Do i deserve pussy, b?

do i deserve pussy, b?

Why not just accept dicks?

critical go to bed


>velvet underground
Don't you like dicks?

Sure, why not?

Meh you look like your typical
>I'm slightly above average looking but I'm deluded into the fact that I'm handsome

Nobody deserves pussy, it's whether you work for it or not. You have nice genetics so if you topped being s scrawny cunt and had a decent fashion sense you would have too much pussy that you wouldnt know what to do with it.


are you 5'5 or what

You do know that your kind executes homosexuals?

Allah here, ill send you 72 virgins if you kill yourself, what do you say buddy?

1.73 cm

>wearing band t-shirt
Wew lad

Banana on t-shirt
Generic IKEA 'art' on wall
Elliot Rodger look-a-likeish, probably same psycho mentality and think you're entitled to everything
"Deserve pussy" - Dude, you gotta either earn that shit or pay for it. Unless you're famous.

I suggest you do an Elliot Rodger, that'll get you famous, then say you did it for the Banana cancer and girls will flock to you.

You're a faggot so expect more penis than pussy.

Also, kill yourself.

shave your facial hair, smile, get a clean haircut and put more effort into your outfits, guarantee you can get pussy

if you dont wanna get a haircut at least make it messy and really embrace the bum look, you'll probably look like a hipster either way (based on ur shirt that's the aesthetic for u anyways), so make clothing choices based off of that, easiest outfit for u would be to get a flannel and leave it open over a t shirt like you have on, wear jeans (dark blue or black; not the same color as your flannel though), and a pair of vans, if you had no facial hair and cleaner hair plus this outfit you could get laid tomorrow

regardless of what you choose that facial hair has to go, you dont deserve to eat pussy cus you have pubes on your face already

maybe boipucci

so are you 5'5 or what


If you're thinking about sex from an "earning" or "deserving" perspective, then I think it would be best to rethink things. Ones frame of mind affects the way one communicates, and if you subtly (subconsciously) communicate an expectation of sex, or a frustration that you're not getting sex, it will be unattractive. Girls are better at picking up on cues than you expect.

I'm sure it's hard to rid your head of the expectation or goal of sex if you are to land a date or an evening with a girl, but it's in your best interest to simply think of how to have a good time with her, and let her have a good time too. Think creatively on how you can make yourself an overall more appealing person, and also what you can do to entertain (i.e., make happy) other people.

If you can pull this off, you'll find yourself having the sex you want, as well as very little conflict in life.

Best of luck, OP.

lol, you totally nailed it. Also, which haircut do i look the best and the worst in?

U a sand nigger? If yes, then no go fuck a goat.

Never. Women are attracted to the male bitch face.


Quit doing that "squint eyes pucker lips so I try my hardest to emulate a model" face.

You can't pull it off.

>Women are attracted to the male bitch face.
If you're ugly yes. If you're cute or handsome you should smile.

Never smiling comes off as autistic. You've got to have a good smile for the right contexts. But I do agree that smiling too much is not hot.

People "deserve" basic human rights like life and liberty... but to "deserve" another human being's body?
fuck off faggot

That face looks fucking retarded anyway. I've literally never seen anybody doing that fucking emotion and look hot while doing it. Dumbass trend.

burnt out tiny dirty jesus child

you already look like one why do you need more

KEK! Totally this. So many guys have that "I think I'm hotter than I actually am" face.

>if you're ugly
Pic related
>Smile in the right context
Well I'm not saying be a robot. Studies have show that smiling men come off as providers.

you look like a worthless junky who has nothing else going on in his life. trying that hard in photos is also a feminine trait. so no you dont deserve pussy


let me reiterate that your worst haircut without that stache will look better than your best haircut with it

but that long hair haircut could be decent if you're looking for hipster/punk chicks (think bitches w pierced nipples; they love long dirty hair guys, weird correlation), wear edgier clothing/clothing that would put you more out of the preppy look, like ripped/distressed jeans instead of hollister jeans

if you are into more regular girls, you can wear hipster-y clothing except make it clean, e.g. no rips in jeans, nicer flannels, etc.; you can find a middle ground between yourself and the group youre looking to attract in your clothing

as far as haircuts, you could get something like this with length on top but none on the sides/back and if you smile i bet youll look like one suave motherfucker

figure out what the guys who get laid do that you don't (based on your pictures, get haircuts, shave, and don't just throw whatever on in the morning)

I'm not sure I understand why being considered a provider is a bad thing?

Generally speaking, it's best to focus on giving rather than taking. If you find that somebody is taking too much from you, then it's fine to cut them out, but there's no reason to be bitter with other people.

Focusing on having an even give-take in any context will lead to disappointment.

Why are you posting a celebrity, user?

Thanks for answers

Providers are ltr material as opposed to breeders who pump and dump.

