


Why is there always g/furs when no straight threads arent around?


I love the cute shit, more of this if its out there


I always found this cute.


not bad, but not quite what I'm looking for

And this.




Sup Forums is fag today. Wont let me post and tells me I'm posting duplicates.

I got even more cute ones. Glad someone else is into it too.







this thread. is good




My cute file need some working. Post cutes please? My last one pretty much.


Got any as cleanish versions?


sorry man, I tried




Is it just me or does anyone else listen to music while they browse this thread

Usually I listen to music all the time while sitting on my computer.

Hey dudes. How are things?










Bored. Taking the advantage of this thread since it has good level of straight instead of herms and gays.



Well that is the point of it after all.









Good day fellows.

Good evening




Fucking weirdo cunts.































Still don't like lips on furries. They just dont fit.

Always lurkin

All depends on how the artist does it for me. Sometimes it looks good, sometimes not.


Usually they just try to dublicate those cocksucker lips they see in porn and that is a real bonerkiller for me.