Legit, how would you get out og this without help?

legit, how would you get out og this without help?

Maybe try and drive down into those bushes a little more until the car is flat and not at risking of flipping.

Then drive forward onto that flat area and back up onto the road.

wheels just spin, no gripping. cant call help im fucked.

ill try with twiggs.pls someone

You should probably ask b/ for help. Always a good idea. Fucking retard

better idea? give your mom number?

easy; use your super powers
they are not only to help others, duh

Open the fucking door and step out, faggot.

Can't call for help, but can post on Sup Forums. Fuck off, faggot nigger cuck

its not going anywhere. noway. so what options? im fucked (wasted) call tow, they call cops or no? walk home eleave , they get my reg and licencse, fuck there too? what?

Call someone to give you a ride and get it towed in the morning asap. It's the best you can do.

faggot niggor fuck cunt bla bla bla bla anyone in Norway near trondheim?

is the body still in that hearse? you may have to carry it now

Are you going to freeze to death out there?

I'd get a friend to pick up you - then deal with it in the morning. If you are drunk the last thing you should be doing right now is trying to get that car out.

but if someone calls it in just passing by, you think theyll go out right away?

Just step on the gas until the tires cut through the snow and hit the ground. If there's ice under it the friction will melt it. Once you have grip it'll slingshot you forward and out of there so fast you'll probably crash it.

as in towing reg number and the whole fucing deal back to me?

Better off paying an impound fee than dealing with a dui, leave now.

I doubt anyone will call it in at all. The best thing you can do for yourself is to get yourself away from there so you don't get caught for DUI.

There's no way you'll ever get that out.

they just spin man. im down to brown dirt. to much of angle i think.

Try packing (And I mean PACKING, like balls deep) snow under the tires and try reversing out once you've packed all the snow you can

wait until the snow melts

dig on the left side till the car is more straight

fuck it.seems the better of the options. thx user.

Keep going, you'll hit dry dirt eventually

Call a tow truck you dipshit. Get some snow on the ground and make a snow cone, flavor it with piss and semen while you wait.

You're probably drunk aren't you? Dumb faggot.

Dig under left front tire
Lower/elevate car
Roll it into bushes

>drive out

no shit sherlock!

dont get grip, need another person to keep it tractioned. im alone

By learning how to drive in winter conditions

Tell 2 friends to pick u up than call tow truck with one sober friend saying he was driving u home

reverse is fucked. absolotely nothing. it "wags" forward but i need traction. its tilted too much.

>put it neutral
>push down hill
>get in
>start car
>drive away

Jesus Christ, fucking dank memer over here is living life tonight.

calling bud, drunk too so might be a great "ideA!"

if drinking got you into the problem, more dirnking will get you out, follw you drink bran tp fet oit of ge provlen

No problem. Good luck.

Open the left car door and get out the car.

lol im not dying mate

>posting on Sup Forums

Report it stolen and collect on insurance claim. Problem solved.

way ahead of you! (aware of the inrony) have a another one!

Isn't posting on Sup Forums getting help? Fail

it is. being called nigger, faggot, idiot an some legit advice. what i cma eofr.

you need to get picked up and get out of there.

>cops come by
you are fucked

>try and get it out
you are fucked. You'll probably roll it over on yourself you drunk fuck.

stick that mountain of brush in front of/under the tires. really not that difficult most of the time.

i actually hiy some old man walking doggy 30mins ago so karma i guesss.

Interestingly, this can actually work.
I crashed my mum Subaru when I was 15 and just sat in it getting pissed until I passed out.
Next thing firemen smashed in the back window to get me out and the coppers went fishing for all my empty beer cans.


hahaha as cool as that sounds the car i my name, and i fear ill loose my license and car as well

1 pull down pants
2 poop on side of road.
3 ????
4 profit

You're a real piece of shit for drinking and driving. I don't care about harm you bring to yourself because you seem to be asking for it, but you are putting innocent people in harms way just because you're selfish ass can't be bothered to be safe. My uncle had to die because of a schmuck like you

Look mate, GTFO and deal with it once you're sober.
The only evidence against you is you been pissed.
You're in the middle of nowhere so they can't expect you to wait with the vehicle.
Worst case scenario some tow truck collects it before you get back and you'll have to pay an impound fee.
It's probably fucked anyway so just sign it over to them for scrap.

huubuuubuuu i nevr urt anyoone. get off you high horse cunt. you've done to too i bet.

Pack snow into and over your tailpipe, start car, close windows, run heater, take nap


go home. call a towtruck tomorrow

GO TO BED user!

thx to to the asshole who called the cops and actually my find loco. good shit.. fuck you.

As far as getting it out:

1. Try deflating your front tires - not completely, but enough so that they sag and gain more surface-to-surface contact. Larger contact area = more friction.

2. Have floor mats in the vehicle? Stick em' in front of or behind the drive wheels (depending on whether you're trying to go forward or reverse). It works especially well if you have the kind of floor mats with little spikes on the bottom - they dig into the packed snow and can sometimes provide enough traction for that short distance to get the vehicle moving.

As far as ditching the vehicle for now (what I'd recommend):

Write a note to the effect of "Car stuck - will retrieve tomorrow!"

If you're in a pretty religious area, add a "God Bless" or "WWJD" to the note for good measure.

Wtf r u stupid ? MAGNETS BITCH!

>shit just got real

Resist the arrest!

Told you to call someone to come get you, OP.


Keep us posted OP!
I'm routing for you buddy.
If you still have the chance GTFO!

bump to see what happens

I wonder if they are helping tow him out of the ditch?

Nigga if you hit someone you're fucked


>open door
>get out

whats the big deal?

Put twigs under your tires until they get traction and allow you to get on flat ground. The goal is simply to get back to the road. You can do it.

>they get my reg and licencse
OP is a criminal and a faggot

Enjoy your breakfast OP.

Stop jumping to conclusions, nobody's actually seen OP with a dick in his mouth. It's all just speculation.
