Sup Sup Forums, drug thread? I'll start off by asking a couple of questions for some more experienced LSD users. I've taken acid 6 times, and it has been some pretty strong stuff. Firstly I've noticed that I tend to be a more thoughtful than visual person, but I do enjoy discreet visuals most of the time. Any tips on zoning out to enjoy more intense visuals? Secondly, I'm thinking of doing a solo trip, something I haven't done yet, and wondering what kind of things I should do to make sure I don't have a terrible time. I was thinking of dropping 3 tabs at once, thoughts?
Also if anyone wants to share their own experiences of drugs (mainly psychedelics) feel free, I'd love to hear them.
It's a different experience. With a group of people you're all feeding off of each other's vibes while by yourself you dive into your own mind.
Hunter Martinez
>I was thinking of dropping 3 tabs at once, thoughts? if you are going solo you need something with you that will ground you to a constant reality. especially on 300ug or more. somethink like a note in a place you will see it over and over again. note that says "your just tripping, bro" or something. if your over 3 hits deep and your at the peak of a wave you can easily forget what reality is and panic into a bad trip.
remember if your trip aint goin good CHANGE ENVIRONMENT OR ACTIVITY ASAP
Justin Flores
I had coke last night but now my nose is stinging like fuck. I don't get it? It ticks all the right boxes of been good coke, no initial sting and good high. 7 hours later and I feel like Ive been snorting Tabasco? happened to me last time too. Plus my nose is bloody.
Jaxon Morales
its normal cocaine dehydrates the mucus layer and there is almost no skin to begin with in the sinuses.
Joseph Campbell
The second time I took acid, there was a point about an hour or so into the trip where the other 4 people with me decided to go for a walk and I didn't get ready in time so got left behind. I ended up waiting for them to get back and had an almost life changing experience just by thinking about things. I'm worried though I'll get bored by myself. I can entertain myself sober well enough but if I run out of things to do I tend to get really bored, which sometimes leads to almost depressive thoughts, and this might have a bad effect. Thats something I will probably end up doing, thanks for that suggestion. First few times I dropped I did 1 tab of around 250ug (cant remember exactly what they were), and then the third time was 2 tabs of the stuff. The next time I do it I have no idea how much it will be per tab, but I'm keen on dropping a really intense amount, like possibly 400-500ug. Regardless of how much these tabs will be I'll still only drop 3 because of the price.
Matthew Harris
I've been wanting to try cocaine once or twice just in a small amount to see what its like. Care to share any experiences?
Gavin Reyes
Well it sucks. My nose hurts dude.
Brayden Gutierrez
It's nothing special. Goes best with alcohol. My nose hurts.
Michael Torres
i have dropped large doses of 300, 500, 1400, 18 00and to my understanding anything over 2200ug does not make your trip more, just doesn't get used in the brain. i triped many times on normal 100-200 doses. i have tried many many analougs for acid and dtm and tried mushrooms and 2cb type shit.
only thing that compared to acid over 500ug is way too much 2cb which is more euphoric and less mind fucky IMO than acid but can be just as intense
acid around and over 1400ug is something else completely and i cannot relate the experiances had therein to experiances had at doses around 200ug. i could tell you i percieved god, things like that, but it really can't be described you know what i mean. all were good trips
maybve ill hop on my othger computer i have trip reports from my high dose trips on it i could post.
what can i say about cocaine? pure cocaine is amazing but in america you almost certainly wont get it so just get molly. thats my opinion.
Jason King
Its interesting that you say you perceived god. The guy who I did acid with the first 3 times is extremely into philosophy especially on acid, and is convinced he IS god, and that the universe is all just constructed from his mind outside of his conscious control. Its fun to talk about that kind of stuff with him but after a while its just a bit too much. Almost every time I've taken acid though its extended my awareness about my self and of the world, and some of that has rubbed off on my sober self. Self awareness is a beautiful thing and I think its one of the main sources of euphoria for me while on acid.
Josiah Flores
>what can i say about cocaine? pure cocaine is amazing but in america you almost certainly wont get it so just get molly. thats my opinion. I still think you're overselling it, I like to think I've had my hands on some of the best on market. Whilst good times were had, it's still overpriced and anti climactic. Plus it still requires alcohol to get best results. Requiring extra drugs to complete the buzz isn't exactly the best selling point of one of the most expensive drugs going.
Evan Jenkins
word of advice, do not exceed 900ug alone. exceeding 300ug alone is a bad idea unless you really are experianced and know exactally how to get out of a bad trip and more importantly have learned how to REALIZE that your in a bad state of mind or that your idea of reality might be untrue (this is the hard part of avoiding bad trips, you usually don't understand your in a bad headspace untill its too severe to fix easily)
even at 900ug simply leaving your friend/friends to go to the bathroom can easily result in your staying in the bathroom for hours because you keep forgetting where you are and you sear you are floating in a pool of something red but then you realize that its just the floor tiles but there are no walls any more what was i thinking about oh yeah i gotta piss but the toilet is full of shit oh wait that was just a brown spec holy fuck im tripping what was i thinking about oh yeah i was thinking abiout some random physics concept but wait.... you get the picture. you NEED other people at high doses.
Matthew Robinson
>nd is convinced he IS god, and that the universe is all just constructed from his mind outside of his conscious control. thats funny because i beleive exactly that due to appiphaniies on acid over 1400ug and enough 2cb to probably almost OD.
of course philosiphy is just ideas not science per se
Brandon Cooper
IMO pure coke beats the pants of pure MDMA unless your trying to trip at a rave.
