Have any of you normies been cheated on
Have any of you normies been cheated on
more like these
I believe I most likely have.
honestly did. Still trying to recover from it.
literally got a snapchat like this
I haven't. Even when I've offered to let them as a test. They always say the same thing; you fuck me so good you're all I need.
unfortunately I did the cheating. Not that much of a normie if I'm on Sup Forums.
Yup we were 13 and she was fucking a 23 yr old pedo
yup, though she was so bad, cheating wasn't even the worst of her crimes. Funnily enough though the guy she cheated on me with cut all contact with her after he got some, bitch deserved it kek.
fuk that must have been rough.
If I was, I didn't find out about it.
I hate that I've grown to not trust women, but after being burned so many times, I will never trust them again.
There are men in my life that I would take a bullet for, and they would do the same for me. But there has never been a women I've known to be of same likeness.
The older I get, the more I see them for what they are. Not all, but most are incapable of monogamy. The second something goes wrong in the relationship, their brains seem hardwired to start thinking about finding something else.
I've been single for a couple years now, and I enjoy it more. I have more money, more time. I get more work done, and feel happier. I also learned to generate my own self happiness and not depend on it from another person. I like my hobbies/interests.
If I meet a real sweetheart kind of girl, then sure I will do my best to make it work, but this is not most girls. And the older you get, the worst the stock of finding a companion becomes.
My ex, who i lived with for a good while was cheating on me, i forgave her and it bit me in the ass. After i found out the second time i started cheating on her for a while before breaking up lol
yeah I mean she was all sorts of fucked up so its good that she cheated on me otherwise I wouldnt have gotten out of that shit as soon as I did
I cheat on bitches all the time,, its boring seeing the same ass every day,, men wasnt design for this mono-type-shit.. true story
Yeah, it's been like 7 months and I can't get over her...any advice? (It was a 3 year relationship)
if you take any interest in psychology i'd imagine you'd probably love to look into why they're like that. A few starters would be to learn and understand cognitive dissonance, the reasoning behind attention seeking, and basic psychopathy. It's genuinely interesting to see just how fucked up the average whore is.
same here.
i'm in your boat, i've found it's best to replace the thoughts of her. I imagine you conditioned yourself to tell yourself she's perfect and you love her etc, reverse it to normal, and then forward it to conditioning yourself to hate her so the prior doesn't return.
Once. Dated a Thai woman living in USA. She was Muslim so I didn't think she would be the bar girl type, but her friend felt bad for me and told me she was cheating with some Jamaican dude. I asked her if it as true and she admitted it was and wasn't even ashamed, said unless we are married it isn't considered cheating.
I dunno I think it just takes a long time. Six months for me and I was with her two years. I'm estimating it'll be a year or two before I'm finally completely over it. Did you turn to binge drinking like I did? That made it worse but stopped that now thankfully.
lmfao, i hate cheaters with a passion but bro you clearly found one with literally 0 morals.
lucky 23 year old, goddam, you know you wouldn't pass up the opportunity to hit it either quit pretending.
My friend just killed himself 2 days ago because he suspected his wife was cheating and they had just started the divorce process.
Same here but it still till left me with a hell of a bruised ego and has been taking me a while to accept how fucked up she was and that I dodged a bullet and how I should rejoice and stop being a miserable cunt over it. Getting there though.
I try to think about her in a negative way, hating her sometimes, and I've come to realize that I don't miss her, I miss who I thought she was, and no I dont drink or smoke
Yup, first marriage, bitch cheated more than once. What did I do? I started cheating myself. I held onto some integrity for awhile that was totally misguided, thinking by doing that I was still better than her. My only regret is I didn't start sooner once she started, because I could have nailed my hot ass co-worker that I knew liked me and some other chicks I passed on at the time. Bitch never deserved my loyalty to begin with, she was nothing but a waste of 4 years of my life. My life got a whole lot better once she wasn't in it anymore.
