Would Sup Forums suck the blood from an aborted fetus if it extended your life by 5-10 years?

Would Sup Forums suck the blood from an aborted fetus if it extended your life by 5-10 years?

>dr deletus

Nigga I'd do it if it extended my life by one.

And thus Dr Deletus continued to annihilate fetuses for all time

haha nice meme lol

Pepsi Cola extends life even thou everybody wants a Coke?

Maybe if it prolonged my youth. Why would I want to be old and feeble for any longer than necessary?

I kinda want the opposite of that. Like something that gives me 0 years to live so no

hell yeah

Only if the extension is guaranteed (i.e. you drink the baby blood and it is impossible to die within the next five or ten years) I don't want my potential life capacity boosted from 75 years to 80 years and then die in a car crash at 30.


I would do nothing to extend my life, I can't wait until this life is over so I can go home where I belong

Dw when your muscles have deteriorated they will hook you up to a fetus juice iv so you can live for eternity

>something that gives me 0 years to live
Its called a noose, friendo

i dont even want to live much longer fuck that

I've already got that covered

I'd take a fucking steel super straw and suck the life juice out of a pre-aborted fetus for that.

I feel as though having scientists isolate whatever it was that extended your life and then mass producing it would be far easier.

Of course it will. Why would Sup Forums propose something that doesn't even work?


i dont even want the extended life, just let me suck that fetuses blood

nigga i want to die now

Then he'd float and negate the noose, dumbass.


Would be good but would of been slightly more effort than buying a trusty rope from amazon. The fail consequences are better too.


You're a pharm expert now? You think drinking fetus blood can directly extend your lifespan? Are you a fucking crackhead?


Only if it extended my young years not just add life

Stem cells. But you need to IV that.

Just another reason I am a coke zealot

This isnt true. they just used cultured cells to produce a chemical.

Only if I could chase it

> because that's not isolating that material...

I would, but only if it shortened my life by 5-10 Years

Try drinking bleach, it'll have pretty much the same effect

without a doubt.

I'm not one of those potatoes who believe in an afterlife, so if it would prolong my life I would drink the blood of a whole daycare.
Even living old and bed ridden is better than nothing at all, I can still play vidya in bed and if i'm in pain there are great drugs out there for that, hell I pay for drugs and just lay in bed in euphoria now, why not enjoy them for free when i'm old.

>Only if it extended my young years not just add life
Rethink your life.

Oh really, please elaborate cuz stem cells through Iv makes no sense.


Fetus blood is closer to that than yours.

no. but there is research showing large scale blood transfusions from young people into older people slows aging and improves health.

I can't make it to obvious or my life insurance won't pay..

Just shows how much better coke is

You'll be dead, you wont benefit from it

Do even know what that means? Kek
How are you trying to link fetus blood to life preservation? You're problem is you haven't gone through the schooling to determine these kinds of things (which aren't true)

Commenting, just in case someone screencaps and uploads it to fagdit.

I paid for that shit. I won't waste my money. Even if i'm dead.

Fetus blood doesn't work, that's why they reproduce things contained in it for research.

Never finishing research because increasing life expectancy isnt for poor who would this way just live forever aborting their fetuses.

Hidden truth that wont learn you at school.

>invite your annoying friend over that likes to pull pranks
>while he's round swap orange juice with bleach
>when he's gone drink 'orange juice '
>text a different friend saying you think annoying friend put laxative or something in orange juice
>when police read texts they think its a prank gone wrong

Storing Cord blood officially prolongs life expectancy but fetus doesn't?

What if I told you pharma can extend your life, not stem cell research.

They'll probably wriggle out of it another way and it'll be your fault for being dumb enough to use insurance companies

What if I told you both does. I am not talking about life but life expectancy. Stem reasearch actually kills me because I would be murdered knowing the truth.

I don't have any friends. But i guess i could get something like this to work by going into a bar. Thanks for the idea!

Study physics
Work in nuclear powerplant
Pull out the rods

You still get paid.

California voters in November 2015 approved Proposition 71, creating a US$3 billion state taxpayer-funded institute for stem cell research, the California Institute for Regenerative Medicine. It hopes to provide $300 million a year. However, as of June 6, 2016 , there were delays in the implementation of the California program and it is believed that the delays will continue for the significant future. [6] On July 21, 2006, Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger (R-Calif.) authorized $150 million in loans to the Institute in an attempt to jump start the process of funding this fucking niggerfaggotry.

Why would I want to live longer

Good. Stem cell research will provide humanity many benefits

It's not successful now and will never be.

Of course there was delay, because there is already use for that blood... Also research is never finished, since they found research, not it end products... You as sciencist have more power hiding your discoveries in front of this capitalism.

Sure, who the fuck would let poor people know they have a cure?

Think of how many current drugs that keep people alive. Are you a fucking retard?

Have you never watched family guy when Peter gets stem cell treatment?

A cure for what exactly mr fucking know it all?


>never watched
You a feisty lil thang.


and be addicted to blood?

>ud be damning yourself for the rest of your life.

just quit smoking and eating dead things

This. Especially with the feminists and mudslimes actively trying to ruin everything.

Tell you what,
I'd crack open a fetus and drink its blood straight from the tap if it would destroy humanity so I could be left the fuck alone with some peace and goddamned quiet.

I know ur trollin in that bait but
Wow!? A cure for death. Do you know of any drugs that are an actual cure to something ? (Not saying they don't exist)

I would fuckin do that shit with shots, easy question

What kind of inside info of that shit even going on still? Take a fuckin hike kid.

I would not.. dont want to live more then im going to with this crappy life.

Taking u a long time to answer isn't it?

You sound depressed take some antis my dude.

Heroin is cure for pain. ie

i mean i'd rather die at 90 than 100 if im a frail old man

how much

would there be side effects?

Pills wont help if the root of problem still exist just mask it.

You sound like you know a lot about it. What drugs mask problems these days?

i would eat them ffs, i would life forever or eating little shits

Personally I'm not interessed as my actual life is, but if it work I' don't think most people will find any issue in it due the abbundance of useless nigroes and indians