Christopher Gonzalez
shit i will post my trip stories one of them is that exact epiphany. cool that your friend had the same thing.
Brandon Hall
Well I prefer a more intense buzz, especially whilst stomping. But once again, a more mellow, down to earth experience still isn't a good selling point for one of the most expensive drugs going.
Samuel Robinson
When we've talked on acid I've had the feeling that I'm on the edge of having that same epiphany through his explanations of what its like for him. We've generally referred to our discovering of a concept that "we've always known but didn't know we knew" which we refer to as "the thing". Different people he talks to about it have different analogies to describe what its like, but both us liken it to going deeper down the rabbit hole each time we trip.
I'd love to hear some of your trip stories, each time I've had a small epiphany (like the time I was left alone for half an hour) I've felt the need to document thoughts that I've had, until I found that I can just record simple thoughts in my phone when I have them.
Justin Smith
here they are, these are copy pasta so forgive the fact that they might be slightly out of context.
here is the first of three or four significant experiences i have had:
yeah just for kicks ill tell you about one of my hardest trips, on probably less than 300ug of LSD (remember I have done over 1500ug at once and not triped as hard - this is what I mean by acid and shrooms being highly variable even on the same dose - depends on environment/mindset)
was with my best friends, have been living together since I was kicked out of the house at age 18 for having joint papers under my matress, lol. needless to say we were confortable around eachother. was probably 21 years old. one of my buddies was already an acomplished DJ at the time and spend the day mixing, we recorded a 12 hour mix that I still have today. its pretty good. anyway we are tripping, smoking cigs and weed, chilling, I start seeing things light up in scrolling colors... I start feeling my cigarette, like feeling what its like to be the cig. I start feeling what its like to be the conversational mood in the room I start feeling what its like to be the immediate relationship between my and my pals - super surreal I lose the ability to decipher language, my pals understand and I'm just happily watching people chat, not understanding a fucking thing my senses begin to swap, I can see the music, I can feel what I am looking at, I hear what I touch, everything incredibly vividly. at this point I can't actually see the room around me, maybe I can hear people talk but I can't understand them or recognize speech as speech. I can hear what I'm touching (maybe?)
insanity. after I came down I spent about 8 hours laying in a room while everyone else slept hearing the silence as an incredibly loud crashing scream. like a car accident that never ends, was pretty fucking lame.
not the last time I experience sense swapping or new senses but the only time it was so obvious and extreme.
Lincoln Turner
right well i only had pure coke one time so maybe i just had a really good experience but holy fuck i blasted off like i only have on meth and cathinones with that shit and i have abused the fuck out of molly in my past.
happy to share them fellow phychonaught. interesting thing about the nature of psychedelic epiphanies, IMO they are edintical to meditative Epiphanies which do differ from thought derived epiphanies (which is just logic not appiphany). i think the mind has these epiphanies somewhere opaqu to conciseness and meditation/tripping lets you experience these opauq areas of your mind.
next story in next post, they all nearly max the character limit for posts.
Blake Phillips
2nd trip story:
I took what I think was either mushroom concentrate or 2CB (probably 2CB, I'll call it 2CB). I had been told one capsule was equal to 1/8th oz shrooms. I had done it before and that seemed about right. I went to my GF house and we each took a cap, we tripped incredibly hard, at least 5x harder than I had before taking the exact same thing, exact same dose, likely because im very comfortable with her. I will just describe one moment from the trip that I can remember clearly to this day (5 or 6 years later I think).
I suddenly stopped seeing the kitchen I was sitting in, which had just been writhing in hallucination, I was transported miles above what looked like small clouds floating across an infinite landscape, I could tell that each cloud was a though of mine, an aspect of my mind, my ego, a memory, a want, a fear, everything that made up myself and at that moment I felt that I knew everything. I knew the answers to all the questions I had ever had and I knew too that none of the answers mattered. the world seemed to obvious, looking down at everything there was in reality I understood that myself was the only thing that comprized reality for everything that I thought to be external to me was infact manifested in my mind as one of these little clouds before me. I see each part of me, nothing hidden and therefore saw reality in its entirety and no question's answer was obscured.
maybe the most profound experience I have ever had.
Andrew Perez
BTW this post describes the epiphany i had which your friend had also: here is story number 3, part 1: this is about one of the 3 times I saw god.
Chilling at home with the GF. Its about 3 months ago, saturday morning. we drop 400ug of 1P-LSD each. an hour passes - nothing we smoke some 4-HO-DPT (DMT analogue, like DMT but not as strong) - the DMT comes and goes as DMT does fuck this its been 90 minutes and nothing, we each take 500ug more - 900ug total, each. 2 hours in, nothing. we smoke a bunch of DMT. things start getting weird, weird even for a bunch of DMT - I think its finally working. the next 3 hours are fucking insane - 900ug of 1P-LSD was way fucking overkill for what I wanted today still, we are having a good trip me and the GF start connecting on sub personal levels, very in tune with each other - we go have sex I never have had sex tripping this hard, its pretty insane, almost too distracting to keep it up, almost until I come close to climax then shit gets wild - incredible experience, climax lasts about 30 minutes, hers does too. for a guy thats pretty nuts.
go chill some more, tripping is getting more intense, I start to see the air in front of me, GF says she can too. I see the air with incredible detail, squirming, reaching, as if I can see the flow of air like currents in the ocean. I go take a shit, for anyone who has shit on acid you know this is a fucking ordeal, on 900ug its like descending into madness.
as im shitting the air just in front of me explodes, explodes into currents of infinite detail, breathing, warping, growing in complexity that was already impossible. I am looking at the fabric of reality. I can see that everything is made up of this... thing... that is now in front of me though it is normally masked by the sober mind, it is squirming fractally with impossible detail. I feel like I can see into the fractals depth forever.
