Post your 10/10 girl

post your 10/10 girl

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posting a blacked ho


Second this

Good start



Damn moar



It's time to get a new phone user...

Not OP but it's Rachel Cook


She's incredible





She sure is

her personality brings her down to a 2/10

shame though because she really is cute


Are you there, user?


Is she from Israel?

Moar pls





Agreed, more

Nice! Proceed!

danish chicks are the best






>not zooming in on the dick bulge



Jesus christ. Name? More?

But why tho

Why not?



IG? Imgur album?

I prefer Alexis Ren.


Am I weird ?
I find Indian women pretty attractive.
I even find 'ugly' indian women pretty.

>Am I weird ?
Yes. They are horrid.

I'm pretty sure I've seen her in a pic. She's wearing workout gear and has a water bottle. So many fap sessions...

strung out grils are leif

Probably stems from some sort of sexual fetish. I don't see how you'd find them that beautiful without having first fetishized them.


I'm right with you there.

perfect girl right here


The fuck dude.


She cute


my strung out grils folder is distressingly lacking, this is all i have left and its not nearly as good

idk what it is, but drug addicts and genuine crazys (ie schiczos and bipolars) give me an instaboner

Had to crop out her chad bf

I think she's hot a f but my friends say I'm crazy. I reply with, she was in maxim.


That tripped me out. My name is Chad. Anyway yeah she's cute af. Would bang

Indian women best women.

>Being this pleb

No more pics?

Forgot pic.

You are right

You cum you lose


if that's what you're leading with then I'm going to win.....

Gotta be her for me, any anons like her too?

Not her best pic..


Not bad face but freckles get me off kinda so bretty good




I do have more pics of her, so I'll share her cute


no more heroin cuties?

Any nudes??


Sadly I don't have any, I really wish I did have some , her body is sexy

>heroin cuties

A gf of yours?

do you like to poo poo in the street and wipe your ass with your barehands too?

Nahh I talked with her at college, I found her immediately attractive


>not comforting your heroin cutie while she's dope sick and cant score
>not using your heroin cutie in any way you desire while she's on the nod and doesn't give a fuck whats going on
>not using her addiction against her to blackmail her into doing whatever it is you want just so you'll give her the few bucks she needs to get a hit

honestly it's like you don't even into perversions

Dude, Indian girls are hot don't hate. white washed Indian girls tho, fob Indian chicks are either taken or unfuckable.


That biohazard is sure sign he has AIDS