Lori caked

lori caked




Holly poop look at all these pedrofiles. They all want to rap with little kildren and do itinerant things with them. You're all implodables, every single one of you. A bunch of itinerant implodables. I'm going to repost this thread to the CIA.








>tits on Maria and Kobato

Fucking blasphemy

the artist is Seven


/r/ing a loli for my 5 inch penis


postin' the classics







>Randy Dave

Holy shit, thats a name I haven't seen for years. Someone was posting fogbank up in this bitch earlier too. All we need is some natis_01 and some Backwalk to complete the set




Waterboarding is too soft of a punishment for pedophiles.


Anime called Kurokami.

then i guess u want all of japan waterborded, this is an oficial doll for Kodomo no jikan. go to japan if u wanna get all upset, i recommend it

You sick fucks deserve a slow and painful death.

That's what living is, my man.

why arent u on the plane flying to Afghanistan so u can fight the child abuse there?

/r/ feets

So life?

Cute. I want that one.

USA has been in Afghanistan since 2001 yet they haven't accomplished anything yet. maybe they need YOU

You live in a fantasy world that probably makes sense to you, but on closer examination it turns out you are just a degenerate pedophile scumbag.






there is a girl in Afghanistan being raped right now. Why are u still siting behind ur computer instead of saving her?




>6 million keks



wow havent seen that image in years.




Why aren't YOU doing anything about it? Too busy jerking off to cartoon child porn?



hey it's the homo who thinks AIDS and cuckoldry are totally normal


some torture to get things more exciting. artist is Ohta takeshi




does this upset u, savior of children?

I need something smaller

the manga was dawn by a woman, who was talking about her own experiences

I don't know what's more infuriating: that you get off on child rape, or your lazy-ass use of strawmen.

It's pretty clear that you are a fucking grade-a idiot, however.

upset yet, hero?

Yes, your blatant pedophilia is rather upsetting.





>child rape

they're drawings user

literally no one is getting raped

meanwhile you're getting AIDS and shitposting on Sup Forums


I'd like to think that I've made it perfectly clear that child-rape is upsetting, yes.

Drawings of child-rape, though. And you guys jack off to it. Just sayin'.

is leaving children hungry just as upsetting? is letting 500,000 Iraqi children die upsetting at all?

is bombing and killing children in Donetsk or Palestine just as upsetting?

drawings != real life

I love loli, but I hate real children. I think they are disgusting, stupid little creatures.

thats an impressive drawing for a seven year old

I adore this artstyle

is it fukface hypocrite? is lying about killing Ukraine children upsetting at all asshole???????




yes Salada Misaki is is name.


There is a certain something about it that appeals to me.


u are not answering asshole. Is killing Palestine children upsetting u as much as drawings?


cuz it's realistic

Why yes, that is very upsetting. I don't see how that pertains to the fact that you fantasize about raping children, though?



Perhaps so


could someone post lolis getting eaten out?