Jace Cook
here is story number 3, part 2 of 2:
I am looking at the fucking air, mind you. I understand this thing I am seeing to be god, it is the fabric of reality and it is what everything is. the very space in which matter resides. I see that every hallucination i have ever had has been me witnessing a sliver of the shadow of that which is before me now, that every trip has shown me just a part of the oneness that is reality, that I am seeing in full at this moment. I am in complete awe, the room around me is melting. I wish I could describe the object before me better, it was so fantastic, so full of complexity and detail, a fabric squirming in fractal patterns, never static, always growing in detail - such detail I have never seen - I know for a fact the eyes do not work so well to reveal such minute thing to the mind. I understand that this is the fabric which makes everything. I understand that It does not exist everywhere but only here, that everything exists as one singular entity which transcends the 4 dimensions I understand to project itself seemingly everywhere at once and forever.
yeah, lol. i told my GF about it and she admitted to a similar experience while I was in the jon. she resonated with my saying that all hallucinations were revealing a part of this one thing I was seeing. the entire experience was incredibly clear - its meaning so obvious that there was no mistaking what I was seeing. I will never forget it for as long as I live. and here is some text that belongs in one of the stories but idk which: "it made the ground puke a tho-usand fractal spider webs into the sky". typical high doce acid visual lol. seriously visuals on high doses of acid are UNREAL - FUCKIN UNBELEIVABLE
forgive me spelling i been up for 4 days n don't care
Logan Rogers
holy shit mayn, thats some pretty hectic shit. On acid I haven't yet had any really intensely weird trip moments yet, except the first time I took acid and my friends took me for a walk. If you wanna read I'd love to tell you about it, its what made me love acid.
Owen Rivera
Currently on TONS of adderall dosed over the course of the day, feeling great (probably not for long though). Worked 10am to 7pm, got home, went out to a party, drank, popped some more addy then drove home (nearly 4am now).
Coincidentally I'm also dropping acid for the first time in over a year and a half in 2-3 days, so hyped. Stims have always been my drug of choice, but fuck do I ever love the plateau/comedown from cid.
Imo, the craziest visuals you can get from acid are when you munch on some shrooms too. Did it once and it was WILD.
Can't decide if I enjoy or hate these fucking things. I've tried them a handful of times and they definitely satisfy the stimulant craving, but there are quite a few side effects.
Charles Bell
yeah lets hear it. i have read many trip reports and tripped many times and am always astonished at the veriety of experiances myself and others have. never have the same trip twice in my experiance. like snowflakes or something lol.
Isaac Jackson
A bit of preamble to set the scene. So it started when I moved to Melbourne, I finished high school last year and with my parents support I decided I wanted to live and work in the city, and I chose Melbourne. I stayed with my friend who lives in one of the most expensive suburbs, and he's actually around the corner from the most expensive house in the state, a $26million AUD mansion. He had done acid 4 times before then and I wanted to try it with him. So one night at 11:36pm (the one thing I will never forget is to know the exact time you drop as a reference) we dropped after getting a bit stoned, and chilled out in his loungeroom with the lights off and some christmas lights flickering gently. The anxiety of the comeup and not knowing what was coming was exciting, and made the trip so much more euphoric. The first hour or so though, while it was building up was quite bluntly intense in the way that everything was just too distracting but nothing strange had happened yet. My friends, being more experienced, took me for a walk through my constant whinging about being hungry and trying to order food. And when we finally started on the walk was when shit got weird. cont.
Asher Gonzalez
im the trip story annon and i have been on a 4 day cathinone and n-phenidate (ritalin basically - keeps you from going fuzzy from all the seratonin cathinones put in your brain) binge.
withdrawl will be decent pain for all of tomorrow, sinus issues for the next week (i insulfate only), probably minor or decent depression for 2-3 days depending on what i have to distract myself with and gaining back the 10 lbs i lost in 4 days from not eating/drinking much and having enough adrenaline to make a rinos heart race in my body for days on end. worth it in the end IMO. cathinones are incredible if you use the right ones.
Jason Collins
>And when we finally started on the walk was when shit got weird. organic things, structures in nature, are almost all based on fractals and so are most hallucinations from acid (because the brain is mostly logrythmic with its gradients instead of linear so fractals result, thats why notes are harmony every octave for instance, octaves are logrythmic. thats why i think being outside makes you have uncommonly good visuals on acid.
Henry Davis
>Any tips on zoning out to enjoy more intense visuals?
try practicing meditation.
> wondering what kind of things I should do to make sure I don't have a terrible time. have a life line for sure. (a sober person you can call up that you know will answer) let that person know you are gonna be solo tripping and that you might call them up.
attached is a random trip of mine that i typed up a while ago. its missing some details but its whatever. was 2 years ago and will probably be the last time i trip.
Matthew Turner
do nothing if you want to see things, and i mean the most possible nothing you can do. its as fun or as strong as you want it to be.