>women love bad boys
Unfortunately. Become one.
>Loner silent type
Female kryptonite if you're above average looking and don't give off an extremist vibe.


What have you contributed to society?

ALSO learn how to smile well for pictures/in general, i am personally a cheeky motherfucker (perhaps just chubby, u decide) so if i just smile without thinking about it my cheeks get all big and my eyes squint (not cute)

make sure your mouth is the only thing that moves when you smile, this will get you a good smile

also hopefully you have nice teeth, camel shirt makes me think maybe not; take care of your teeth

i can see the 8 in you, youre at like a 5 right now at best based on the pictures youve posted, it goes back to what everyone always says:

clean yourself up
hit the gym (you don't seem fat though so not such a huge concern but if you go for a cleaner aesthetic you could build some upper body)
be attractive
don't be unattractive

To prove that top tier people look best this way.

I didn't mean that you should omit smiling as a function altogether, but rather to use it sparingly.

get some muscle toothpick

you a wavy dude though, look like the kind of guy who's always down to get high

depends on the aesthetic you want, just choose a look/style and actually go for that style

>be attractive
10/10 advice

No man "deserves" it. Either you win it or you get back to being a faggot.


OK, let me guess. You couldn't get laid at Kuts?

You have than New Jersey Jew look.

yea ok one celebrity looks hot not smiling

facial structure works in his favor for that because of his extremely strong jawline and stubble, but some people look better smiling than not

i bet if you saw that guy smiling he'd still look hot/badass

aesthetic >>> absolute "is x attractive or not attractive?", OP looks like a dude who could do with a nice smile

Not OP but I cycle styles.
I used to be into metal, then hip hop, then I decided not to base it on my musical preference.
I mix it up a lot.

>Providers are ltr material as opposed to breeders who pump and dump.

The 'players' I know have all been providers in some regard. Either hosting events, providing VIP access to clubs/events, or are entertaining people with a huge network of friends that they are willing to introduce others into.

The pickup-artist breeders exist, I'm sure, but I think they're rare, and ultimately don't have a sustainable happiness.

I agree that taking on a bad-boy image is good, but that doesn't have to involve being actually 'bad' when it comes down to it.

Your body proportions are similar to a baryonyx.
So, no. You don't.

Just to make sure, I never implied being either is a bad thing.

His focus seems on pussy.

>wearing Ramones tee.
Hey see that thing youre leaning on?

Your taste in music means nothing.

musical styles can be a good thing to go off of if you have a consistent or slowly evolving music taste

for instance, like you said, metal to hip hop is a pretty huge jump

but if my style shifts from metal to prog metal to prog rock to post-hardcore (this is sorta the biggest jump but there are some bands that overlap in styles) to pop punk to emo to punk there's a pretty gradual shift along the way there, so the clothing differences are subtle along the way, but in the end substantially different styles

in general though "hipster" or "fedora" or "frat" or "joe shmoe", etc. kind of help you categorize your own style and you can shift it slightly as you evolve as a person

That's fair, I wasn't sure how to interpret your response to be honest.

I think we basically agree on stuff.



>not saying micropachycephalosaurus

No, but his sure as shit does.
Though that wasn't the point really. He probably just fucking bought the shirt because he sees other people cooler that wear the same thing :P

You can stop posting pics, OP.

We get that you look decent, and can pose for a camera. That maybe adds up to 3/10 if you've got a zero for personality.

Make yourself interesting, get to know more interesting people (and take hints from them), and be social.

this is the sort of look im talking that you could clean up with

i mean look at this guy's nose and how unsymmetric his eyes are, his facial shape is also not particularly great (although it could be rounder too, average facial structure) not inherently a handsome dude

but he looks clean and could probably fuck your bitch

your face is slimmer so if you took this sort of approach you'd probably slay

I mean I never "jumped" exclusively to it, rather my focus just shifted. I never categorized music to its core, so in my rock phase I ranged from the likes of Acid Witch or Slayer, to Mac Demarco or Junip, or Blind Willie McTell or Leo Kottke for blues and acoustic.
When it came to hip hop I ranged from japanese trip hop to your classic Onyx and Big L. Then I started doing X and listening to obscure eletronica.

I was never clear cut on one thing, but always kept it mixed to seem less one dimensional.

His forelimbs are too long. They are obviously meant for catching fish.

My first thought would have been a spino but that's top tier so no.

Good call.

>top tier people look best this way
Isn't that just your opinion though? You're male as well yes?
Also user and most people are not "top tier" I like cute shy smiles over people looking moody.

Fair enough. Just saying that objectively you are more likely to look attractive to someone having a slight scowl.

Maybe. Lemme see you user, grumpy and cute. I'll give you a rate, mate.

I'll pass, I'm comfortable in my own skin.
Thanks, though.

Damn. Okie, have a good evening or day user.


It's all about confidence bro

What do you mean

