I'm a bored trannyfag. Chat with me?
I'm a bored trannyfag. Chat with me?
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Thigh highs or tights
At what age did you transition, had you known from a young age you wanted to do it or did you realize it later
You're a piece of shit snowflake who deserves to die in a fucking fire. Fuck you.
Tights all day
What brings you here?
Are you lonely?
Do you come here often?
Tell us about yourself.
Dude i knew for like ever. As far back as 7 at least. I'm 24 now
You poor bastard, may God have mercy on your soul.
Kill yourself
Only if you join me hand in hand
Have a pic?
Your comebacks are as queer as you.
When did you start hormones?
Buttplug or vibrator?
Just bored. Its like 3am and I'm not ready to sleep. I come to Sup Forums all the fucking time at least sense 10th grade
What are you fucking gay?
Yeah, you some kind of fucking homo, faggot?
I hope there is no god. And if he really is against trannies then fuck it I made my bed I'll lie in it too
Isn't trannyfag... a... What is that called when you take two words that mean the same thing and cram them together? Not an oxymoron... The other one...
Sharpie in pooper for us?
No shit Shirley I'm a transFAG of course I'm queer
You're a fucking faggot.
3 years ago. Its been a weird trip too
You need to fucking kill yourself.
Vibrator duh. Prostate massages are killer
I feel the shit out of that. MericaWhatever here, its 2:10. Would you consider establishing a snapchat friendship?
Fucking niggers
What do you think?
In that case, follow up; fingering or fucking? Also, are you size queen?
If your most interesting fact about yourself you have to put forward is mutilated genitals and a hormone imbalance then you are a sad, sad "man".
I think you need to find yourself on the end of a short rope, you piece of shit.
No clue what your trying to say i just know standards of Sup Forums dictate fag comes after any description of self
Fucking trash
Wanna Skype me and take turns? You go first and then me. Ooo it can be like a romantic death date
Oh, boo fucking hoo youre not getting any attention. I hate to feed trolls but look at you. Some people like transgender people. Get over it.
Not really. You're all just a bunch of faggots who didn't get enough attention, now mutilating your genitals so you can have some semblance of someone loving you. You're a pathetic piece of shit.
Nah. Not looking for friends or a good time. Just passing time. Figure its better to talk to Sup Forumsyards than some generic loser on facebook
Ill shoot some horse with you and we can go on a denny's slam date at 3 a.m together.
Pls love me
The word you guys are looking for is Tautology
noun: tautology
the saying of the same thing twice in different words, generally considered to be a fault of style (e.g., they arrived one after the other in succession ).
synonyms: pleonasm, repetition, reiteration, redundancy, superfluity, duplication
"avoid such tautology as "let's all work together, everyone, as a team" by saying simply "let's work together""
a phrase or expression in which the same thing is said twice in different words.
plural noun: tautologies
a statement that is true by necessity or by virtue of its logical form.
mid 16th century: via late Latin from Greek, from tautologos ‘repeating what has been said,’ from tauto- ‘same’ + -logos (see -logy).
Kek, noo not at all. I can't even do anal with my bf. But fingers are nice. Not too big to hurt
You're a waste of oxygen and tax dollars.
You realize im not OP, right? Come up with your own sassy rebuttals. I used that one already.
How do you do the sex if your bf can't fuck you, then?
Maybe I'm just an uninteresting loser. Who the fuck cares? Its getting some attention right? Think you got sometho g better to talk about?
The use of Copic in that drawing makes me physically ill.
Kill yourself.
Gotta rope? Ever tried to kill yourself? Freaking scary
You didn't try hard enough.
while i whole heartedly agree i am going to need a pic the curiosity has me dying to know if you are passable or not.
So what? Oh no! The crazy guy is gonna mutilate his dick! Whatever shall I do?! Bitch please
You fucking disgust me.
Wait I don't get it. What's shoot some horse mean?