Benjamin Adams
So we decided we would go for a walk down the road to the big mansion. We'd seen it before but since I've been living here every time I'm doing some type of drug (alcohol included) I've gone for a walk with someone down to this huge house. The neighbourhood is so immaculate and perfect that walking down it sober feels almost cartoony. When we rounded the corner to the road we were going to walk down to get to the house it was like a huge corridor came in to view and stretched away into infinity. As we walked down I initially kept looking behind me and noticing that it was like every time I looked back we were back where we started. So with this weird loop starting and the road ahead looking like it stretched on infinitely I was initially anxious and cautious, but my friends were walking me down this road and shortly after we began I was having so much fun. I don't remember much about what I saw specifically but the scene was like I was walking inside a platformer video game. I was so unaware of my surroundings that we got to the house while I was still marvelling at this new universe I had found. We turned back and had a less intense but more aware return trip. As we got back to the main road (the start of the corridor) it was like reality hit suddenly and we had returned from an adventure.
Levi Turner
>i think being outside makes you have uncommonly good visuals on acid. i once saw a tree. but instead of branches it was snakes slithering in and all over itself. the truck was solid and wavy but up the these snakes would look like a knot. almost like it was pulsating the snakes would turn into cubes and i dont know how but these cubes almost seemed mechanical and spun around together like gears. and then bacck to snakes.
meanwhile all the smaller trees around it looked like tentacles coming up from the earth, i could only see silhouettes of these tentacle bushes though
strange times man.
Asher Peterson
Straight up same deal with me right now just strictly with the dextroamphetamine. Been on a solid 5 day binge (nearly a gram in total). Probably the heaviest binge I've ever been on, but I've had others that were essentially the same.
You learn what to expect with experience (obviously). Furthermore I'm in university for neuroscience so I take all the necessary precautions and follow a series of post-binge treatments to minimize the damage as much as possible.
I also lost a good 10lbs over the week but I know I'll gain it back in 3-4 days tops as I tend to exercise daily (when not on drugs obviously). The "depression" is always manageable imo, you just kinda tough it out as I'm sure you know. I've yet to try any cathinones; I'd be totally interested to however I'm reaching a point in my life where binges are more disappointing than they are enjoyable. The euphoria is all the same, but I'm reaching that point where I realize I really don't wanna do this kinda stuff anymore.
Dropping acid on monday as a little farewell to drugs for the time being (I'd been sober since January 30th up until 5 days ago).
Aiden Smith
A cool addition to that journey was the fifth time I took acid, later on in our trip we hotboxed my car on that same road, and before we went back inside I took the guys I was with on the same walk I did the first time I tripped, and it was a really cool experience for me, since although the trip was less intense at that point, it was like I was seeing the same universe but more awake.
Parker Moore
240 mkg of LSD is a good dosage for first time?
Benjamin Jones
cool experiance. i get cubic-themes visuals consistantly when i use DMT after being up on hard amphetamines for days at a time. i also see shit that scares the living hell out of me on this combo and it wasn't untill experiancing this that i understood that i had not untill that point in my life ever experianced real terror. wasn't a bad trip per-se but tripping after binginb on hard uppers is kinda fuckin wild and intense in a raw and fuck-you sort of way that tripping otherwise never is.
Connor Diaz
Can anyone share any tips for reducing stomach cramps on acid? The comedown is when I feel most clear headed but can be pretty minimized by the gas and cramping. Any help?
Jason Cruz
I'd like to say yes, but it really boils down to your natural tolerance to drugs (and also if you have any experience with psychedelics). I took 150ug my first time and I loved it; I've also taken 300ug and loved it all the same, but I attribute that to my naturally high tolerance to drugs.
If you consider yourself to be a mentally stable person (i.e not prone to anxiety attacks, usually very calm, and most importantly emotionally balanced) then you'll have a great time.
Nicholas Anderson
yeah my tree visuals was during a pretty bad trip. snakes and tentacles all around isnt really fun. but god damn looking back its amazing to think about what i was seeing. and i know what you mean about experiencing terror. that night i was sure i was on the brink of death for at least an hour. pretty spooky stuff. but god damn amazing at the same time. had never expdrienced anxiety or anything up until that point and now i struggle with anxiety every time i do drugs. but with all the practice ive done, its very easy to get over. its as simple as just talking myself out of it.
Ryder Robinson
I think a normal strength tab is around 100-150ug, but first time I took acid I did one tab of around 250ug. It depends on the environment. When taking acid (or any drug for that matter) you should make sure you are in a comfortable space with people you trust. Personally, I have the philosophy that even a bad experience, as long as it doesn't permanently damage you, is a good experience post-trip, as learning from the experience can be beneficial to future experiences.
Ethan Mitchell
cool man you sound exactally likke me. i have colledge credits toward several hard sciences inclusaing neroscience even though it seems like im a retard by my spelling :)
>>I also lost a good 10lbs over the week but I know I'll gain it back in 3-4 days tops as I tend to exercise daily (when not on drugs obviously). yep same here, but i force-gain about 15lbs before my binges which i do on average 3 times a year for the past 10 years of my life.
>try any cathinones well let me save you a lot of trial and error here are the best ones from best to worse, leaving out some of the inbetweens that are no longer available to the 1st world due to blanket bans: best, 1: MDPV (ccant get it anymore me thinks, banned in most of the world, like KAT but better in the good ways and worse in the bad. 2: APVP 3: APHP 4: hexadrone (good but doesn;'t stack longer than a couple days and gets pretty fuzzy after day 1) 4: APP (dont bother its shitty)
Jaxon Hill
about terror, i have faced my mortality a few times, being certain of my near immidiate death (medical reasons and drug related reasons caused these experiances) and the fear of death didn't really compare. its subjective though not saying you didn't experiance teerror.
