Hey Faggots,
community college Loser here.
Just got an interview at pizza guys as a delivery driver
What should I expect? Is it worth damaging my car?
Hey Faggots
>what do you mean "no"
you worked at a pizza place or what
>what do you mean "no"
Nigga, no means one fucking thing.
youre saying its a fucked job and i should not try it
is that it?
how is it going to damage your car.....?
yes its worth it i made better money as a pizza driver than i do now.
You will end up at a loss with car repairs/maintenance
I think he might be dumb.
He goes to community college.
i live in a some what decent area, but there is a ton of potholes from the last winter idk
are tips that good? do they compensate for gasoline/oil
He definitely is, he needs our help. We need to teach this dumbass a lot.
i am poor and dumb
get it right
I had a delivery driver job once - it was fun as hell.
You just drive around listening to tunes and hand over the pizza then get tips. I'd never say "plus tip" though. People know to tip.
Demand a company owned vehicle.
Do you have a reliable car that's in pretty good condition/ok gas milage? Then sure go for it. Wouldn't hurt as long as you keep your shit tuned up cause the miles will stack up quick
help me then
wtf will i expect at the interview
I worked at ups as a trainer/assistant manager will this be easier
>wtf will i expect at the interview
Have you ever had a job interview before? Expect interview questions. I can get if you're an idiot, but you're not even trying to think.
Niggah, I worked for a pizza company doing this. It's not worth it. In the short term, the cash is decent on a Friday or Saturday night, as long as you don't live and/or deliver to a shitty part of town. Poor people just don't tip.
In the medium to long term, you beat the shit out of your car doing this and it will cost you an arm and a leg to maintain it.
at the interview?
>will do
i mean document wise,I know i need car insurance, driver licence, resume anything else?
hahahahahahahahhahahahahahahaahahahahahaha *breaths* hahahahahahahahahahahahhahaa
No major pizza delivery joint is going to give you a company vehicle.
Call the person doing the interview. You're not even trying to think. I'm going to put that in every post as long as you keep asking dumbass questions. An uneducated question is fine, but you're intentionally stupid.
You won't need anything except a resume until you get hired, probably. When I got hired they did all the car shit after hiring.
Dominos does.... douche
why no real advice Sup Forumsro
>driv7ng delivery
>for a company that does not provide a vehicle for making deliveries in
Why would anyone drive their own vehicle to make deliveries?
hahaha no they don't, I order from them all the time, all the delivery guys are using personal cars.
what kind of car shit was it? if i have a car engine light on, is that ok? they check the inside of your car?
should i hide my ciggarettes
Mostly it's just safety checks.. brakes working, lights, turn signals, brake lights, etc.
I doubt they care if you smoke.
>should i hide my ciggarettes
Ask them if you're allowed to smoke while you drive on the clock. You're not even trying to think.
I actually read some delivery reviews and they mention that driving only made up around 50 percent at max if they were part time, and they spent the rest of the time inside
Kill yourself, fag.
oh ill smoke anyways with the window down
its residential anyway
That depends on the day. On a Friday or Saturday night, you'll barely even get out of the car for like 5+ hours. The rest of your time is usually either prep work or cleaning.
Then why does it matter to you if they know you smoke, are you old enough to buy cigarettes? You're not even trying to think.
not a faggot but i like pizza money
also, do i get free pizza? should i ask?
>should i ask?
You're not even trying to think.
>community college
>not smoking
No, you won't get free pizza officially. Unofficially, don't be a faggot and you'll get free pizza all the time.
Do they pay for your gas? What about oil changes? How about wear on you tires and a need for a new set sometime down the road? Do they pay for your insurance? You're on the job so what if your paint gets fucked? Suspension? Transmission?
If ANYTHING goes wrong with your vehicle do you get compensated?
Pretty cool job to drive around stoned listening to music all day if you ask me. Well worth it.
I work as an assistant manager as well as drive. I make between $20-25+/hr and it's the easiest job I've ever had. If the place isn't shit I'd say go for it.
I worked at Papa John's for a while and honestly, just don't do every little thing they tell you to do. If you do, you'll end up running the whole god damn place while you're in the store.
They pay for (some) of your gas. Nothing else. Generally, you get compensated like 50 to 90 cents per delivery. Other than that, they don't pay for shit. You get in a wreck, it's on you.
thanks for the info, anything else somewhat disarming that might be a part of the job?
I hear it means yes.
meanwhile, actual drivers that aren't earning asst. manager pay are lucky to get 15 an hour after tips.. 'cause drivers are paid like waitresses unless they aren't driving (ie, below minimum wage before tips.)
thanks man
i got the point, i was too positive about delivery instead of being inside all day
i guess they dont give a fuck becuase i am a replaceable peice of shit
below minimum wage?
are you serious? how often does the typical middle class american tip?
It's obviously up to you. Job's a job and money's money. I don't know what your overall expenses are but if it all adds up then do it fag. Don't be a bitch and get a job like everyone else.