Sorry to hear that. Men kill themselves more often in those situations and women seam to just move on as if it meant nothing. All that shit about women having more empathy is an absolute crock of shit.
What a dipshit.
Yes. It's taken me a while to get there and not out of the tunnel yet but it's when you start thinking of her in a sentimental way that you hurt yourself. Maybe eventually with the passage of a lot more time you think back on it and take the good with the bad.
Trying to be happy by yourself is the hardest
Yup, but fuck that bitch. Wasted 6 years. I'm over it.
I agree that it wasn't the smart thing to do. But when you get to a point that you feel that broken some people don't know how to deal with that.
Dude I was in a 7 year relationship and we were married, my ex cheated on me and divorced me. It's been almost 2 years and it still hurts.
sorry but we're pretty normal people here actually.
Yeah but I just ended up fucking her again before she married the guy she cheated on me with.
The great part was it was the Rolling Stones 'Bridges To Babylon' show in Oakland.
Stayed at a hotel nearby and ate at an El Toritos.
She fucked the shit out of me before she married some cuk Navy tard.
I was in your guys' shoes for a while. 5 year relationship. For about 2-3 years I went from girl to girl, never trusting any of them for longer than a month or two. I eventually found a girl and dated for a year, I dumped her after she was texting your ex things like, "I've always loved you" blah blah blah. A month later I found a woman who I instantly knew was the one, we were engaged 9 months later, and have been together for 6 years, married for 2 and a half.
It gets better. Just give it time.
I realize that you never get over it completely, you just learn to live with it
Yea. Twice. Year lapse in between our relationship, I was stupid enough to take her in again after the first time. Dunno why she would want me back if she cheated on me.
Anyways, once a cheater always a cheater. Remember that.
I got a buddy (who I care about), he has gotten himself with a real whore of a women. I mean, I met her for 5 minutes and I knew immediately she was a just no good.
Problem is, my dumb fuck friend is kind of an ugly dude, and is head over heals for this skank. He wines and dines her; a real fuckin' beta. She knows it and is going to use him, probably try and marry him, and ultimately fucking wreck his life.
I see where this going. I've seen these kind of nasty selfish women before. Problem is, he doesn't see it. How the fuck do I tell him?
Part of me just wants to say nothing because he will be a fucktard and get mad. So I feel like I should just let it take its course and let him get fucked. Not my life anyways. But at the same time I can't help but feel sorry for the dumb bastard.
Yep. No friends left either so it kind of intensifies the situation.
If someones brazen enough to not only fuck your girl, but rub it in your face like that.. How do you not break his arms and legs. Seriously, i'd track the fucker down and run him over in my car.
That's the conclusion I'm coming to.
I was on Sup Forums the first half of 2016 fapping in cuck threads, fantasizing about my wife sucking other dudes off. Then in August she demanded a divorce. Two days later I found out she was sucking another dude's cock.
Have wanted to an hero ever since.
Yeah, I know what you mean, I don't have any friends either, it's hard but fuck it, you don't really need people, most of them lie a lot
That's what I was thinking. I think I'd kill both of them.
This sounds like my first relationship. I was desperate back then and got myself with a really nice girl who was secretly a manipulative bitch. Is this a common thing among chicks?
dubs and you send him your post
Actually it's really not. So long as you have a decent career, know how to garner your hobbies and interests, and spend your money wisely and productively. Single life doesn't have to be hard, it can be great.
If you "need" a girl in your life to feel complete/happy, then i'd say that is the first problem to identify with.
Learn to generate self happiness before relying on another to generate it for you.
solid advice 9/10
Lost my virginity to a girl who cheated on her bf. 7 years later they are married and we still talk occasionally.
Had a couple of cheaters since. Lost faith in any kind of normal relationship.