Luke Ross
cool, i have had experiances where i seemingly leave normal space like that but never the experiance of progression without progress which is a common theme in hallucinations (and hallucinations caused by illness)
Oliver Young
dont eat so you will have to shit while tripping unless you seek insanity. eat right when you dose or half way into the peak before you stop feeling hunger normally. only advice i can give since stomach issues are not a problem for me on acid.
maybe try gas0ex or something? acid should not affect matabolism or function of digestive tract much at all so idk.
Jeremiah Ross
Can I research my LSD blotters with ultraviolet flashlight? LSD has neon reaction in darkness, Nbome or DOB no.
Mason Clark
my worst trip fucked me up for 2 years and 9 years later i could not be more grateful for it happening. it literally saved me from being a total a-social anxiety ridden shutin NEET. saved my fucking life IMO.
friends have said similar things
Noah Hill
Haha no worries, it's late at night so grammar means very little to me. I'm actually taking a semester off from my neuroscience undergrad because I landed a wicked job working with a pharmaceutical company (figured it'd be good to have on the resume).
Yeah gaining weight before hand would be a good idea, but my metabolism is fast so it takes proper exercising and a massive daily calorie intake to gain significant weight. The nice part about binges is that you always looked shredded afterwards (so long as you took relatively decent care of yourself during) lol.
APVP and APHP are the ones I see most often on RC forums and sites, however they're not easily available in Canada so I tend to stick with 3-FPM (not a cathinone but similar).
Nicholas Miller
yeah i like 3-fpm but you should know that it is fucking trash compared to a-pvp and its ok-ish compared to a-php, except a-php doesn't make your nose bleed like 3-fpm does. 3fpm is cleaner come down though.
apvp is way better than aphp you can get it from EU, researchgroupnetherland is a site that stocks it IIRC and in america RCpowders stock aphp and hexen iirc, they ship to CA.
mdpv is way better than apvp but the withdrawls and phycosis you get with a lot of MDPV in unparralelled to my knowledge. if the devil is a chemical that chemical would be a-pvp which would make md-pv soemthing like super-satan, idk. but mdpv is insanly high highs man. holy fuck i miss those days when you could get it, pre 2011.
Eli Stewart
UV fucks acid up fast. normal light fucks it up slow. heat also fucks it up. store in the dark, store in the fridge or freezer to keep long term, incase you didn't know or your 100ug tab will be 90ug in a month and 85ug in two months, etc.
acid is a huge molecule with few electronegative elements to its easy to break apart into useless shit.
Ryder Jones
Dropped acid for the first time two days ago, while rolling off some legos. Ended up being alone for about an hour, which is when I hit the peak. That one hour changed my whole outlook on life.
Some mild-mid depression still but as expected. Will be positive outcome in the end.
Carter Garcia
bump for the trippers and the base heads here.
Cooper Nguyen
share your story if its not too much trouble, user.
Jordan Richardson
and to add to this, for you and anyone wondering about cathinones, really, you want MDPV or APVP _only_, nothing, nothing else comes close. aphp is OK but does not do its job even jalf as well as apvp. but with apvp and mdpv come a real risk of very quick amphetamine phycosis, with MDPV its not a risk its a guarentee if you do more than a gram in a month. with MDPV it comes hard and fast like true paranoid schitzophernic hallucinations and dillusions, extreemly scary shit when your hallucinations become personal and agressive and negative and you can't tell them apart from reality :^)
be careful in this realm of RCs, user. aphp isn't mad in these terms and with a-pvp it happens slow enough to reacognise and avoid easily. if you ever hear about "shadow people" in drug forums they might well be talking about MDPV.
Dylan Harris
stare at textured patterns, grass, forests or the night sky work good. relax your eyes. don't try to focus on anything, look at your vision instead of what you are seeing in your vision if that makes sense.
solo trips are the best, just listen to music and do whatever art you're into. i like writing and making simple beats.
Christopher Wood
this but meditation and to a lesser extent smoking tobacco can help quite a lot too.
IMO doing uppers on acid makes visuals MORE and gives them a harder/less organc tone but i would not recommend it for a good time, but for an interesting exploration of what is possible from acid. i have never had a good time mixing amphetamines and acid or DMT but i have never regretted it even though the experiance at the time may have been bad or down right terrible.
super super interesting combo not to be taken lightly. and im talking about high doses of hard amphetamines here.
in fact if i had any 4-meo-DMT i would end my amphetamine binge with it today but i only have 4-ho-DMT and that would last way way too long, so would acid, which i also have.
Daniel Wilson
Shit it's that good eh? I'll look into acquiring some of either (a-PHP or PVP); honestly the biggest reason I enjoy 3-FPM as much as I do is that the high has a ceiling and I'm prone to overdoing it with substances I enjoy too much. 3-FPM is perfect in the sense that I don't constantly redose (as I know it won't improve the high all that much) and that it's comedown is so mild.
I've heard countless recounts of MDPV on so many forums but I only got into the RC world about a year and a bit ago. Pretty bummed I miss out lol
Connor Harris
Dropped 250g while rolling off 3.5 legos.
Was home for about an hour as mentioned. I literally spent 30 minutes staring at the mirror and into my eyes which were completely black, I thought I was Satan. Once I noticed I was going way too deep, I went into my room to listen to music with the lights off. That's when I noticed how slowly time was going, especially during the peak. One hour felt like an eternity. I do not believe in time anymore, or at least for the moment. Or should I say, it's irrelevant now.
