/nzg/ - New Zealand General
Get in here, boys.
/nzg/ - New Zealand General
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wow triggered
Would you say the Australian and New Zealand relationship is something like being cousins?
Why are IDs even gone?
why so late? This isn't Australian time.
yuropean currently on holiday on NZ reporting in
just outside of Wellington atm
May as well be, we're all the same
Working on my plan.
thats a terrible plan
I reckon it'll work.
This sucks shit.
Just make it a Quercy nudes thread ffs
I've already got the swingset frame that I'm gonna hang the tub from.
Do you want to go tramping or hunting with a local? I am in lower north island.
Don't fall for it, this guy just wants to get you out in the woods where he can rape you and eat you.
I am totally not a skinwalker. Why would you suggest that.
I never said skinwalker, but now I'm definitely suspicious that you are one.
JAFA reporting in
how's it going mates
TERRIBLE, and you?
oh whats wrong man?
i'm ok, little stressed out because of my thesis but other than that life's good
just wish i could shit money :)
Just the usual stuff. Life, it's bad.
should i walk to night n day and get a hotdog.
or two hotdogs?
Get three hot dogs
get my caged hotdog ;)
in auckland. just fuck my shit up.
A lot of hot asian ladies here tho
You guys have a whole continent to yourself, you know.
Get FOUR hot dogs
And a diet Coke
>caging your hot dog
>A lot of hot asian ladies here tho
how do you get to them? i feel like the asians stick to themselves.
or maybe i'm just buttfuck ugly.
or maybe both.
i had a hotdog of the fruit world, may go for hot dogs later. will post pic if i acquire them and thread is still a go
where in akl bro?
remuera reporting in
Out west
hmm yeah but there are some western asians. Theres this hot as chick that works in town. Been eyeing her for a while
thanks for the offer, mate, but we are boarding a ferry to go to the south island in the morning
Pnaughty reporting in
Hey mate, Aussie here.
It's fucking late.
You've had all day to make a thread. What are you doing?
G'day, cobber
It's a night thing.
How do you plan to hold the door closed?
Whatever you use has to be strong enough to hold all the dirt but you still have to be able to pull it with the string.
That's just details, I'll figure it out.
Opotiki here. and fags from these parts?
I think youd be better off to have a bathtub with a long arm on it for leverage. then pull the tub over sideways.
I suggest setting up a thick length of wood like pic related and pushing it over with your foot.
Ok cool, but if it doesn't work I'm coming to your house and making you kill me.
Any bad ass Maori boys here? Fuck you homo angel fags. Need sum dick, I won't tell your girl. SthAuxBadestBitch!
Thats fine.
Ill beat you to death with a giant pink floppy dildo.
Badass maoris.
Lol. Thats a contradiction if ive ever heard one.
Maoris are the pussiest faggots ever.
Good luck, Maori boys are all hooked on boipussi from their prison stints.
Aus/NZ discord please join
no drama queens
Same m8
No idea what a discord is.
I think internet is played out, let's all go back to ham radio.