Hey Sup Forums I need a gun and kinda quickly. How do I get one?

Hey Sup Forums I need a gun and kinda quickly. How do I get one?

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That's not half bad, walmart sell all that shit?

yup even the shells make sure you get a slug tho
or youll just end up retarted

Nice dubs.
Now how would the whole construction part of this go?
And use a lighter on the end?

home depot or a hardware store for the pipes, a shell, over course will have to be found someplace else, don't buy it all at once.

google four winds shotgun. on your neighbors wifi of course. first thing that shopuld pop up in a pdf on how to make one.

big pipe goes on outside little on inside screw the screw in the hole with the bolt lightly during assembly load hit screw boom just dont fuck it up cus it seems you dont know how guns work so research

building a gun is legal in America, your American right?

the better one

Navy doesn't teach you shit about guns. But I'm trying to go like tomorrow, any more advice or methods?

>tfw needs gun has no black friends

huh? the navy gives you a gun, you don't need to bring your own.

lurk tho

dissregard that one, it looks shitty, fourwinds is better.

so you take the screw bolt and cap the screw goes threw the hole tighten bolt all the way then put shot gun shell in small pipe face the brass end in the cap put large pipe over and into cap put to head hit hard but accurate point at temple


Only if forward deployed.
/k/ is useful?

Better question. How do i modify my ar lower to burst fire/full auto?

im not even jewish and there's no way id pay for something to just an hero with.

sorta, tons of memes and meme guns. they love really cheap stuff and going off on tangents about non-sense. sometimes blue print threads pop up, which are cool. mostly rate my ar vs ak gucci gold pouches stuff.

>pic related

they tend to have real military fags on, and a military general, if your into that kinda thing.

I got you sempi


oh bumber, i got a bmp map with the actual designs on it, but its to big to to on Sup Forums

>lighting link, again Americans only, euros cant have this shit



I'm not that user, but generally speaking, yes, it's legal to manufacture a firearm for yourself.


regular gun yes, these fun time parts and shears, major nope, but you can own the blueprints.

some nigga on /k/ is trying to build a hellfire.

So just to clarify I can't buy a gun online?

You can. It just has to be sent to a licensed dealer.

Yeah, just go on facebook and post that you're looking for a glawk fawty. They're only like $100

This is a destructive device, dont make those.

you can buy some blackpowder stuff, like bloody flintlocks and shit, or 80% meme lowers, that turn out very mediocre.

Stupid nigger he doesn't want to burn down his own city like you do. He just wants a fucking gun.

Too many peo0le would panic and I live far from most of my folks on facebook

oh? buy? yes, but you have to ship it to a gun store, who then runs your background stuff. gunbroker is very popular.

you can get blackpowder muzzle loaders sent in the mail though.

>I'll take "basic digital picture things everyone know unless the are a retard or newfag," for $200,please alex

>This extremely easy procedure makes files smaller

>what is re-sizing?


You must live in Cuckifornia because I'm in Alabama and I see at least 10 a day

some stuff is pretty cheap, and kinda usable. some places like Florida, black powder cartage guns get free concile carry, so little nasty .22 mag snup guns are popular.

Texas but just got here.

Oh Then just go to Mexico and buy an AK from a drug mule.

Maybe Laredo.. not a bad idea

No one would think twice about seeing a post about wanting a gun. Shit, the best deals I've ever got were from Dindus and women on facebook. Got an M44 and WASR10, $500 for the pair

heh you don't know what I'm talking about. snow crash full 3d cad files hidden inside bmp imges. resizing doesnt work newfag.

>pic related

What about pawn shops?

fucking texas m8? just go to a gunshow, there is ALWAYs one going, you'll over pay for a 1903 fn browing, but you'll walk out with a real gun.

lol you are clearly a newfag though

What do I do with this?

Y-you too...

Why tho user. Don't worry, Sup Forums is anonymous

at least ive been here long enough to know you cant post a bmp of any size on Sup Forums

to small, you gotta have the whole thing. here before its taken down.


>Still thinking furchin is anomalous

They sell on spot? No waiting no real checks?

you just convert it in paint m8, its real.

buy from a methhead

well.... you give them money and you walk out the door. its only for guns made before 1903? so you options are limited. shitty pocket pistols and such were very in voge at the time, so anything about ~.32 acp is out of the question.

Fucking spoilers!
>Dear diary, user 722824650 is a nigger. But he aint my nigga

im not saying it doesnt work, just saying you cant post any bmp file on Sup Forums so it doesnt matter if it's 1mb or 100000

still lethal?

i also have coupons for free stuff.

If going to an hero just go to the shooting range

Hell no

Spoilers? For.... for what?

well yeah, just you know, don't expect very much. its more practical then hauling around a black powder .45 or something.

for close personal deffence and stuff its better then nothing, and an FN is a kinda cool gun anyway. 100 years old man.

What part of spoilers... Do you not understand faggot!?

the colt hammerless is another real option, again, you will over pay for one, these guys know why people want these exact models of guns.

It isn't a spoiler?

well fun thread, I gotta go, ATF are knocking at my door.

OP, to pick your perfect gun I need a situation. Becoming an hero, school shooter, Mexican drug cartel member, etc. I need detail user!

kill some for me! plz!

Dammit, I think we've lost 'em

>Mission failed, we'll get 'em next time

It won't work. You can't create the concussive force, that is normally provided by a firing pin, to make it go off.

I was thinking the same

Ok, why do you need the gun? And what specific type do you want?

At least you used it once, imagine how I felt when I bought condoms

Self Defense related things something small but lethal

you don't need a gun to defend yourself. how old are you, just so I can further analyze this scenario ?!

I'm 20 but I have some bad people looking for me. Just tell me how to get a gun or fuck off

What country do u live in? If America what state? If not, good luck.

Also do u have a job? Or making money.

Money no issue. Texas

I reccomend going to the police, if you're not in a situation that allows that lul u dun fucked up.

Yes you can. Have you never heard of a bangstick?

Unless you meant OP can't muster the force because he is a suicidal pussy and then we will agree.

to legally have a hand gun you have to be atleast 21, 18 for long guns

Even in Texas?


Well if my research on this is legit, u can't open carry, so that could be part of your problem. Go to open carry friendly states if money's not an issue and you may be able to just buy d eagles or other hand cannons or you could cut the cost and buy bear mace or regular mace. Take a self defence class and tiger up.

Fuck. Do pawn shops sell rifles?

You can purchase a pistol in some states at 18, it just has to be through a private party and not an FFL. I believe Texas is one of those states as well

Bigger issue than mace can handle.. and I'm stuck here in Texas

If money isn't an issue why can't you travel user? Sounds kinda...fishy if u know what I mean

most do

true, for private sales in tx there is no requirement for a bgc but it is still illegal to posses any handgun if you are not 21. it is also illegal to transfer/sell a handgun to any one not 21.

Also, if you shoot to kill u have to disguise the round. Or your fucked for life.


Its federal law you stupid nigger. It's not up to the state.

What the fuck are you blabbering about?

lol no