Ryder Parker
>3fpm cieling
never experianced that as a cieling per-se i think its just a limitation of the drug in that it doesn't get you much serotonin at all. me thinks it is an SSRI and what it is selective towards runs out sooner than non selecrive SRI would. i have the same exact opinion on shit like methyl/ethyl/isopropyl-phenidate, simple not active enough in the seratonin market to have high recreational value. but i do think 3-fpm has real and decent recreational value. not so much the phenidates and the countless other RC stims i have tried, most of which are no longer made.
Dominic Jackson
dude not getting trapped in the mirror is an ancient tripping meem i am suprosed you didnt know. happens to anyone.
Aaron Collins
rinse out your sinuses with saline or a nehi pot.
I had to have a turboidnectomy, casically a bunch of sinus shit surgery, and gently rinsing out the inside of your head makes it feel much much better. it helps heal the little bit of tissue that isnt bone, cartilage or RAW PAINFUL AS FUCK NERVE ENDINGS.
Hunter Nelson
jesus how much white powder have you smelled to get that bad of sinus damage?
now im scared it will hapen to me :
Andrew Turner
Yeah agreed, when I say "ceiling" I more so mean that it doesn't continue to increase euphoria after a certain amount. The intensity of the high certainly increases, aka increasingly stimulating. I'm currently shopping for a new 3-fpm vendor with reasonable prices. My main source is no longer active, and most other sources are uncomfortably high.
Ditto for the phenidates. Zero recreational value to me, I really don't even enjoy them all that much for functional purposes. I save them for desperate times like exam season and whatnot (when I can't get ahold of anything else at all).
Carson Hughes
For the LSD people, do you think that smoking weed enhances visuals or contributes to the trip? I can't say I've noticed a strong correlation but I do feel like the weed has a noticeable effect on the trip. The last trip I had I didn't smoke nearly as much as the previous times and it was noticeably less intense, but that could have been because of other factors too.
Anthony Gray
yes i also have troublpe sourcing cathinones.
i don't bother with 3fpm because mainly the sinus damage (bleeding after one line holy shit lol) and because a-ppp and some phenidate end up producing better reults when taken together (but along they are each worse than 3-fpm for recreational use). appp has a stacking problem though and i wouldn't take it past one day you will not have much fun IMO. never tried to stack 3fpm for days on end before my nose couldn't take it but i can tell it wont stack because you can't take a huge dose and feel that massive seratonin rush that i love so so much with SSRI shit.
4mpd is a decent chem that is pretty much the same as 3fpm (to me anyway, might wana verify that opinion with some other opinions online) maybe you can get it cheaper.
Grayson Hill
smoking weed can affect hallucinations but almost never does for me. that being said its super super usefull for controlling your mood (and from that the general direction of your trip) some times. also super usefull if your coming down from uppers and you are strung out as fuck with no benzos to save you.
also benzos will stop an acid trip dead in its tracks they are good to keep on hand incase you get into a real bad trip.
Benjamin Foster
Breathe in deeply as you can and just let go of the breath without any effort when you exhale, don't force it out. Do this about 30-60 times, taking about 2 seconds for each breath or at whatever rhythm feels most comfortable for you. The deepness of breath and even rhythm is more important than speed.
Then hold your breath and simply stare at a picture or an object with your eyes unfocused like you're trying to see the whole thing at once instead of focusing on one part. Just let go and watch shit change and warp. Play with it in your mind. When you feel the need to breathe. Repeat heavy breathing and hold your breath again.
Each time you do this you will be able to hold your breath longer and longer and it'll pull you deeper and deeper into reality bending states of consciousness while keeping your ability to reason intact. It gives a more lucid dream like trip you can control.
If you try this though, don't forget to breathe and leave a note to remind you to take deep breaths. It'll take you very, very deep until you're completely disconnected from reality and feel like you'll never wake up again. You have to continue breathing deeply to keep your mind and reality intact or you'll slip away down a rabbit hole into a huge mindfuck or OBE.
Isaiah Jones
all these tips for a better trip but did you know what buying n20 (aka nox aka whipped cream charges) on amazon along with a whipped cream maker to use as a cracker will get you the most intense visuals you can experience without going ball to the walls with super high amounts aioaska or peoti whihch will certainly mind fuck you right out of your own head.
Charles Sanchez
Every time I've acid so far there has been weed involved. My friends and I see it as almost an essential, not that we need it, but we know that we will want it when we are tripping. Not sure where I can get my hand on some benzos but I think I wont bother woth them.
kek, we call those nangs. I havent tried them but apparently they can bring back a fading trip really intensely.
I don't think i will try the deep breathing, just because if its something i have to keep doing to stay on track I don't want to risk that. The leaving a note thing I think is something I will do though, just reminding me that I'm tripping. Where is a good place to put the note? Is it something that you remain aware of or is it something that you will find during your trip that will remind you?
Easton Watson
and to bump the thread i will add that nox works as a sedative when your not tripping if you do like 10 in a row and hold your breath.
when your tripping it makes DMT about 10x more visual (i kid you not even a little bit) and takes your acid trip into another fucking dimention for about 90 seconds that feels like it lasts about 4 years, not counting the fade away effects that last 5-10 minutes longer if you can hold your breath for a decent length of time
nox is the shit but there is a reason they call it hippy crack. easily go though 300 or even 600 8oz containers during one acid trip if you wanted to.
some brands have food oil in them you don't want that but it won't kill you since its food grade, just tastes bad. eco-whip used to be a good brand but now they suck so idk. just get it. thank me later by having a good time :^)
Isaac Perry
Realize that "You" don't exist therefore a bad experience is a choice and that alone.
