)
Put it in quotes to let you know it's one word.
It's the jews fault they were kicked out of all the countries they inhabited.
It's time to take the redpill, don't be a kike shill,
Who will make America Great? You can bet the 4th Reich will.
That actually works...
>Fränder, bröder
>Vȧr stormaktstid är över
Brethren, brothers
Vȧr great power is over
I fuck Japs, what you think about that?
Nihongo wa muzukashi des ne- and that shit is a fact
A fucking LEAF
It's funny really, reading the Bible has made me less sympathetic toward them. They wemy around and murdered everyone in Canaan because some old man said a voice in his head told him to
It's hard to type in swedish with this keyboard. The real translation is
"Kinsmen, brothers
Our time as a great power is over"
You can call me Jackie, Jackie Sup Forums
1488- gas the kikes- I'm an asian man
It's in swedish, and it's kindof like saying
"Hey, I'm Sweden. I used to be fucking awesome, now I'm just a bunch of cucks getting raped"
Get lickin' this pussy boi
I jack off in my bed while I cry
"Memes are dead" -Nietzsche
The Alt Right will RIse Again
Fucking normies, get off my thread!
I swear, when I'm done, YOU'LL ALL BE FUCKING DEAD!
Nice slutty bear costume
Yuh Yuh Yuh
If no one gets trips, it will be called "Anal Tatoos"
Dubs confirms
Well, shit.
I can't do math, and I can't get hired,
I sperged out at the last one and I got fired
Some faggot wanted extra meat on his burrito
And I gave him extra meat like boku no pico.
We must secure the existence of our people and a future for white children."
Come touch my Metal Machine!