So that fucking $2-$3 "delivery charge" mostly goes to who?
The fuck? You left a job at UPS to be a pizza driver? You got a job at UPS and are scared of having pizza delivery interview?
Niggah, get educated.
The hourly pay rate for a pizza or other takeout food delivery driver is usually less than minimum wage because tips can be included in compensation. A 2009 PT Money website interview with a pizza delivery driver noted the driver was paid $6 hourly, plus $1.50 per delivery, plus tips.
You're making minimum wage unless you make more in tips. You're paying for wear and tear on your car and gas. You get t-boned, you're fucked.
Shit deal unless you suck some sweet dick for extra tips. You can claim your mileage on taxes though.
you work at a pizza place?
The company. It's not going to the driver, that's for sure.
I mean i can suck some mean cock, but idk if that'l help my time for delivery
what state is that in? jesus christ now im scared of just wasting my time
You're not a POS. Just figure out what you need vs what they pay and is it worth it. That's all. Risk management... part of every job.
you dont understand, ups and fedex takes in package handlers by the bucket every week.
getting promoted was hard, but i have never had a job to do with a vehicle before
Couldn't tell you, but when I worked at Pizza hut in Michigan back in like.. 2003.. I think I got paid like 5.15 an hour plus tips..
I guess ill do it for a couple of weeks and see the results
thanks Sup Forumsro
You'll make more chugging that yogurt slinger tbh fam.
Easier "back in the day" to pocket tips, and not report, as more paid with cash. My brother was a driver in 1992. 80% of income was tips. Definitely ruined his car tho.
oh man i live on the west coast, i dont think they allow savage financial rape like that here
True story. Cash was awesome, you didn't have to claim shit. I took in $150 on a typical Friday and would claim like 15 bucks in tips.
hahaha, yes they do. Tips can be claimed as part of your compensation no matter what state you live in, so they aren't gonna pay you shit hourly.
Wow. I would have thought that they would actually cared about their employees.
Over here in Georgia you might make 4.30 when you're on the road. 7.25 in the store.
any advice to get more tips? i know saying "x of amount of money plus tip" is not good for me
You made me snort my drink, bro.
Sounds about right.
Honestly, just be as nice as you can be and always at least appear to be happy.
you are making middle class money, at least on the weekend
teach me your power you madman
Yep. You had to "claim" something of course. Less "trace-ability". If you had a cool manager, and you would take extra hours, etc. You could get free pizza's on a busy night, if they over-prepared.
Name ONE company that puts employees before bottom line?
Why do you think unions exist?
Been delivering about 3 years. I make $10/hour and im on the clock for that rate my entire shift. I get $2 per delivery from the store plus whatever the customer tips. Wear and tearon your vehicle is real. If possible get a vehicle that is reliable and fuel efficient. I drive a 98 camry. My 99 just quit but i drove it for 10 years ansd it had 330k miles on it when it quit and was very cheap to maintain.
Offer "happy endings"?
thats harder than it sounds, im a depressed cunt who fucks his own hand
No I wasn't. Keep in mind I burned through like a full tank of gas in a night. And the number of miles I put on my car was crazy. Pizza delivery is not a good way to make decent money for a living. It's a job to do while you find something better.
i got a 2000 nissan maxima from the 19.50 per hour at ups
its ok on the gas mileage, but what should i expect with oil changes
What company? Surprised they pay a delivery guy 10 an hour and 2 per delivery.
wtf did you leave 20 bucks an hour to go do delivery for?
how many piles per night on average?
Common sense depending on your vehicle. Last couple oil changes on my 99 were done after 10k miles. Planning to do them between 3k to 5k now. Do them yourself and save money
It's actually a lot easier than it sounds. I was in a pretty shitty situation when I was working there.
I remembered another thing. Back then, it was much easier to not tell your insurance company that you use your car for deliveries.
"Do you drive your car less than 150 miles per week?" "Sure!"
shared a girls nudes top cowokers and was about to be figured out
college diploma is god
You have to have a strong false sense of security in order to deliver pizza and not lose your mind.
Getting robbed and shot or stabbed is a very real part of the job. It is an assumed risk.
Not worth the payout.
oh yeah, fucking insurance will be a killer. You'll have to get commercial coverage.
dude i live in oregon
the only stabbing i would get is from a penis
This. A co-worker of mine at Pizza Hut quit after a dude came out with a gun on one of his deliveries.
Why did you loose your job at UPS?!
Learn to do it yourself and it'll relatively be cheap as shit. Drive into Mr. Lube and pay... I dunno, Canfag here, whatever your local garage charges. Not that much but something every 5k. In miles... I don't give a fuck.
Or an anti-Trump sign.
I don't think we have those here, but if I go somewhere there is one I'll make a point to eat there. I like to patron places that treat their employees decent.
No place is exempt from thieves.
Its a midwestern company and they usually open up in rural areas. I'm in Missouri.