Same same. Except my girl cheated on me, and then through being friends with a bunch of other chicks learned how much they cheat on their bfs. It's more common than people think. Sorry but it's the truth :/
Probably. Interesting thing was, this girl of his knew that I saw through her. She immediately didn't like me. Women can fucking tell who the Alpha men are and who the Beta fucks they can manipulate are.
She fucked and sucked his dick later that night after I left because I think she was scared I was going to say something to him. She is working her angle hard, and she will probably get it, because I'm not a good enough friend to probably say anything. In a way, I want my friend to find this shit out the hard way for the better.
Am I a bad friend?
So true and what I need to remind myself of. Working on that but the first step is dealing with my raging alcoholism. Sober the last couple of nights at least.
They always tell you want you want to hear. You know how to tell when a womans honest? When their cum catchers arent flapping.
Tbh, tell your friend. My friends actually tried to warn me about her but I thought they were jealous and shit. I should have listened. Tell your friend before his life gets fucked. If he's really that desperate, then the breakup / divorce is going to really take a toll on him for a long, long time.
Pander placate and project. It's what they do best and how they control us.
Last relationship 8 years ago.
Had my suspicions with several other guys but no smoking gun. Couldn't really act on it. Non redpilled guys know what I'm talking about.
Then a perfect storm occurred. Suicide in family, finances collapsed due to using credit cards to keep relationship afloat, discovered evidence she was fucking my best friend.
Cut ties with everyone. Fucked me up pretty bad for a year after. Pretty sure it was depression since I can't really remember that year.
No real desire to get in a relationship since. I get those pangs still once in awhile but I just remember what it was like. Also now real bullshit kinda jumps out at me. Twice this week a coworker is getting divorced, his Chinese wife wanted a divorce the moment her green card came through and this older guy got played by a russian woman for months for a free flight to the states. lol wtf.
Women are ruined. There was an episode of the Andy Griffith show on TV. Andy and Barney were set to go on a double date with 2 chicks. The chicks saw them with 2 other girls the night before and decided not to date them. Thinking about that in modern times with the genders flipped and the guy would raked over the coals. Women should have the right to date whoever they want! You don't own them! You just want to keep them locked away! lol it's bullshit.
Whatever, it's late and I'm rambling.
how about you grow a pair of balls and go fuck a new girl?
You shouldnt have fucked his wife asshole.
In every relationship ever. Even with the love of my life after 2 years and it's fucked me up unbelievably bad even 3 years later now.
Jealousy. That is exactly what he will think. I already know he won't see anything else. And to be honest, as much as I care about him, I honestly don't need him pissed off.
You said you didn't heed your friends advice when he tried to tell you, so what happened? Are you guys still friends now? Were you still friends after he tried to tell you? Do you think your friend regrets even trying to tell you something back then because you didn't believe him?
Cheated more times than I can count. Been cheated on a couple. Been the guy that the girl is cheating with a few. I wish feelings didn't exist
If I really loved this girl, and some dude sent me a picture like this taunting me. I'd probably be filled with so much rage and come to terms that I'm destined for prison. Because I would most likely go get my gun and kill them both.
about this time last year.. stop talking to the one girl out of all the girls I met at college. I was about to graduate, she just turned 18 when I met her. She was madly in love with me and I kinda took her for granted. We both fucked around and knew it.. me a lot more. I wised up, told her I wanted to really be with her. Spent a week on her birthday pres... she said she had to leave the new guy, she loved me too much.
>fast forward a few days she says shes pregnant..with his kid.
>some stuff and things later...here I am
She had her kid a week before my birthday, it was supposed to be on my birthday. This was around christmas this year. Only see her social media posts from friends..
>she blocked me... so I won right?
>...still see HIM wearing my shirts.
life goes on though. they got married young, its what she always wanted. Hope she really is happy and Id love to run into er in a few years.
Yea, ive been cheated im pretty sure. Found some extra flirty texts messages in her phone. Confronted her but of course she denies it even though she wrote him the same things she would write me, i.e. "thinking in you." Im still with her but i cheated back, as a matter of fact with about 15 different women now. Feels great.