You cant un-see the things you see on high doses and they will be beyond undesirable. their is going to be momentary (or eternal moments of) hell to be exact, for lack of a better word of description.
Terence referred to it as the "Meatlocker" and it exists with both LSD and mushrooms IME however i cant stand the vascoconstriction from LSD, i also have had siezure-like symptoms with tested pure LSD others were fine with, note that i'm benzoiazepine-dependent currently which may play a role because it is very high doses of long acting benzos.
My first hit of LSD specifically was on a peach ring i thought was 200ug and turned out later to be roughly ~ 1mg and the other even a igher dose. Killed my ego, un-prepared, aslone, parents home, talked to my dad in the come up - middle of it and he appeared as transparent, black-outlined silhouette. After that the "Wubs" kick in, you will know exactly what i am referring to when it happens and you just go with the flow from there man. just be in the moment, meditate.
the OBE's from LSD are very comparable to psilocybin OBE's, but tend to be much more mechanical, serpentine / bird - oriented(in my case a combo of the two), and almost glowy or reflective of that makes sense. Elements burst into existence sporadically if you are lucky.
Be aware that you can have OBE's that consist of nothing which are simply ego death without recollection of the OBE he moment you are back even tough you did have it.
My last LSD experience i blacked out laying stomach up and i have aci reflux, i was convinced my lungs were filled with stomach contents and i had died, i got up walking around not sure if i was dead or alive but i both loved and hated it. it looped eternally and I( as in my ego ) died eternally. broke me down again.
Landon Fisher
plenty of sources online and there are a lot of types of benzo so you almost certainly can fine something leagal where you life if you try but your ordering online so who cares, really.
benzos are serious shit though. know you fucking dose for fucks sake. ld50 is pretty small for some and fatal OD is not too hard if you fuck up which happens to the best of us. if you happen to abuse it they can have the worst withdrawls of any hard drug including opiates in many peoples opinion (but we are talking about subjective shit here).
but they work absolute miracles in certian situations and are pretty much essential as a safety measure if you get into 10000ug+ trips or near-death amphetamine binges where you either tranq yourself or get physically hurt from all the shit that goes wrong on a hard upper binge. in these cases you either take a benzo or go to the ER and get sedated by them (unless your high on uppers they make you suffer awake).
Luis Reed
sounds fucking awfull
i think lsd isnt for me
Henry Gray
really any tranq will do but not a dissacociative tranq like ketamine. benzos just work well and are available to non-medical people unlike most all real tranqs.
best thing to do in bad trip is talk to someone about it, best thing to do to make your trip better if it seems lack luster is change your environment.
10000ug is a super high dose, nearly half the maximum effective dose. bad trips at these doses can have you running around like a lunatic who found a free key of PCP. 100-500ug i would not really worry so much, especially if your not tripping alone.
Asher Perez
I knew a guy once who tripped on salvia or some shit, can't remember it right now, and it fucked him up for good. After that the thought all was a dream and he found no point in living anymore, he shut all of his relationships off and a few years later he eventually killed himself.
I ask you, wise people of Sup Forums, what do you make of it? What sort of conditions must happen for you to get so fucked up?
Hunter Ross
Interesting. One of the realizations I've had while tripping is that time is one of the only things that's completely out of our control, and therefore is one of the most valuable things
Jack Green
conditions? no condition. that is uniqu to salvia.
salvia is not trippy like acid if you take the concentraed shit. instead of visual ahllucinations you will simply have what is more like a dream, a narrative story in another reality that is usually hyper fucked up in super fucked up ways lol. super common to be traumatized by salvia.
two of my best friends were and hearing their salvia trips is seriously fucking frieghtening. i have bad acid trip=s that left me fucked up for multiple years and i thank god i never had a bad salvia trip.
Levi Brown
candyflipping rn ama
Evan Thompson
i want to say that simply the description of bad saliva trips haunts me and i shudder to consider what the actual experiance was like. some of the demented and unreal shit salvia can make you see like its not even shit humans would think or its like if satan was an AI and designed your trip.
salvia is great at low dowses/concentrations IMO (aside from the taste/smell) and DANGEROUS at high concentraions. RESPECT IT! KNOW HOW TO TRIP BEFORE FUCKING WITH IT!
Henry Cook
molly and what?
>twf 90s rave scene will never happen again :< :< :
Ian Long
it seems like you know your shit about these things and if even you are frightened of what a bad salvia trip may imply no wonder that guy ended up killing himself, but yeah as far as I know he had really messed up and had taken way too much of it.
Christopher Johnson
I'm lowkey questioning everything I've ever taken away from trips rn cus i realized that in my solo trips, i had no way to ground myself to reality and my perspectives couldve been completely twisted
Anthony Adams
Benjamin Powell
its not even taking way too much. a single bowl of x100 salvia can either make you have a fuckin awesome trip or show you what hell would be like if satan was completely fucking insane, like looney-toons-phycho-clown insane. like i have had amphetamine sphychosis wich full blown paranoid schitzo delusions (hallucinations you can't tell from reality) that were personal and agressive (someone calling your name from the other room, someone yelling at you about past sins you forgotten and it crushes your fucking soul, constant whispering that you can nearly understand at all times, i will spare you descriptions of the visual delusions i care not to remember lol). also like i said terrible existential acid trip took me 2 years to recover and i will glady take those experiances 100 times over before i take a bad salvia trip.
i wish i could remember their stories so i might get across to you the sick and demented IMHUMAN shit they saw in their minds while sitting on a couch for 15 minutes. each said it felt as tho-ugh it lasted YEARS in their head.
holly fuck lol. i don't know if there is a close r state of mind to hell than that.