Too jealous of your bf, youre adorable. Listen, i have a problem. Im super gay but in the closet still so im keeping it very low-key currently. I have desperately been on the lookout for a match with a transgender girl. Where in god's name do i have to go? Like fuck.
Hey op, do you use discord? Tranny fag here too
Horriblely I'd say. I haven't really had sex for years. Mostly just really rough mutual masterbation and oral
You tried.
Annnnnd back to ignoring you.
It left marks and I freaked
Horse is commonly known as heroin in some bigger city areas. Though, people call it gear nowadays.
Tell me the story
I would hope so. I get enjoyment out of people hateing me
two options
> user: its probably still biger than your peanut sized cock. feels bad having a burried peanut since 12.
> OP: implying a trans is human worthy.
/lgbt/ or reddit. Tinder college campuses dude you have the whole internet in front of you. Find a tranny near by. Stalk that bitch. Pay your best friend to beat her up and swoop in at the last second to sweep her off her feet
Heroin is way too intense for me. X is cool and so is booze and weed but I try to get my addictions lowkey
Well the gray filter on top of a dick pic to make it 'artsy' instead did the opposite and at first glance i thought you were holding a log of shit which is not an uncommon thing to see on 4chinz. Did i hurt your feelings user? And who cares if my dick is small? I already have a kid so its not like my life is awesome anyway.
I wish school shootings can stop that easily
>be 15
> hate my body, hate my life
>gonna end it all one day
>grab belt and tied around neck
>use closet rack as a leverage and squeezed till I went red.
>mom busted through door, got caught
>deny everything. Realized I really wanna live.
...that's that's pretty much it
at least you accept that you're a faggot for being a tranny
Yeah, i get the whole internet deal. Im just more confident in person, slightly rely on reading peoples reactions to get a feel of what to say next.
Anyway, yeah, youre right. Ill try tinder. Is grindr all doms? Im a dom myself, dont wanna throw myself in an awkward situation where the dick is in the other ass, so to speak.
Obviously not OP.
> Implying that your life is anything relevant when you spend time on 4ch after your 23th.
Well shit its just how the world is. Some people think I'm a fag some don't. I just roll with it
Try it again edgy lordy
I don't think so. I'm sure there are some transgirl bottoms on grinder. To be honest I actually don't know. I've never used it. Most trans girl are pretty chillnto date though. Were kinda desperate. Just really not be a creep and you're golden
Were you abused/molested? Is this just a fetish? Pic?
>being so buttmad you forget how to type.
That's not actually op. My dick is wayyy smaller
>chat with me
Fuck you faggot. Kill yourself.
What is a father doing in a thread
But I like my life now. Things are going really great and I'm like happy for once. Why would I ruin that?
i don't understand why people think that
is op
Actually yes I was. By two different cousins growing up. But I don't harbor any Ill will or PTSD or nothing. I actually kinda liked it. And I don't think of it as a fetish. I was like this before puberty. So no sexuality involved
Just a little talk? I'm so boreddd
Dunno. Maybe he has a fetish
Did your mom fondle your penis to get blood flowing in your brain again?
was scrolling mainpage, saw the 'r8'...replied, left a tab open that auto updates in case a response was posted so i could chuckle while i kept browsing. What are you doing here user?
Beats me. Maybe they thought it was me postin dick pics
Nah but she was freaking out. Talking about are you depressed? Is something wrong? I just said nope and left
Eh, not creepy as i am desperate for finding who and or what im into. My brain says experiment and females kinda fuck me off over sex or material possessions/drugs. Just kinda want something that has potential to build on without the rush of "hey, lets do it so we can get close really fast" and then lose interest after a week because rushing it was the entire problem.
Anyways, thanks user. You give me hope.
Aw thats kinda cute. Your gonna do great.
so uh.... wanna post some dick pics?
No wins here. I'm just lame. You can turn it into a trap thread though I dont care
watching the thread going BATshit. disappointed tbh.
there is one way to fix it....
He's done with his wife.
That poor hambeast. Her life probably sucks
original guy here, the reality is so much worse