Fucking kek!
Why stay with her. Why waste your fucking time/money? I've never understood this. She cheats, so I go cheat, but we are still together. Just go rage fuck her one last time, dump her and move on. That is the normal approach imo.
I was a dick for sure at the beginning..still feel some kinda way..we all do stupid things, she just couldn't fix it alone this time.
TL;DR: took advantage of a younger girl who idolized me, I treated like a trophy, and lost her out of arrogance and circumstance. I learned my lesson.
Ugh, i know i know. Im retarded
Keep going. I cheated on my first gf after we together for maybe a month so it wasn't really that bad. Then she cheated on me like a year later after our relationship was more serious.. After that I fucked anything with a pulse. Upwards of like 70 or more girls by the time I broke up with her. Felt good
I've been cheated on, though I feel like I managed to find a keeper. Funny thing is, I have such low expectations that despite me trusting her completely, I just want to find out if she is prone to it before we move in.
Basically I didn't believe them and me and those friends became very distant. My gf at the time also didn't like them, and she came up with some excuses as to why I shouldn't stick around them any more or listen to whatever they may try to say. She basically painted them as liars who will try anything to sabotage us, so that played well with my belief that they were jealous. Now idk if she knew they were warning me or not. Anyways, after having the time of my life with the woman of my dreams, it all came to an end one day out of the blue she just up's and leaves me. The day before she was telling me how much she loved me after we fucked. Now what happened the moment she left has fucked me up and I still don't know why she did it. Greentext time.
Note: She had been cheating for a while, this is just the moment she broke up
> Be me, with awesome gf who has me think she loves me just as much as I love her
> We're sitting watching a movie together, after making out.
> She mentions something about not wanting to be in a relationship
> I didn't think I heard her right so my heart skips a beat
> I ask her what's wrong
> *evasive answers, she didn't and never did mention why, but idc, anyways*
> She says that she doesn't want to be with me anymore
> Proceeds to get on my lap
> I'm just sitting there confused af
> She grabs my face and makes out with me for a good whole minute
> She hops off of me, says goodbye, and walks out.
> Never speak to her again
> a few days later, it finally clicks. I understand why she was trying to get me to turn away from my real friends, and a whole load of other shit she did I had then realized was her just manipulating me.
> I go into severe depression
And this is where those friends that tried to warn me come in. They were the only people that had my back and honestly kept me from completely losing it.
I don't think they regret warning me, they probably just think I should have listened to them. Which I should have.
You got STD/STI bro?
My fists where pretty bloody after I caught them, thank God I have a cop in the family so I was able to let it slide. Her nose never quite straitened out after that, poor girl, shouldn't have cheated, cunt.
Hpv, meh everyone gets it
yeah, you got a subaru bruh?
Guy with 15 cheats here, i did. Chlamydia twice.
Yes. It makes me sad.
yes, several times. I eventually started thinking cheating is normal, started to cheat too, and later lost the love of my life b/c of it. might greentext something if requested.
Well. After reading this, I'm not going to say anything (because it sound exactly how you were). I'm just going to be his friend, and when this skanky bitch is done with him, I will be a bro and help him pick the pieces back up.
It doesn't matter if I say anything. Like you, he is just going to be manipulated by her, and strain our friendship. He's a fucking idiot (like you were, no offense). He's got to learn the hard way. Not every man has it in them to realize how fucked up women can be; they are forced to learn the hard way unfortunately.
I'm just going to let it all run its course, and be there in the end.
That way I can still be his friend while the shit show is in season, and be an even better friend when he hits rock bottom.
If ANY of these where even real id defimate the FUCK out of her, shamelessly, if it drives her to suicide good, if not ill just have to keep pushing until the whore does.
>everyone gets it
Yeah ok bud.
If she cheated on me with a nigger, I'd geniuenly laugh and feel like nothing was lost.