What does Sup Forums have against gays?

What does Sup Forums have against gays?

They are faggots.

are you new here this board is gayer than the LGBT one


I could care less. Just like with most things. As long as it's not illegal or hurting anybody, go ahead and do whatever the fuck you want.

it's a mental illness

Be quiet ya' homosex.

Fuck whatever you want. I don't want to hear about it.

nothing, Sup Forums loves fags

they're easy to bait


Have drinks with ya all night long. Won't go home with ya.



Nothing. We are all gay.

The more people that love me, the better

Like 92% of Sup Forums is gay or bi..... So yeah.

i have $10

Bitch that's like 3 pennies broke ass dindu

110% of Sup Forums is bisexual

yo, i am only betting $10

my lips, pressed gently yet firm


I personally don't really care, If u wanna fuck another
guy more power to ya, you wan't to fuck another
girl, more power to ya. What I never understood
is why people even give a shit so much about the
subject? Seriously, you're gonna die anyway,
if you enjoy something then enjoy it. Everyone
deserves to have something good in this shithole
of a plannet, so I say fuck it, have fun.

their dicks