I was born with one testicle. How do I deal with this mentally? I was lucky enough to also be born attractive, but I'd be lying if I said it hasn't fucked me up in the head to a certain point. I've been worth plenty of girls and all those who have noticed it haven't seemed to care. I have a pretty big dick so they just look the other way. It still bothers me though. I feel like a freak all the time. What can I do, guys?
I was born with one testicle. How do I deal with this mentally? I was lucky enough to also be born attractive...
>an ultra rare chubby mj has appeared
Make it your thing. Rename yourself something like One Ball Paul
Yea, I had a boyfriend like that. I called him the cycocks behind his back.
Im sorry I'm not helping
No offence mate but get over it, it's not an issue for your life or your partners so don't make it one.
You can get an implant if it's really fucking with you.
Don't really see why it's a big deal though.
I get it could mess with how you feel about yourself, but it's really not a thing. If it's some "I'm only half a man" shit then just realize that's stupid garbage.
You got u instead of w, whogivesafuck?
bitch please.
I was born with two testicles... and one ovary. When I was like 14, it turned out the ovary is working. I had to take estrogene blockers until the testosterone finally prevailed... so what?
Use it as your ice breaker
Go make your own thread, faggor
>not taking testosterone blockers to become a qt trap
Get a load of this guy
You should kill yourself.
tits or gtfo NOW you stupid worthless ugly whore
this, OP
might work
Lance Armstrong has one testicle.
could you get a prosthetic ball or something to boost confidence?
I automatically assume it's a fag unless he says otherwise
Surgery. They have implants for those who lost one testicle due to cancer.
Its basically a silicone ball.
Although you may feel it a bit strange, because you never had two balls in your sack.
That's what I worry about with the transplant. I was given the option to get one by my parents when I was 14. (Talk about an awkward conversation.) But I have always been afraid that it'll feel a lot tighter than usual down there or something like that. I'm to everything feeling nice and loose and just hanging there with no problems at all.
Just get a prostetic nut, dumbass.
A lot of people have them.
Used to*
freind had same prob, lost a nut in a hockey accident. got a fake nut now hes happy again.
>tits or gtfo NOW you stupid worthless ugly whore
Assuming this is a grill.
When its probably just a faggot.
@op, u can alwags get an implant if it's an issue for you. Bit i don't think anyone will care. Seriously.
I actually have the same thing. Although Mine was removed because it hadn't descended properly.. But basically as long as it all still works nobody gives a damn :)
I know man but I still hate it. Nobody I talked to about it has thought it mattered and none of my sexual partners have cared but it's not about what they think. It's and what I think, and I don't like it. I feel like I got the short end of the stick at birth. Like I was screwed by chance. Why did I have to be born this way? I know it could be so much worse like I could be starving or something but still. I just had to be born with this shit but still too well off to complain about it. And yet I do. I hate it.
wat ics im interested on how it looks
you were born attractive, you don't have phimosis and you claim your dick isn't catogorized as ''small'' but you are worried cuz everyone is 1 nut up on you. user i'm affraid to tell you but the doctors and i have concluded that after long and thourough research we have concluded you are a godamn retard and should leave Sup Forums forever. We would advice ending your life but please don't make it a quick exit, c;
I'll make it slow and painful just for you.
OP is a faggot
make up your mind, you want the second ball or not?
Not really I guess. I just hate having to explain it to everyone I fuck and then wait for a response.
Post balls and/or dick. Thanks.
Post ball* sorry, not ballS.
>My biggest emotion problem is one testicle
Reevaluate your life.
>big dick
>gets with lots of girl
the fuck is wrong with you dude
this goddamn better be a fucking troll post
Easy there, Matt. Your uni-ball is just perfect.
How is that so bad. If girls don't care you shouldn't either. If it bothers you so much get an implant.
Get a fake testicle.
I had a buddy that went with one nut for a few years after one got crushed in a bad biking accident. He got a fake, claims people can't tell the difference sans the fake one sags a little more than the real one.
post ballsack pics or G T F O
Somebody called me a normie. That's the nicest compliment I've received in awhile.
You only have one ball?
So if you fuck your gf, does your one ball overheat and cramp from overtime and hard work, trying to cum her hole?
could be worse
Stop being pessimistic, you were born with one, thats better than none, this way at least your body hasnt had any lack of T judging from the apparent size of your wang.
Nothing, you're a full retard. "I have this issue that doesn't affect me in any way, I can live a norml life and nobody seems to care but I have to keep telling myself that it's a serious issue and that I should kill myself."
On a serious note: quit the porn and masturbating for a while. That tends to help with lots of mental issues, self esteem issues and other shit you make up in your head, like what you just described.
hi ben
I had a testicle removed due to testicular torsion so suck on that bitch; hasn't bothered me one bit.
you're like the unicycle of men
Literally noone cares you have 1 ball and it literally doesn't affect you in any biologically significant way
Get the fuck over it or kill yourself.
Either way, get the fuck off of Sup Forums, faggot.