Dick rate thread?

Dick rate thread?



it looks like your cock is giving birth

poor guy....


rate me?

press F to pay respects
>not ops dick

Is that a cancer?

I'm sorry OP

why has your dick got training wheels?


>7/10 Would Insert

I don't know why but i really like this dick

Just the thought of laying in bed with that dick as the oneitis approaches you she bends down and kisses that flaccid dick. She loves you even your flaws, she accepts you for who you are and cares for you. Even if your dick is multilated. She doesn't care.

so yea I always think that whenever i see this picture

is that a fucking plumbus?





I have a whole folder of weird dicks. Don't ask me why
i'll post them until i get bored



i call this one Ol' Nessy

these are classics

it's ok user we all do









What the fuck why does this guy have a fucking Hammer for a dick?







Those tats are actually pretty savage. Too bad he mutilated himself. What a shame.




Can you imagine walking around with that mess in your pants? I'm glad to be a normie.

Aiight that's all for now folks. Hope you enjoyed

Jesus fucking Christ my eyes can't fucking unseen

So he can nail your mom :^)

This has been fun, thanks.

I find it weird that some of these guys with the fucked up dicks actually trim their pubic hair...

Fuck you fuck you all! I'm fucking done what am I seeing Jesus can't take this I'm standing far away from this thread cause threads like these just make me wanna reply to myself. Literally HOW IS THIS EVEN POSSIBLE WTF MAN I CANT FUCKING TAKE THIS CRINGE

fucking newfag...


No I'm so done! This is horrifying!

It's a prison thing, people put marbles and carved Dominoes in their dicks. Shit's fucking weird.


Id do the same thing if i had all the time in the world


Use scalpel made out of??? Cut tiny slot in dick, slide object into dick, let heal over object.

There's normally a couple of guys in a prison who'll do that sort of service, similar to prison tattoos.

It looks like a mushroom

Rather unsanitary

only the strongest deserve to live

Son of a bitch

Welcome to prison

The thumbnail looks like a fistbump kek

ribbed for her pleasure? I can't tell if those bumps are from an infection or maybe some kind of a ball implanted under the skin?


For what purpose?










fuck off faggot






the very definition of "chode"



double dick deluxe

He could end the cut vs. Uncut debate forever

Oh God I fucking lost!