Dream interpretation thread

Dream interpretation thread
Post your dreams and I will attempt to interpret them for you

Also general dreams / lucid dreaming / sleep paralysis thread

Had a dream there was a zombie apocalypse. I was with a group, we were walking then. We left the "battle area" like in. Video game.and had 10 seconds to return

did anything else happen?


last bump

Had a dream i was with my ex again. I was trying to serenade her and convince her of getting back with me as per usual. She was pregnant and gave birth to twin Nokia phones. It was odd to say the least

There was this girl I'm speaking to, who lives a few miles away, and I finally convinced her to visit me, once she got there I kept trying to offer her frozen food and she eventually ran off without me knowing, I caught up with her and she was on the bus with some people I didn't recognise.

Try and work that out

you feel as though if you and your ex were to try again, and succeed, it enable you both to learn how to communicate better (not just with each other). if together you get past what is stopping your relationship from working, it will birth a new era in your lives where you are both capable of sharing how you think and feel.

you worry that when you finally manage to get this girl to come and see you, you may only have old, preserved, pre-packaged things to talk about or do together. that your whole relationship is founded on 'looking forward to the future', and when she actually gets there you will have nothing to really offer. you won't have 'defrosted dinner', metaphorically speaking. you worry that when she sees your relationship for what it really is, she will be gone with the wind, catching the bus back into her own life, with you not in the picture.

Fuck dude... stop making me feel. I'm just starting to get over her. But you're right.. very much so

>looking down on the scene from above as if I'm some other entity
>big sink sloping to a hole in the center
>four people laying flat chained evenly around the hole
>my arm reaches down from above and stabs one
>blood swirls into the drain
>wake up

I cant see very well in my dreams like if my eyes are half closed all the time i can still see what is happening but not that well it's all shadows and shit and every time i try to open my eyes in dream i open them irl
everyone that i've asked about this says it has never happened to them
By the way i can legitimately wake up of a dream if i want to by just realizing its is a dream and apening my eyes like i said before but this time on purpuse
Do you think it has something to do with it ?
Any other thoughts ?

sorry m9 but you did ask for it. how you feel manifests in your dreams, but just because that's how you feel doesn't mean it's true. good luck moving on.

I'm having constant reoccuring dreams of being this corporate beast, like one was when this health inspector or someshit came to my workplace, and I just shanked him the gut and threw him in a vat of the green goo. Why do i keep having these super malevolent industrial-themed dreams?

Good timing, I just had a weird nightmare.

I was in a park nearby where I live, it was night and I was a kid for some reason, not myself as a kid some other kid.
I remember feeling absoloutely petrified, frozen with fear. Then out of the corner of my eye to the left I saw a wolf's eyes looking at me and it was growling, then it leaped at me and mauled my face off and killed me.
I woke up whimpering like a kid until I realised it was a dream.

do you know the four people? do they feel familiar in any way? that's quite an abstract dream, but my best guess without knowing you or your life is that the sink represents you throwing your energy down the drain (this could be mental or emotional.. working a job you hate, wasting time on a toxic relationship etc), the people represent love ones or parts of yourself that are being held back by your actions, and the one you kill means that you may be permanently sacrificing part of yourself or another relationship by continuing to throw your energy down the drain.

not sure, but everyone dreams differently and it honestly doesn't sound that out of the ordinary. maybe you are just a light sleeper and your brain doesn't disconnect from your body while you sleep as much as it does for other people.

I've had a recurring dream where I go to school (Elementary school, dream started as a child), and break some rule, and I get sent to the bottom floor. Similar to a mental ward. I feel intensely terrified and then I wake up terrified.

Litteraly every night I have dreams about fighting and dying against overwhelming force. Zombies, multiple armed foes, supernatural shit. Anything. Funny thing is I'm never afraid and I always wake up happy. Riddle me that motherfucker

speaking specifically about the health-inspector one, it sounds like maybe you need to start taking care of yourself. the health inspector could represent someone trying to look out for you, help you get well, and for some reason you are abnormally aggressive towards them, hurting them and throwing them into this vat of goo (which could represent the bottled emotions which have been festering inside you for some time, the emotions that this person is trying to help you clean up)

this is hard for me but it should be easy for you. there is only one symbol which need to be interpreted, and that is the wolf. figure out what it means to you or what it could represent in your life, and you will know what the dream means.

shadow dream guys here
i know its doesn't sound that wlid i'ts just that is so anoying because i cant remember most of my dreams this being a 95% of them
and the ones i can remember are like this so my life just becomes awful because when i go to sleep i just close my eyes and then i open them just like that and i leaves me with a very uncomfortable feeling

Don't think I knew any of them. It really was the strangest dream in terms of my point of view, feeling like I had no body, the length of the dream and its vividness.

for a long time you have been denying / hiding from / fighting against a big part of who you are. the rule you are breaking is being true to yourself, and it is keeping you down and making you crazy.

some people just dream about that kind of shit every night. it probably means nothing aside from an indicator of your disposition, or some deep-seated desire for conflict, competition or battle.

that does sound frustrating, i would hate to not remember my dreams. have you tried using melatonin suppliments?

not sure what else to tell you, i hope you can figure it out!

Pretty close actually, I do love me some conflict. Good call, dream journal.

I killed a security guard with a screwdriver to escape some sort of forced labor camp.

I have a lot of dreams where I kill people with tools/household items.

>melatonin suppliments
not really i tried lunesta but it didn't help

I dreamed that I was with my college friends and ex walking through my town chatting, at some point one of my friends said that it's a bit weird and I agreed but the atmosphere was calm and part of the conversation where how I was relating to to breakup

do you feel oppressed or persecuted in life? it's quite common to dream of fighting for your life or freedom. makes sense in this day and age.

try melatonin, it's literally the hormone that your brain makes during the day to make you tired, not some chemical foreign to the brain

you said it yourself, it was just about how you were relating to the breakup at the time. im glad it went smoothly for you!

thanks for the advice bro
will do