Where does b/ work at? + Age

Where does b/ work at? + Age
Target 22

Own a small landscape construction company. 35

I'm a professor of Biology at a small public college. I'm 34.

UCD Children's Hospital. 23.

Age: 20

American Medical Response 27

Wash dishes 17

Customs brokerage firm. 26

Institute of hematology and blood transfusion

Rock climbing instructor . 20

Emergency Medical Technician 20

Oldfag 46
Deliver for pharmacy
Ive started my warm-down and love it.

Set Decorator and Props for film and tv


Front-end dev, 22

Project designer at an interior design firm, 34.

Firefighter EMT

lineworker at general motors plant

House Surgeon, 24

forgot age, 19

Apprentice Electrician

I'm a sculptor for the movies. 24

Wine Rack 23
dubs will confirm

IT guy - USAF 27

Shits pretty cash, I love my welfare

NEET, 24 and still keepin it real you fucking norms

waddup josh

Nuclear power station in America.

I started on Hydro stations in New Zealand when i was 17, then when I was on an ABB course in Europe, a manager from a nuke station in england took a liking to me and poached me.

Then same when I was on another course in America.

what films has your work been featured in?

Firefighter/Paramedic 26

About to leave for work in a few.

Just got the job a few months ago, my first job was the new Wrinkle in time movie that comes out next year.

us armee and in korea. russian bitches are so easy.
god emperor trump is my manager basically

17 pizza delivery (tips + $7.25 /hour + 30 hour weeks), Ranch hand ($10 /hour + 10 hours a week)
Start hustling bitch or you aint gonna be able to support yourself on daddy's money when they boot your ass out.

I want your job you fuck

Service and operation analyst, im 28.


How much do you make user?

25. Lawyer in a consumer credit company

Russian bitches are so easy

>Greentext ?


Army EOD - 19

Self employed, 25

Architect, self employed, 34

EMC, 19

Hmm, around 1100 euros a month which is mega good money for Croatia, but it is the best card proccesing firm in Cro. Usually, countrys like Germany, Austria and similliar are paying way more money for same job. Problem is, that is 24/7 job and my any social life is practicly dead, which is oke for me since i have no friends whatsoever. I spend 8 hours a day sitting behind dual screen processing all the shit that comes in and out of firm.

I build drift cars

...oops 39

Chef in a popular local restaurant

Software developer, freelancer, 26

I'm 32 and I'm a correctional Officer in a state prison. See you soon!

Financial company, 26

A: Boeing in Seattle
B: Old enough to know better

motion designer

Pension and insurance company, 25

My wife works in Bellevue. We basically know each other!

>online marketing company

Traffic technician

never had a job, 20

Which one? Palo Verde?

automation engineer

Operator at small plastic extrusion factory. 21.

Not fully hired yet because CEO is a roodypoo.

University, PhD

Dude, I used to live at The Landing. Small world.

45. Cisco CCIE in a french bank

World's largest bowling alley chain. Hate it. 23 or 24, don't feel like checking my ID



Engineering geologist

Got any leaks on anything big coming up soon?

>traffic technician

Kek. That's a fancy description for sitting in a toll booth all day.

Are you completely fucking shitfaced? NIGGA HOW DO YOU NOT KNOW THIS SHIT?

23 Magna.

We assemble BMW rear bumpers.

26, whitewater river guide/kayaker

The fact that you don't know your own age is proof as to why you work a shitty job

what's the pay on that?



Best buy, 19

32, economic advisor

>He thinks that's what my job is


Caravan mechanic/technician.I fix them up, also install solarpanels and other accessories.
I am 22.

professional troll and political commentator.

Just got home from an interview with bill maher

27 Forklift driver

You're a nigger, am I riht

Yeah, ok kiddo

30. Electrical Engineer

27 prosecutor

27 propane factory

university of Colorado at denver?

students welcome, too?

Chemnistry ,third semestre, 21