Aaron Jones
great combo
Josiah Morris
one part of one guys salvia story was that he spend years in a reality that made no physical sens in which entities of various forms spoke a language whos words consisted of grating noises like tearing sheet metal or nails on chalkboards. its that kind of raw primal nonsensical disconphort you are bombarded with so severely and for what seems like so long that makes it horrible. and you can in no way get out since you can't even fucking see the room around you let alone beg god for help. its bad shit.
Michael Davis
Man Im hanging out for a session, haven't smoked that bud in a few months now
Adrian Hill
they also told me they scremed for help during the trip but i was in the room next to them and they didn't say a word or move an inch. just tranced out into hell.
David Stewart
Trip story Took a small-medium dose of dmt, got the ususal sensation of slight tingling and buzzing in the back of my head, i remember going into the trip waking up where i was sitting and walking into a room to be greeted by deceased (and living) family members and what seemed to be some sort of alien figure my brain pooped out. They were all playing cards around a table so i joined them for what seemed like forever Came too and didn't really understand what had just happened to me. Good experience still.
Nicholas Thompson
Yeah what the fuck seriously.
I don't know who you are but the things you're sharing are extremely interesting, you turbonigger. Good thread.
Connor Nelson
you experianced death. you were in the next plain of reality (as your mind sees it). super common DMT trip i have heard it in stories and know two poeple who have experianced it. saw my best friend lie on the floor for 20 minutes telling us how he was dying and not to hit the DMT pipe or you would die, then he said he had died and slowly came back to his senses.
DMT, peoti and aioaska are all super devine/religious/akin to god, however you want to say it. people call DMT the "god molecule". people who trip hard on aioaska (spelling?) acutally see god entities they can interact with. some of the stories are acutally pretty convincing although i am obviously sceptical.
Gavin Mitchell
thanks im the acid trip guy who posted 3 stories and they guy who posted about cathinones and other RC stims and they guy who posted about nox and meditation and benzos and im this guy too ,
long time phychonaught and i firmly beleive drug enduced experiences can be valuable and worth it if you are smart and safe (which clearly i have not been 100% successful at but imo worth it anyway).
been a junkey for 12 years never missed a day or work or didnt pay a bill on time. drugs are not bad.
Ethan Cook
ayahuasca I agree, i've only been into drugs in the last 6 months max, and only really psychedelics, but I've already got a solid grasp on the concept of being smart and safe. Knowing the risks and how to manage them is an important part of it.
Colton Taylor
phychonaught guy here i would like to add that i too beleive life is a just another dream but i don't think that makes it worthless or not worth while.
Wyatt Jackson
Theres a theory about the experience of life, and its based on the knowledge that after death the brain is still active for around 7 minutes. Its theorised that in those 7 minutes the brain relives its entire experience again as a dream, and so the person simply relives their life in their mind.
Also bringing up the god epiphany again, when talking to my friend about it on acid, I had the thought that what if everyone was god of their own existence, and we are just sharing the same physical realm, in 'bubbles' of our own existence, bumping into each other and sharing experiences.
Cameron Rivera
Canadafag here. I've taken close to 65 tabs of acid in the last 4 years. The LSD I got from a close friend was very pure and powerful (had Kama sutra sex position sillouhettes in black on white blotter) I still remember my first trip, and I had only had a single tab. They were double blotter so two drops per tab. My second trip I decided to test my limits and I ended up popping a ten strip in my mouth which would have been twenty single hits and I can proudly say that I don't regret it one bit, with LSD and Mushrooms especially, it's good to test your limitations and get a perspective of what you're able to handle while still maintaing a positive trip. From my experiences with psychedelics, solo trips are crucial to the building of ones character, the main point to be aware of is not to get stuck in one thought or one image around you. (I once stared at the rocking of a ceiling fan as it rotated for 2 hours while thinking it was only 10 minutes which startled me a bit. A great mindset to have with drugs of this kind is to remind yourself that you are going to be alright, and not to fight the drugs, let them take you for the merry go round ride, your thinking won't always be clear enough to understand what's going on around you. Surround yourself with good people, or hobbies/activities that are fun and stress free. Avoid going out in public if you feel you're too high. I've ate a ten strip along with a quarter ounce of mushrooms and still managed to not attract much attention at the mall browsing stores and walking around my city. To many, going out and about while high as a kite isn't an ideal way to pass the time but I found it to be pretty amusing. I had a tendency to get lost in watching people rush around and panic and stress out for no reason, observe people for who they really are. Hallucinogens have played an essential role in shaping who I am although I feel like I'm an alien to most, but done safely drugs will benefit you.
Thomas Diaz
Couple weeks back I hook up with a new dealer who apparently deals in all kinds of psychedelics. This was pretty cool because all my local dealers only tend to sell coke, md and weed. I bought a few tabs of "fairly weak LSD" to share with a couple friends but after taking them I'm very confident they weren't what they were sold as. Most probably some sort of NBOMe based on initial flavour, numbing of the mouth and trip in general (for example only lasted around 6-8 hours) - of course I took them anyway.
Anyone got any advice as to what I do with the left over tabs now? I thought the dealer was pretty trustworthy but this was blatantly mis-sold. Do I go back and tell him, giving him the benefit of the doubt, or just write him off completely keeping in mind dealers of his kind are rare around here.