What does Sup Forums think would happen if this guy was president?

What does Sup Forums think would happen if this guy was president?



shit would implode

Fucking moron. I'm not even a fan of Bernie Sanders at all, but you are so far off the mark, I can't believe you've never had what communism is explained to you.

Fuck you for existing you fucking dunce.

We'd be in the midst of WW3 after this Jew kike fucks with Russia or any Middle Eastern country

An Obama-like.

>Fucks with russia

Where's your confidence in the USA you fucking commie?

we work be making progress finally

Suicide by gunshot to the back of the head

Go back to tumblr plz

Nothing, because the president is just a powerless figurehead to distract the people

We would be moving towards the world of Star Trek instead of careening into 1984.

nah we would have stagnated under him, because communism

We would be getting on track towards sustainability, economically, socially and ecologically.

We would become the softest nation in existence.

>Spews rhetoric of Socialism
>Capitalists love sports cars and three mortgages
>Do as I say, not as I do

Our country would fail in every aspect. Fucking filthy socialist jew.

We'd be Venezuela 2.0
...or Cuba 2.0
...or USSR 2.0.

Take your pick. Fucking white-haired bozo never had a job himself until he was, what, 40?

I would quit working and just let this system collapse so we can kill and weed out the niggers

Who knows

Never would have happened. The democrats did everything short of shooting him in the head to make sure he wouldn't be their candidate . He never had a shot, They ordained Hillary from the time she announced and the rest was smoke and mirrors, but even states that she lost she walked away with more candidates because the democrats thought that as long as the dem voter THOUGHT they had a choice or could cast a ballot in some way they would be too stupid to figure out it didn't matter.


Large bread lines, starvation, and an eventual storming of the White House where he would be hung from a flagpole.


It didn't help that he pulled a classic jew and sold out for a new lake home.


This will be happening as a result of any of Trump's coming policy changes and when it does happen and you're forced to leave your basement for once to stand in line for bread I'm going to shit on your chest in a display of showboating

Prove it bitch or you're just another salty faggot who's disappointed he can't piss in a woman's bathroom with your tiny manlet dick.

Being that Bernie is a sellout, it would not make any different if he is president. We all know the same people that fund the DNC will make him do what they want. Trump is far the better candidate because he has no one to control him or pay him millions in favor. The guy has it all so his focus is the American people, so those illegal, welfare loving fucks hate him because they now get to work.

>bernie then rolls over and sucks Hillary's cock. Ignores all the criminal shit she does and is actively supporting protests that destroy and hurt american businesses

Bernie is a spineless cuck who took cock and loves it from someone who sabotaged his campaign.

>people actually believe this

Yeah, you clearly aren't. Just a defender of the weak and poor

He was threatened.

>people actually believe that people actually believe this