Seriously white grills, how can you possibly compete?

Seriously white grills, how can you possibly compete?

by not having multiple kids from different felons and having a good credit score


>good credit score
Fuckin GG

tons of makeup
lol fuck like planet of the apes up in here

My hands aren't on the opposite side of the color spectrum than my face.

>"Necks? What are those?"

>niggers smell like shit

I feel like god was drunk one night and accidentally used the paint bucket fill option with black selected instead of white and clicked her body


I dont know about you guys, but id love to fuck mystique

U mad bro?

You know your black man will leave you for a white girl who is much fatter and uglier, right?


bastard black

i compete by being retarded


>Would fuck this nigger over any white girl
>This nigger

> white cocainoman > black goddess


dimwit dark

I mean, I'm gonna be honest.
Why would you not fuck a naturally pretty cute shapeshifter? LITERALLY ANYONE. LITERALLY.

the bitch is ugly



hands to wrist/forearms ratio. what the fuck is she, half lemur?

>Seriously white grills, how can you possibly compete?
>Seriously white grills
>white grills
Answered your own question?

I like her

fp fucking bp

By being white

and i like the smell of my own shit but i don’t roll around in it.

thats exactly what I saw when I looked into the toilet when i finally shit after being constipated

They can't. I gave up white girls years ago. Never been happier.

there are literally thousands of white girls with a face and hair like this, but one black chick has it and everyone loses their minds.


You white crackers are pathetic
Black goddess is not amused and bored

White girls have also never been happier.

Yeah... I'd put my milk in that chocolate, but really only that one.

You look like a burnt mannequin, how do you expect to win this argument with that pic?



samefag white boi

>When white girls mad you want some black booty

White women are fat and hideous, black women are sexy and imposing

Must be a dude that responded with this because it's pretty funny and no white girl could have come up with it


But when buying a chess burger and a diet coke

you only have one girl to talk about?

black women have fake hair and smell like bananas and funk


Who left the oven on too long?

Shes not a girl, shes a goddess you whitecracker

ok so only one goddess?

Nigger nogger

i cant make out her facial features on the side of her face in shadow

so you’re going after white grills now? all the sjws “grills” that fight for nigger rights are white. why as a black woman/black man would you want to piss off your social justice warriors?

>the cultural appropriation is real

Didn't niggers learn from Micheal Jackson that surgery to look more white just makes you look creepy?

This boonette looks like the barbie doll that's been burnt with a lighter.

Good luck getting an answer to that user. You’re asking the nignog to use logic and reasoning...


If you have been bad, you'll get a lump of coal, OP's pic related.

They can't compete with much.



>Taking the bait this hard

fuck you nigger with your OCTAROON elf drinking grape drank

why am I supposed to be attracted to a dark skin girl when I can fap to pale beauty like this?

wood bone

nobody who posted in this topic took the bait. we all just want to bash black girls...

those hoes look weathered

Niggers are disgusting, you spooks remind me of the shit I left in the toilet

is op's a pic a white girl in black face? Something looks weird about it.

a black chicks pussy smells like ammonia 7 times out of 10. the other 3 smell like cocoa butter

the blond is ok and the one on the right is hot. the other two should get back to their coven.

"The Blackest Night falls from the skies,
The darkness grows as all light dies,
We crave your hearts and your demise,
By my black hand, the dead shall rise!"

— Black Lantern Corps Oath

she just made herself look as white as possible in facial structure, since whites have the most attractive faces

Occident whites look like kids whit autismo

even the bottom of the barrel is better than a FUCKING NIGGER

this bitch had a nose job done

>nig just looks like a white girl who worked in a coal mine all day

How y'all post the most run down white bitches

Cause that bitch is gonna look 60 within the next 2 weeks

Yeah I'd prefer the black chick in op's pic over this hot dog water drinking bitch

She's so black when she gets in the car the oil light comes one

lol’d hard

Who could resist me. Certainly not your bae

I get all the bbc

you’re so black you can’t spell.


Stupid fucking cracker. There are no misspelled words in that fucking sentence!!! Inbred hillbilly. lol

why do you have a disembodied black woman's head on your hand?

Who's that angel?

Show tits


Get out of my cuntry.

Still, they are not niggers.


holy shit