Waifu claiming thread

Waifu claiming thread.

>Claim your Waifu/Husbando
>No Claiming Waifus/Husbandos that have already been claimed
>No stealing (unless trips or more)
>No oversexualised content
>No RP of any kind (maybe some on occasion)
>Discussion is welcomed
>Insults must be original
>If you're posting images you're not lurking
>3D is almost always trash
>Joining means a reserved place in hell
>Most importantly, have fun!

Other urls found in this thread:


Add Nobody#5930 on discord
stop being gay
Avatarfags get out of my thread
hehe user you a real cutie~
Gas dogfuckers

Murder me yuno:

u talkin shit bout my waifu, sempai?
ill fuk u up faget


Well I'm going to go cuddle with juvia and sleep now
Nighty night everyone
>no life
>Juvia claimed
It was worth a try
I mean I'm not sure what you expected from me
Other than hang with friends and be outside. I'm not sure. We'll figure it out though


Claiming best girl

Watching these is so relaxing..

you make me feel good because you're to talk to

you have your own waifu :p

Even so, it still wont stop me.

Still here

well glad I can help
I know it wont so ill endure it

Krispy 'Kemi

Sounds fun. Goodnight Juvia.

>Implying she has a car

>Didn't get the 7s
Nevermind. :^)

>i want to be pure for mako
U wot?


yfw u post on wifu thread

If you want everyone to split up and leave I can arrange this.

I wouldn't say it has been. It has more or less been the same.
Sounds like quite the pain, just hope for the best for now. I've never had a problem like that, but I've just been lucky.

I'll get the 7 one day.

Aww, that sucks. But if you got some $$$ to spare I can recommend a few things. I also use a laptop as desktop would take too much space&power. And I'm still able to play For Honor or DS3 at high/ultra with at least 60fps :^)
You should really play the first one. The graphics got a little old since release but it still has some beautiful moments. Also best gameplay and most memorable characters there are. Lore is really strong, too. The second game is kinda meh imo, but a solid game, more dynamic PvP and really solid dlc, too.
Woah, that's kinda long. What got you to post here anyways?
Sadly I can't post that often, with school and all the stuff, got very little time nowadays...

so how long do you plan on staying in my friendzone?

mfw i waste my time spamming a avatarfag thread
you wish you was?

Shite, was ment to

yfw u r sachi

What do you mean?


I don't quite understand.

Haha c'mon now, you say that like it's such a pain do deal with~




yfw when sach i cannot beat u at shitposting


One day...


yfw u makoto and u try to pick up chicks (chicos) on a gay/trans anime meetup thread.

Yeah I have to

yfw u notices ur bulge oWo whats this.

Tomorrow maybe.

Shit nigga, I wish I was that cool!

Hol up fam nobody talkin shit

I think the theme of it is really cool, like the factions and the map and everything, it's super neat to me and that's what got my hyped.
HoN was pretty bad, yeah, but I'd say it wasn't worse than league, tbh, what do you think?
Kek, I mean which one?

I dunno, a little better I guess.
Good night.

All I do is R I P fam


Damn, I'm pretty jealous. I got like a gtx 960m on my laptop and it still fails on overwatch and GTA sometimes. Hmm, I think I might. I still have Transistor and the GTA campaign to finish though.
That and I almost always binge darkest dungeon when I have no internet. What's the download size like? I'm probably staying away from pvp anyhow.
I started posting when I came here to Lebanon, and the internet was unusable for games and I was feeling pretty lonely so I decided to talk to people here. Shiki really hates me for that, kek.
Do you go to school, or college?

Well I think we're all lucky in a way if you look at it like that, dess. They just put the little ethernet cable in, apparently they're going to install the routers next week.
Blegh. Whatever, honestly. I got a lot of exams next week too, one of the subjects is going to be really annoying.

sacho is my top nigga tbh


yfw u see charas noods


yfw u r tomoko

this isn't accurate -_-
old man

get off discord -_-

Okay that one was pretty funny



Which one?
Maybe it's a blessing in disguise, given that it cuts out that oftenly you don't really spend as much time on it and more time studying.
Like you should.

get on discord please

yfw u married a man but date a nigger.


I'm not on discord -_-


Ok -_-

I dont get it

forget it
you i shouldn't bother anyway, you belong to anya

mfw u try to talk shit and say that im cute but no u >~


Get off discord please

havent u seen that tomoko pic?
its a tomoko version of that and shes sitting on a branch or something.

yfw ur a sore butthrut loser and someone makes a valid point in an argument

Im just playing with you
I dont think I have no

Oh? And why's that?

yeah you wouldn't go for someone like me anyway

yfw when ur slacho o: and chen calls u out.


No -_-

Actually funny :o

The same reason you have to say it
Why do you think that?


i asked nicely

you're gay aren't you?

yfw u have no face but u put emoticon instead o:


I politely decline

yfw ur syndra and suck at shitposting so u only post this guy


why? -_-

Managerial finance, the calculations are really fucking annoying even though I get the logic of what's happening. It's just blegh overall. I hate finance so much.
And yeah, I probably do spend more time studying now that I don't have internet. That and working out, which is also good.
Maybe it is a blessing.

Not exactly. I wouldnt mind trying something with a guy but a woman seems more natural? I dont know its pretty weird to think about it


I'm talking to konata -_-

ah okay~


stop talking to him then -_-

did you get your 16 hours?

this is the pic, s-mug


No -_-

No :(

See, that wasn't so hard~.


why not?

how much did you get? :o

Tohka is love, Tohka is live

arby's tomoko used to post that, fucking love it kek


Yeah, the maps are gorgeous and really well done and characters each feel unique. Duels are the best. Like 3rd person slow paced 3D fighting game.
HoN was worse imo. Didn't really play it that much though, so maybe I just got bad matches.
Occasionally both.


Idk -_-

About 11 :(

Yeah pretty sure b makes everyone a little gay but ehh
Oh really old tomo uses that as a pic on steam if I recall
It was pretty hard dont lessen it


ok :o

go back to bed :o

Shite, I also got a gtx960m, so... What's your cpu and how much ram do you have? That might me the issue, because the graphics card is one of the strongest you can get on a laptop.
Well, that's some solid games you got there. And the download is around 50GB for DS3, took me a day to download it. And pvp is a meme anyway, aside from duels and fight clubs.
Well, glad you came along then and made some friends here. Maybe even something more then friends~~
Kinda hard to tell, the school system is pretty weird here. I'm 19 and study computer science (I think you can call it like that), so take a guess.

im not gay at all

Well, at least you admitted it, that's what's important.

So you agree i'm not? :o

Not ok -_-

No -_-

>im not gay at all

Shh just let me have an excuse
Yeah are you happy?

no i don't

why not

why not -_-

an excuse for being gay?

You said no though -_-


I'm still talking to Konata -_-

im not gay

Yes. Are you?

mash u are not a girl
kill urself

Those lyrics are some eccentric meme.

no i didn't

stop talking to him and go to bed -_-

Nothing dont worry about it
Im ok I guess


Stop lying -_-

Not ok

No -_-

kill myself?
do you have a computer?